A simple story about a certain person that took the role of sixth harbinger, a slot that has been open for as long as everybody can remember. This certain person will have to soon partake in a mission with a particular harbinger that they never got along with.
His amethyst eyes gleamed balefully, his pupils, two thin black slits. his cold hands wrapped around my neck in a tight grasp, an embrace from death himself. Before I could even think about trying to escape shocking currents of lightning attacked my neck.
The pain was unbearable, like thousands of needles were being stabbed into my neck at all times. I tried to escape but to avail.
This person was just too powerful.
Breathing became tedious and I could feel my eyelids becoming heavy, I staggered and tried to fight against the pain. If I were to fade out now it would be over. My journey would've been for nothing...
I had to stay awake.
The output of Electro was increasing by the second and the scent of sizzling flesh filled the room – in this man's hands I was nothing but an insect.
Through the sound of my heart pounding in my head were the clacks of high heels. Standing behind the person choking me was a woman with crimson eyes.
Her face was stern and she seemed annoyed rather than anything. I watched through squinted eyes as she pulled back her arm and slapped the person choking me round the back of the head.
Upon contact of the slap the pressure on my neck instantly disappeared and I fell to the floor with a large,
The amethyst-eyed man slowly turned around to the gothic woman, Upon seeing her stern and irritated expression the electrifying aura dissipated.
"Noctis what are you thinking! Did you not hear Furina, this is a guest!" In response Noctis took a deep breathe and he turned back to me. His eyes were no longer filled with malice but instead regret.
He knelt down and got closer to me. On instinct alone I scurried backwards, The pain in my neck was still blatant and I didn't want it to happen again.
"I'm very sorry... I know that isn't enough but please let me help you." He begun to come closer once more, I was weary but didn't move away. The expression on his face was so soft, so sad.
He traced his hand along my neck, leaving in its path a much more serene Electro. This energy seemed to dance around my wounded neck and within seconds I could feel the agony subsiding. "I overreacted because your companion reminded me of someone, bad memories."
Paimon who laying next to me sobbing looked towards Noctis. She whipped away tears and her expression switched from sorrow to anger. "You're telling Paimon you attacked us because I remind you of someone!"
"Yes..." Noctis looked down to the floor in deep repentance, it was clear to me he wasn't going to be aggressive from now on but I still need to be cautious.
I could've died after all.
Paimon crossed her arms in a pout probably trying to think of an ugly nickname for her new most hated person...
Noctis held out his hand and I took it, he pulled me up from the floor and even wiped some dirt off of my clothes. Without paying me much mind he turned back to the gothic woman.
"I'm so sorry Arlecchino." Arlecchino's eyes bore into Noctis, her wrath was blatant. Noctis seemed scared? "Although I don't fully respect her she is still the Archon, So say sorry to Furina aswell."
Without any hesitation Noctis spun around to Furina who was cowering behind a bookshelf and bowed. "I am very sorry for my disturbance Lady Furina."
Furina let out a pretentious laugh before speaking. "My oh my! That was quite the show indeed. I enjoyed it gratefully." We not gonna mention how she was hiding the entire time?
"If everything is sorted now I believe we should get into the introductions." Arlecchino spoke as she took a seat on the sofa. How did it not get destroyed in all that chaos?
Noctis sat next to Arlecchino silently, he was staring down Paimon curiously. Furina sat down and so did I, next to her of course. Neuvilette asked me to protect Furina... I don't think he expected someone like Noctis to be here.
Now that I think about it something is similar between those two. For one their incredible strength. Neuvilette was able to one shot Childe in his foul-legacy and Noctis could've easily killed me.
Another thing, Neuvilette used the Hydro element but I never saw his vision. Its the same with Noctis, could they know each other somehow? Maybe I should ask?
"Uhm- Noctis?" Noctis hummed curiously in response and brought his gaze from Paimon to me. "Is something the matter?"
"No everything is fine I just wanted to ask you a question that's all.." Noctis nodded and gestured for me to continue.
"Well I was wondering if you knew Iedux Nevuilette?" Noctis gaze shifted to confusion, along with Arlecchino's. Furina also stopped eating her cake and started with intrigue.
"What makes you assume that?" He asked curiously. "Well for one, you're both extremely powerful." Noctis nodded and seemed to have no questions so I continued, "and you both used an element but I don't see any vision on you."
