
Invitation [1]


I held Noctis tight in my embrace. Through my embrace I could feel him trembling, even, if it was only subtle. His mind was a train wreck, memories of his family dying and even his own death; worst of all – he can't even remember the names of his family.

I would embrace him for hours if necessary. He's been through too much, right now he needs someone who can hold him – someone who can love him.

At this thought, I felt my face burn up and I physically shook my head to stop these embarrassing thoughts. 'I'm Teyvat's best parent this is just platonic' I assured myself.

Looking down to Noctis I noticed he had fallen asleep while resting his head on me. I loosened my embrace, as to not make him uncomfortable while he gets his well deserved rest.

He had finally stopped trembling. Seeing him in such a peaceful state, my hand instinctively moved to his platinum-white hair. His hair was extremely long, and silky-smooth; before I new it I had begun stroking his hair rhythmically.

His hair, despite being so long, was perfectly kept and my fingers didn't find a single knot in his hair as they repeatedly traced through it, from root to end. Being this close I could also see all of his facial features perfectly. His skin was without any blemishes or scarring and his eyelashes carried the same beautifully-bright white as his hair.

 Before he began to wake, I had stayed with him resting on me for what felt like hours. I thought I may end up being their for an eternity. Though one thing was for certain – an eternity like that would be one worth waiting in.

"-Ino,-Cchino? Arlecchino?" I was drawn, back to the real world, from my tranquil thoughts by a voice so calm and soothing I felt just hearing it could rid any headache.

"Sorry, I just zoned out for a second." I said as I looked up towards Noctis, as I stared into his deep, alluring-amethyst eyes my mind began to wonder.

After seeing so many horrid things and living for thousands of years in this hellish world – he still holds such beautiful and etheric eyes. His eyes – windows to the countless nebula high in the sky above.

"No worries." He paused for a second to let out a light yawn while leaning in a more comfortable position on my lap. "I just think I heard someone knock on the door.

"Someone knocking? At this hour..?" I asked and Noctis quickly responded. "I'm 98% sure I'm not hallucinating." I let out a sigh.

"You have to move.." His face saddened a little, the smallest change in expression – yet still it pulled on my heart so deeply.

"Why?" his response was short and his tone carried and visible sadness. Who would've expected one of the great sovereigns could be so love deprived.

"So I can get the door..?" his expression went blank as he seemed to slowly realise his overreaction.

"Ah.. Well just don't be long!" He moved his head onto one of the pillows of the bed and I stood up and walk towards the door.

When I opened the door I was greeted by a Melusine. The Melsuine wasted no time, they handed me a letter and trotted off someplace else, probably to go and do another duty.

I drew my gaze to the letter I was handed. It was in a simple envelope and had a blue-wax seal with the design of the Hydro element. 'Something from Palais Marmomia?'

I cracked the seal of the letter and pulled out the contents.


Dear Knave of The Fatui

I  Neuvilette, Iedux of Fontaine are writing to inform you that The Hydro Archon of Fontaine Furina de Fontaine, wishes to meet in person.

She has also told me to inform you that your fellow Harbinger colleague 'Noctis' is welcome also. I hope that you can find time to accept her request. The meeting will be scheduled for tomorrow morning.

I hope that you can find it in your good will to not be too hard on her, for some reason she seems extremely nervous around you. However, she won't explain why.





Arlecchino was taking a while, so I shuffled up from my comfortable position and looked towards her from the bed.

The moonlight glistened from the window highlighting her perfect body. Not even realising it I had begun to trace her body from top to bottom I felt my face flush with heat, her voluptuous figure worked like a spell entrancing me and trapping my gaze onto her.

My gaze snapped onto the letter in her hands and then her face. Her expression was thoughtful and her crimson-crossed eyes gleamed with a cunning intrigue.

"What's that?" I called out towards her. "An invitation" she simply stated as her cunning scrutiny became a cunning smile. "From who?" I said blankly

"Our dearest Hydro Archon." My eyes widened slightly. It was a surprise to me that Furina would invite Arlecchino to a meeting when she hardly talked during the first one. She was so nervous but it seems she built some courage.

"It also states your invited."  I released and exasperated sigh at the thought of another meeting. There has been so many meetings. When will I actually get to do

something more entertaining...

"You know I'm going to regret saying this but – I wish Childe was here." The corner of Arlecchino's cheek lifted in a small smirk as she questioned me, "and why's that?"

"I really miss his relentless onslaught of spar requests..." Arlecchino light chuckled while holding her hand too her mouth. "Is the great Sovereign of Electro getting bored? She said mischievously. "I thought he had lived for thousands of years, should he not have the patience for a few days?"

I smirked in response to her teasing, "probably, but reminiscing about my good friend Phanes has left me with some pent up aggression that I want to get rid of."

"I don't blame you. After the atrocities you had to witness – I'm surprised you're still sane." Her tone was slightly downcast, she was probably not sure if it was too soon to mention my past yet.

