
chapter fourteen

In the afternoon, the nurse came in to remove Xia Tian's IV. She looked a bit embarrassed as she glanced at Xia Tian and said, "The doctor said you can be discharged tomorrow."

Xia Tian's gaze shifted away from Su Xia and nodded slightly at the nurse.

"Tomorrow after the IV is removed, I can be discharged?" Su Xia quickly asked, approaching the nurse.

The nurse nodded affirmatively, "Yes! Your boyfriend is recovering well, so he can be discharged early!"

"Oh! Thank you all so much."

"You're welcome, it's our pleasure. I have to go busy myself now."

"Sure, go ahead and take care of your tasks first..."

Su Xia escorted the nurse out of the ward and then returned to her seat to continue her work. Xia Tian didn't know what to say. Seeing Su Xia's expression and knowing that she was in a bad mood, he could only sit quietly on the hospital bed, glancing at Su Xia from time to time.

As the sky grew dark, Su Xia finally closed her laptop, stood up, rubbed her sore waist, and walked to Xia Tian's side. She said, "I've ordered takeout for you, it should be arriving soon. Remember to eat. I'll come to pick you up tomorrow when you're discharged."

Xia Tian immediately nodded and grabbed Su Xia's hand, then turned and picked up a pen, quickly writing a few words and handing the notebook to Su Xia.

Su Xia took the notebook and read, "Don't be upset, I will remember, and I won't cause you trouble." Su Xia looked at these words and suddenly realized that she hadn't spoken to him until just now, which made her feel a bit complicated.

"I'm not upset. I just didn't talk because I worked late last night and was tired. I just need to rest and I'll be fine. Don't worry too much. After we finish eating, you should rest well. You'll be discharged tomorrow, right?" Su Xia hurriedly explained.

Xia Tian took the pen again and wrote, "As long as you don't dislike me, that's good. Be safe on your way here tomorrow." He handed the notebook to Su Xia, looking hopeful.

Su Xia read the words and handed the notebook back to Xia Tian, smiling. "Okay, rest early. I'll see you tomorrow."

Xia Tian nodded several times, watching Su Xia leave.

When she arrived home, Su Xia put her bag and computer on the sofa, then went straight to the bedroom to take a shower with her pajamas.

After coming out of the bathroom and blow-drying her hair, she didn't eat, just sat on the sofa with her computer and started working on her task again.

After some time passed, Su Xia put down her computer and went into the bedroom to rest. She was really exhausted and fell asleep as soon as she lay down.

The next morning, Su Xia tidied up quickly and drove to the hospital. She bought breakfast for Xia Tian on the way. While listening to the radio in the car, the car happened to stall. Su Xia calmly turned on the turn signal and, using the remaining power of the car, slowly moved to the side of the road.

After the car stopped, Su Xia got out and calmly called the towing company. She was used to this little car of hers, which seemed to "act up" every now and then.

When the towing company arrived, they towed Su Xia's car to the 4S shop. A young man recognized Su Xia at a glance when she came out. To them, Su Xia was so familiar that they couldn't be more familiar. He smiled and said, "Su Xia, long time no see!"

"Yeah, long time no see. Hurry up, I have things to do."

"Sure! You can wait in the lounge. I'll check what's wrong with the car first."

"Okay, thank you." Su Xia went to the lounge. She had planned to change her car at the end of the year. But unexpectedly, she encountered Xia Tian, which made Su Xia, who was already not well-off, suddenly back to square one. There was no choice but to fix it and continue driving.

She comforted herself that this car was actually pretty good, it just had a knack for acting up...