Arlecchino and Noctis turned to each other and seemed to communicate something I couldn't understand. Noctis then turned back to me with a wide smile on his face. "is that so?" Furina, Paimon and I all shared a look of bewilderment.
"Well, to answer your question – No I don't personally know Neuvilette. But it seems I might have to get to know him." Paimon put her hands on her head as if she was going crazy.
"That doesn't answer anything you're just confusing Paimon even more!" I chuckled lightly at Paimons reaction. She was right though things were starting to get really confusing..
"Enough questions you should all introduce yourselves!" Furina shouted.
"Very, I assume these two are the accomplished traveller and her, fairy." Arlecchino spoke up confidently.
"I am Lumine and this is Paimon. My emergency food." I kept my answer short and simple but I still had to annoy Paimon.
"Paimon is Paimon!"
"Oh! So your the Traveller that Childe keeps talking about." Noctis exclaimed with a wide grin
"Childe mentions me?"
"All the time." The both answered in unison. Thinking about how Childe always mentions me I felt my face warm up a bit.
"it's kind of annoying really.." Noctis said with a sigh as he seemed to recollect something. "Does he always ask to fight you as well?" In response I nodded violently finally finding something in common with Noctis.
"Always! Anytime I invite him on a journey he asks to spar!" Noctis rolled him eyes and laughed. "He's so bothersome.." I felt the smile on my face slowly fade away as I thought about where Childe could be right now.
Furina and Arlecchino continued on their intense meeting, which consisted of Arlecchino basically bullying Furina while me and Noctis continued discussing a Childe and his multiple feats of stupidity.
Paimon spent her time in the meeting enjoying all the different snacks which were laid out. Noctis was surprised by her unholy appetite but didn't mention it to her.
Probably out of fear she'd eat him next.
Arlecchino's 'argument', 'debate', I don't know how to explain it, with Furina was beginning to get heated. Arlecchino was calling put Furina for lazing around doing nothing to prevent the prophecy. Furina couldn't really rebuke and was just sat stuttering and tripping over her words.
The Traveller and I were watching this like it was some kind of drama show. But in a twist neither of us seemed to expect – Furina had gained some courage and was arguing against Arlecchino. It was quite impressive. She assures Arlecchino Fontaine will be saved.
From my gaze I could tell that even the Traveller, Lumine was impressed.
Arlecchino seemed un-phased and put even more pressure on the poor girl. She wouldn't be able to hold this up for too much longer.
I do respect her confidence though.
Arlecchino wasn't buying any of Furina's lies and begins to expose her. She exolained how she had no control over the Indemnitium forged by the Oratrice.
I noticed that Arlecchino kept pushing sarcasm whenever she said 'Oh great Hydro Archon' and every time she did Furina would seem to be more nervous.
"More cake anyway" Said Arlecchino.
'The switch up is crazy' I thought as I watched her go from arguing with Furina to kind mother. I'm sure my she noticed my blank stare.
She turned to me and tilted her head in confusion, "What? I heard the Traveller was recently commissioned to handle a few matters on the behalf of Iedux Neuvilette." She paused for a moment and then looked back at the Traveller. "They should take an extra slice of cake."
"This your parental instincts or something?" Arlecchino looked back at me with a rather unamused expression, "those who work hard deserve gratitude and praise."
"Paimom too." She quickly added giving a very small smile to her. "Er- Thanks, I will take you up on that offer." Paimon takes a slice from the plate and practically inhales it.
"I'm pretty sure that should be considered a skill" I muttered to myself.
Arlecchino changed the subject to less serious matters and overtime the atmosphere become more relaxed. The Traveller, Paimon and Furina all seemed a lot more relaxed than they were before. Though Lumine still seemed wary of me.
It is understandable...
"It's getting late, why don't we call it a day? I still have a few matters to take care of, so I must take my leave." Arlecchino stated.
"Huh? We do?" I responded.
"Why yes, I must deliver a letter to Childe's sister." I sighed in boredom at her response. 'When will I get to do something interesting' and then a light bulb went off.
"Actually if its alright with the Traveller I think I will help them out with whatever they're doing after this. A way to apologise." Arlecchino gave me a blank stare, she definitely didn't buy that excuses at all.
"Fine, I understand you do need to earn your forgiveness after all." She looked over to Lumine before continuing, "if its alright with you dear." Lumine was wary and she hesitated for a while but surprisingly she agreed to have me come along.
The Traveller seems to always get stuck in some sort of problem maybe something interesting can finally happen.
"Well, before the two of you leave would you mind seeing me off?"
