
The Nightmare Gateway and Beyond (I)

On the next day... Everyone was wide awake and were waiting outside the royal chamber. Claire, Dj, Nidializ and Dennis were standing beside the door in the long white hallway waiting for Celeste and Sally.

"I swear to god, if they don't make it in about 10 minutes. I'll bust this door open..."

Dennis said. He was being aggressive for his own reasons.

"Bro, take a chill pill."

Nidializ said to Dennis. He then looked at Nidializ with a death stare that gave her chills.

"Dude, did something happen to you last night?"

Dj asked. He knew that something happened to Dennis.

"Um... I can explain."

Claire said. She then stood in front of Dennis and poked his left shoulder. After that poke, Dennis passed out. Dj and Nidializ got surprised and looked at Claire in shock.

"What did you do?!"

Nidializ asked.

"I just simple slept on his left side of his body. I didn't try getting on top of him or get to the other side to spoon him..."

Claire said. She then picked up Dennis, and he got back to his senses.

"Nevermind that... More importantly, why is the castle empty? Usually there should be two guards standing here."

Dennis said. Everyone then took notice and looked out the window to see if the guards were outside.

"Nobody is here..."

Dj said. He then took a step back out of the window and felt something coming from behind the door. It then caught up to Dennis, that was waiting for this moment.

"They have taken to goddam long."

Dennis said. He then readied his left fist and had a spell, waiting to be active.

"Everyone stand back!!"

Dennis yelled. Giving out an order and warning. As his friends got out of the way. Dennis went for a frontal punch while his entire fist got covered with black fire. Once it made contact with the door, it teared a hole to go through it.

"What the actual hell is that?"

Dennis asked, since he was the first to see what was going on. The others then took a peak and saw a man dressed in full black with a mask on moving towards the throne.

"Who is that?"

Claire asked.

"Well, only one way to find out."

Dennis said. He was the first to go in and make an approach.

"Oi!! What do you... What the heck are you doing here...?"

Dennis asked out and putted up his guard. The person then turned around and took his mask off. As they took off their mask, Dennis saw a glimpse of orange hair could while the others entered.

"I could ask you the same thing."

The man said. He then stare into Dennis's eyes and saw something he should fear. He tried to find away to make a run for it, but there was no opening.

"Everyone stay putt!!"

Dennis yelled at his friends. Before they could react, a bullet went past by Dennis that hit the floor near Dj. At that moment, everyone stopped moving to assert the situation.

"I can't let you guys escape. You already know too much."

The man said.

"You know what? I'm not putting up with this today... You got 10 seconds to tell us everything or you can freely leave."

Dennis said. He was already annoyed at how everything was going in the morning.

"Then I'll see you around... Dennis..."

The man said Dennis's name. He then took a step back as Dennis paused in shock. Dennis saw the man vanish as he was being covered in flames. Everyone else went over to Dennis to figure out what was going on, but Dennis mentioned nothing.

"Who was that?"

Dj asked.

"And why does he know your name, Dennis?"

Claire asked. Dennis then walked in silence towards the throne. He called out Obliviona in her weapon form and sat down on the throne.


Dennis heard the voice of Obliviona as he was sitting on the throne.

"I know what you are thinking, but it is not worth the time to be doing this now!"

Obliviona said to Dennis, but he didn't care while he was looking around. Making sure if nothing else was around him. He then plunged Obliviona on the floor until they all heard a bell ringing from outside.

"Dennis, what are you doing?"

Dj asked. He was trying to get close to Dennis, but an invisible barrier cut him off.

"Calm down. I'm looking for something specific here..."

Dennis said. Then his left eye glowed and was looking around the place, but from his perspective. He was looking around the surroundings of the kingdom. From the dark oak forest, the crashed Arc-xenal and the nearby mountains. He then stood up and turned around the throne.

"Ok. Thats shouldn't be here..."

Dennis said to himself. He was seeing a giant purple fog leaking from a valley far away.

"Dennis, did you found something?"

Claire asked. She was looking around to find a way past the barrier. Nidializ, however, she was mostly paying attention to the broken door. She felt that something was wrong until she felt a powerful presence from the direction that Dennis was looking.

"Yeah... And it is most likely our second ticket back home since no one is at the house in our world..."

Dennis said. He then grabbed Obliviona and broke the barrier with one hit.

"Then should we gather up the others so we can check it out?"

Dj asked. Dennis then shook his head.

"No. Someone needs to take care of things here while the others go assert the situation back at home."

Dennis said. He then pulled out his phone and notified X about what could happen.

"Bro, I'll stay here and see what I can do. I'll even probably help the kids. You didn't get the time to spend some time with them."

"Your right... But this will not stand in the way of me spending time with my son."

Dennis said to Nidializ. Claire then over heard them and butted in the conversation.

"Are you planning to take our son with you?"

"Yeah. It may sound irresponsible of me, but I want him to be prepared for when we comeback."

"Then I guess I'll stay here and take care of the rest. You better train our son properly."

"And you take care of Dawn and Niza."

Dennis said to Claire. Dj then got in this while holding on to Dennis and Nidializ shoulders.

"Alright, guess I'll be going with Dennis. Somebody is going to have to keep an eye out for him."

"Okay then if Dj is coming with me, all the boys are coming with me."

Dennis said. They all then moved out to continue their conversation while passing by the hallway.

"Ok, you guys go back to the house. Me and Dj need to take care of something."


Nidializ and Claire said to Dennis. They then went on ahead to notify the others. Dennis and Dj waited for a bit to see if they could spot at least one of the soldiers, but they didn't have luck on finding them.

"Dennis, we should get going."

Dj said to Dennis. He then grabbed Dennis's shoulder to pull him, but Dennis didn't move.

"Now hold on a second. Don't you think it's weird that no one is here?"

Dennis said to Dj. He was still wondering why there were no guards while Celeste and Sally were missing.

"I guess you're right..."

Dj said to Dennis. They were both getting worried. They then headed out to do their own thing for now.