"Thanks for the compliment, I suppose..? Its late and our meeting is early morning." A mischievous smirk crept onto her face and her crimson eyes gleamed with superiority. "Do you want to continue resting on my thighs?" She looked down on me as she spoke and smiled evilly. I couldn't hold back the deep crimson which rushed into my cheeks, I quickly looked away and spoke in a muffled voice.

"I mean I wouldn't mind it..?" she smiled once more and spoke.

"Come here Nocits." She pat her lap and I slowly rested my head down on it. I couldn't help but blush as I tried to sleep. As my head rested on one of the most comfortable 'pillows', my mind began to wonder to Arlecchino herself.

Thinking of her my heart began to race and I could feel it pounding in my head. Had I actually fallen for a mortal? A human no less?

Sure humans so far are great but there lifespans are just so short. Maybe it will be different though, she is a harbinger after all. Something about her is also a bit inhumane. So, maybe there is a chance...

At that though I had fallen asleep.


I walked into the meeting room behind Arlecchino. Sitting at a table behind an array of snacks, nearly taller than themselves was the Archon herself, Lady Furina.

"Hey Lady Furina!" I shouted out with an enthusiastic wave. Today was a particularly good day. I suppose I just got a good night's sleep.

Furina looked at me and then Arlecchino, she was noticeably fidgety and also couldn't make eye contact with Arlecchino whatsoever. Her gaze landed on me and she seemed to zone out for a while before speaking.

"Such beautiful eyes..." at this Arlecchino stomped her heel and glared at Furina. Furina seemed to panic and now she can't hold eye contact with me anymore. I wonder why Arlecchino got mad..?

"Well, thanks for the compliment..." She spoke up and her tone bugged me a bit, but I chose to ignore it. "Of course I would compliment you! As the Archon of the greatest element I must compliment you peasants when I recognise actual beauty!" Sounds like a spoilt brat.

Maybe Fontaine is screwed. Could this Archon have really prepared any counter measures for the prophecy, at all.

"Ehem! We are just waiting for two special guests who should be arriving shortly." I listened with genuine intrigue while Arlecchino seemed impassive as she took a snack for the plethora or desserts. "This specific guest is quite well known, maybe the second most well known person in Teyvat!"

"For real? Who would the first be?" My knowledge on who the popular humans were was still low so it would be good to know. "Well, me of course!" her bratty tone was back and it was ten times worse.

I looked over to Arlecchino, she was enjoying a biscuit and some tea while just watching mine and Furina's discussion. 'Wish I had my priorities set straight like her. Eating a biscuit while she should be trying to stop a prophecy from killing everyone. I ain't even being sarcastic'


After about 5 minutes of small talk with Furina I hear the door creak open.  I turn behind me and see a girl, not too short, with short-blonde hair. Her eyes were a bright gold and she an unfamiliar flower in her hair. She wore a white dress with gold and black accents here and there.

Behind her, slowly floating along was an odd fairy with a similar white hair to mine. In their white hair was a black hair pin, and floating above the head was a rose-gold crown. Her clothes were white with rose-gold embroidery.

My eyes were drawn to a symbol drawn on her clothes, an upside-down triquetra. Memories of my family dying flashed before me, memories of Phanes.

In a massive burst of Electro, which shook the room, I had forged a sword out or electro and aimed a slice at the fairy.  The attack was incredibly fast, yet I was met with a large amount of resistance. When the dust cloud cleared I saw a blade resisting my own.

The sword was simple, made of plain steel and completely dull. Yet it somehow blocked my attack with ease?

I twisted my body around and slammed my hand down leaving a slash in the fabric of the world behind. The person on the other end of the attack was none other than the blonde girl.

And she was fighting back with a dull blade.

She pulled back her sword and quickly aimed a slash at my ribs. I had to admit her speed was impressive, but I'm not here for her.

I dodged the attack and targeted the fairy with a beam of concentrated electro energy. The blonde girl jumped in front of the fairy, milliseconds before it would've made contact, she used her sword to deflect the beam to another part of the room in the process blasting a hole straight through the thick walls.

The girl stayed in front of the fairy still defending it despite the danger. Why must this person have a death wish...

"I request you move. I only want your fairy pet." My voice was filled was malice and I could feel It cracking in anger. In the corner of the room I could see Arlecchino who seemed impassive of the situation, in the other corner was Furina, acting as a complete opposite to Arlecchino.

"What do you want from paimon!?" The girl stood before the fairy and aimed her sword at me. She was focused, so much so she hadn't taken her eye off me for a second.

Too bad that isn't enough.

Electro energy burst throughout my body and I appeared behind the blonde girl grabbing her by the neck and sending electro energy from my hands directly into her neck.

She squirmed and writhed in agony, and for a second I had found myself lost in ecstasy as she struggled to escape. It felt like I had finally found some sort or revenge for my family.

(A/N) I thought it would be best to split this into two parts.

This means you have to wait a bit longer...

Very sorry

Anyway! Hope you enjoyed the chapter