
Chapter Fifteen

In the hospital, Xia Tian woke up early and started packing his things. He would occasionally glance at the ward door, thinking that Su Xia would come to pick him up soon, a smile of anticipation appearing on his face.

Meanwhile, Su Xia's car was still being repaired, so she opened her laptop and continued working on her task.

After some time, Su Xia looked up and saw that the staff at the 4S shop were having lunch. She checked her watch and realized it was already noon. She closed her laptop and went to check if her car was ready.

At the hospital, the nurse removed the stitches from Xia Tian's head wound and reminded him, "Be sure to take care of it when you get home. Don't let the wound get wet, or it may get infected. Remember to come to the hospital for regular check-ups." After speaking, she packed up and left the ward.

Xia Tian wrote down everything the nurse said in his notebook and sat on a chair not far from the bed, staring blankly at the door.

In the afternoon, Xia Tian, who hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch, felt a bit hungry. He took a cup and went to the hot water room to get some hot water. He quickly returned to the ward, afraid that Su Xia would not be able to find him when she arrived.

Hurrying back to the ward, he opened the door and looked around. Su Xia had not arrived yet.

A man of about the same age who was in the same ward joked with Xia Tian, "You're so anxious! What's the rush? I bet your girlfriend won't come. She probably doesn't want you anymore. Look!" He pointed to the clock on his phone. "It's already this late!"

The man's accompanying person saw that Xia Tian's face, which had been gentle just now, suddenly turned cold and expressionless. He quickly said, "Don't listen to him. Maybe your girlfriend ran into something and will come later. Don't worry."

The man was a little dissatisfied and said, "What's that supposed to mean? I think..."

"Alright, stop it!" The man's words were interrupted before he could finish.

Unintentionally, Xia Tian kept hearing the man's words in his mind: "Your girlfriend probably won't come. She doesn't want you anymore." He also recalled Su Xia's words before leaving yesterday: "I'll come to pick you up tomorrow." He kept reassuring himself, "She will come. She must have been delayed by something. She promised herself she would come to pick me up from the hospital. She also said she wouldn't dislike me."

After taking a sip of water, Xia Tian stood up and started packing his things. After packing everything, Su Xia still hadn't arrived. Xia Tian sat on the bed, motionless, staring blankly out the window.

At this moment, the door of the ward was opened. Xia Tian heard the movement and immediately turned his head. However, his smile gradually disappeared as the person who walked in was not Su Xia. Xia Tian blinked in disappointment, turned his head back, and continued to gaze out of the window at the sky.

It was now approaching evening, and the orange-yellow sunlight shone on Xia Tian's handsome profile. Sitting motionless, Xia Tian seemed to be frozen in time, appearing somewhat lonely and sad.

With a loud bang, the door of the ward was pushed open again, and a panting person walked in. Approaching Xia Tian from behind, the apologetic voice said, "I'm sorry I'm late! Here you go!" He handed a large loaf of bread to Xia Tian.

Upon hearing the voice, Xia Tian quickly turned his head and smiled when he saw who it was. At this moment, Xia Tian no longer had the aloof and distant demeanor from before; he was now as happy as a child.

"Why are you smiling like that? Take it and eat quickly! There's no proper meal at this time, so just make do with this." Su Xia said, feeling a bit guilty.

Xia Tian took the bread, put it down, picked up a pen and notebook, and quickly wrote something. After finishing, he handed it to Su Xia. It read, "I'm glad you're here. I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Su Xia read it and then turned to Xia Tian, saying seriously, "What are you talking about? Who wouldn't want you? I've wanted you even before you recovered your memory. Don't think too much. I was just getting the car fixed."

Seeing Xia Tian looking at her with confusion, Su Xia explained, "My old car broke down again. It just got fixed. I'm sorry for being late."

Xia Tian quickly shook his head. He knew that complaining now was useless. All he felt was happiness and joy.

"What are you looking at? Eat quickly. I'll go arrange for your discharge. We'll go home later." Su Xia said, then walked out of the ward, while Xia Tian watched her leave with eyes full of tenderness.