
Skipped Senior Year

When Samantha and Brittney started 12th grade the school went through three different principles. They were moved into a fancier dorm than the last one. With this new principle, the uniforms were taken away and now they can wear whatever they want.

"Let's go shopping for new clothes since we no longer have to wear those horrible uniforms." cheered Samantha.

That same day they went to the mall and bought themselves each a whole new wardrobe. On the first day without the uniforms, everyone was wearing their nicest clothes or either their sexiest clothes. Samantha decided to wear a strapless heart-shaped black crop top with low-waisted cut-off jeans and white converse shoes. Brittney decided to wear a strapless heart-shaped dark grey crop top with low-waisted cut-off jeans and white converse shoes.

When they walked into class and everyone froze staring at them.

"What are you staring at!" yelled Samantha.

"You have changed a lot since last year." said one of the popular boys.

The new principal walked up to the girls and asked them to come to his office. They did as he said.

"What is wrong, sir? asked Brittney.

"Nothing is wrong. I am just confused why you are here I thought you got the news that you have enough credits to skip 12th grade," he explained.

"No one told us plus our parents are out of the country," explained Brittney.

"Well, now you know. I have your diplomas right here. You don't even have to step foot in his school again." cheered the principal.

When they stepped out of the school a couple of agents were waiting there for them.

"What are you doing here?" asked Samantha.

"We called you a week ago about becoming actors and you two said you were interested." said one of them.

That's when they remembered the phone call they had with a couple of men talking about becoming actors.