
chapter thirteen

In the early morning, Su Xia was awakened by the alarm clock. She turned it off and continued to lie in bed. Suddenly, she sat up, remembering that she had to go to the police station to ask about Xia Tian. She quickly got out of bed and went to wash up.

In the bathroom, Su Xia was washing her face when the doorbell rang. She quickly dried her face and ran to open the door. "Coming! Who is it?"

Opening the door, Su Xia's smile from just now disappeared, replaced by a calm expression. She asked, "Why are you here? Is there something you need?"

The middle-aged woman standing outside the door spoke slowly and cautiously, "I came to see you." She waved the food container in her hand in front of Su Xia's eyes. "I made your favorite dishes and dumplings."

Su Xia looked at her coldly. "I've already eaten. Please go back. I have to go to work soon and can't keep you."

"I heard from Yu Nan that you're on vacation, so I wanted to spend some more time with you, Xia Xia." The middle-aged woman's voice choked up, sounding somewhat pitiful.

Su Xia's heart trembled. Could it be that this woman, who had been somewhat overbearing in the past, could now say such things? Su Xia moved aside to let her in.

She was Su Xia's mother. Su Mother went straight to the kitchen to get bowls and chopsticks, then came to the table to set the food. She called out to Su Xia, "Come and eat. It'll get cold soon."

Su Xia closed the door and sat down at the table, taking the chopsticks Su Mother handed her. She looked at Su Mother, noticing that there were already some white hairs on her head, and her face had some wrinkles.

"Why are you staring at me? Eat quickly."

Su Xia came back to her senses and started eating. The taste was still the same, reminding her of how much Dad also liked it. Thinking of Dad, Su Xia couldn't help but say in a bad tone, "You should go back! I really have something to do later."

Su Mother didn't say anything, just nodded, picked up her bag, and was about to leave. Just as she opened the door, she seemed to remember something and turned back, saying, "Remember to eat every meal. Don't skip meals when you're busy."

Su Xia didn't look up or respond. She heard the sound of the security door closing, looked up at the door, then lowered her head and continued eating.

After finishing her meal and cleaning up the table, Su Xia changed her clothes, grabbed her phone, and bag, and left the house.

She arrived at the police station and found the same officer as last time. She went around the desk and sat down on a chair next to it, asking, "Hello, officer, I was here last time." The officer frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Ah, yes, there's still no news, no one has reported missing."

Su Xia was anxious. "What! How is that possible! It's been almost a month, and he's about to be discharged from the hospital!"

The officer asked, "About to be discharged? Doesn't he remember anything himself?"

"If he could remember, why would I come to you! What should I do now!"

The officer said, "Could he be an orphan? Otherwise, why hasn't anyone come to look for him?"

"An orphan?" Su Xia muttered to herself. "Could it be true? That he's really an orphan? Then where will he go after he's discharged?"

"Take care of him for now. We'll inform you immediately if there's any news."

"Me! Take care of him! Bring him to my house?"

"Then where else can he go? He doesn't remember anything. How about the social welfare institute? No, it won't work?" The officer said helplessly.

"Why won't it work?" Su Xia hurriedly asked.

"He's an adult, they won't take him in."

"Then let him stay at my place for now."

The image of Xia Tian sitting in her house appeared in Su Xia's mind, and she shook her head. "Then he'll stay with me for now. Just let me know as soon as there's any news, okay? Thank you."

"Okay, don't worry. We'll inform you immediately if there's any news."

Su Xia left the police station and drove to the hospital. Pushing open the ward door, she saw Xia Tian receiving an IV drip. Xia Tian saw Su Xia and immediately smiled at her, waiting for Su Xia to come to him.

Su Xia was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk. She just nodded casually, sat on the small chair beside him, took out her laptop, and started working on the task from last night.

Summer was somewhat disappointed, but more puzzled. Normally, Su Xia would have said a few words to him first when she came, but what was going on today? He suddenly remembered that Su Xia had said yesterday that she would go to the police station before coming to the hospital. Seeing Su Xia's expression, it seemed that she hadn't gained anything. Thinking of this, Xia Tian twitched his mouth slightly, feeling somewhat fortunate.

Su Xia, who was busy typing with her head down, didn't notice that Xia Tian on the hospital bed had been staring at her intently, as if she were a particularly precious treasure, and he couldn't get enough of looking at her.