"of course" Lumine responded with a little less hesitance than when she let me join her. 'Favouritism' I thought.
We walked together to the entrance of the Opera Epiclese. Arlecchino, thanked the Traveller for helping Lyney, Lynette and Freminet. She also expressed her opinions on Furina and asked the Traveller about her own.
I found it kinda funny how she just explains to the Traveller how she basically jumped Furina to find out she had no Gnosis...
The Traveller was surprised and Paimon even more so, but other than that they didn't seem to care really.
Arlecchino then begins to explain who she once though Neuvilette was the Archon but then thought he wasn't.
I want out of the boring talk!
From the corner or my eye I spot Neuvilette walking towards us. Arlecchino also notices and decides its time she took her leave.
"Be back soon." I said, waving off Arlecchino.
"Aw so you'll miss me huh?" I froze in my speech and felt the warm blush crawl up my face.
Fuck it, own it..
"Hell yeah I will, my time in Fontaine had been great, and mostly thanks to you." Arlecchino stuttered and in a rare occurrence she seemed embarrassed. Her cheeks had the tiniest tint of pink. "Whatever.." and she took her leave.
"It seems the meeting went well." I looked at Lumine and Paimon who were sharing a gaze as if saying "Well..." I suppose that's mainly my fault. Neuvilette spoke and also gave me a small gaze. It was obvious he was a little confused as to why I hadn't gone with Arlecchino.
"It's good to see you again Neuvilette. Normally, we are always in a boring meeting so its good to see you outside for once." Lumine and Paimon starred at me wide-eyed, "What?" I said simply. They never answered.
"It's a pleasure to see you to Noctis." He then looked back to the Traveller and Paimon, "I thank the two of you for protecting Furina."
"Honestly we didn't really do much.."
"Lumines right! thanks to this dummy ove here she nearly died." Neuvilette's expression turned stern and his expression quickly shifted to me.
"And all because Paimon reminded him of someone!" Paimon shouted. 'Why doesn't she say "I"?' I thought to myself. Thankfully before I was attacked by an angry otter Lumine noticed Neuvilette's expression and assured him everything was okay now.
"Now that I think about it, why weren't you present at the meeting if you deem protecting Furina so important." My curiosity took over and I had to ask.
"I was dealing with the leakage of primordial sea water." 'he said it so casually...' I thought to myself. "Oh yeah Paimon wants to ask, how did it go. You're back already Paimon assumes that's a good sign." 'I'm so confused, why won't she say I?' I thought to myself after Paimom asked her question.
"It went fine, the primordial sea water is now sealed, but I'm sure that won't be the end of the prophecy." Before Neuvilette could continue Lumine had asked her own question.
"How did you manage to seal it?" it was a good question I'm dying to know how he did it as well, Hell if she hadn't asked I would've. "I was able to do it thanks to my authority over Hydro, I simply pushed it back into the seal." My jaw dropped and do did Lumine and Paimon's
"Paimon doesn't want to be rude but, could it be you're the actual Archon of Fontaine..?" Neuvilette's face remained impassive not revealing anything about his answer. "You can't tell us, okay we won't push you."
When the began talking about the problems in the Fortress of Meropide it begun to rain. I swear that meant something here?
Lumine seems to think so anyway her expression seems so thoughtful. I wonder if Paimon's is the same. I look towards Paimon and she is doing a thinking position.
Their isn't a thought behind those eyes...
"Hydro dragon, Hydro Dragon. Don't cry." I heard Lumine mutter under her breathe. She then look up towards Neuvilette. "Could it be that your the dragon residing in Fontaine." I felt my heart sink into my chest and I quickly look towards Neuvilette.
I felt the tension increase as Neuvilette decided what he would say. The tension was so tangible it was almost visible. "I request you do not share my secret." A cold tear rushed down my cheek and I pulled Neuvilette towards myself.
I held Neuvilette in a tight grasp. One of my hands was wrapped tightly around his back and with the other I rested his head on my shoulder. I felt tears stream from my eyes. Like a dam holding back all my emotions had crashed down in an instant.
I will never let anyone take him from me again. I will protect him with my life from now on.
(A/N) They are finally reunited.
I wanted to ask what you guys think. Is Noctis and older brother to the other Sovereigns or a younger brother? I can try to write it either way. For this chapter I stuck with a sort of protective older brother.
Chapter is a little bit longer because why not.
Anyway I will see you next chapter I hope you enjoyed.