
Gates of Annika

They walked side by side, her cheeks kept burning nonstop, "Is it true?" She turned to him with glimmering eyes "have you truly never missed a shot before" "I've missed before" he confessed with red ears. "Really?" She looked shocked but also amazed. "I shot at a dead flower" he replied "You missed a dead flower" he nodded to her question. "Why?" Pulling her to him, he held up her chin and stared at her blue sapphire eyes. "Because I believed it would bloom and I wanted it to bloom under my care" Though it were mere gibberish to anyone, to her he had done something worth her living once more. "Thank you" he smiled warmly enchanting her once again. Underneath the sunlight he looked like an angel. "Someone worth living for"

BenitaIgil · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Chapter 2: Maiden of Death

Long ago there lived the Chrisus. Titans blessed with power by Yahweh. They were meant to protect the humans and guide us as we shall evolve. They were the pillars that taught us all that we need to know all that we ought to do to be holy. But then the Chrisus were blinded by power and turned against their maker they caused havoc subdued humans destroyed their lands enslaved us.

But there rose a Chrisus holy and clean

Her name was Annika, she defeated and killed her kind she sacrificed all she had to ensure that humans were free.

Touched by her actions, Yahweh granted her powers of divinity

The Five Epistles.

The Lion's crown of Authority

The Sword's will of Justice

The Olive's vine of Peace

The Dove's wings of Liberty

The Scroll's ink of Guidance

Annika slayed her kind to the last. She stared neither child nor mother, she granted liberty unto humanity, she brought peace to their lands, she enforced Justice on the evildoers, she gave guidance to the humans and Authority was in placed in our hands once more.

At the end of the battle, Annika slayed herself to end the race of her kind. A selfless leader was lain to rest at her temple. This temple was established to her loyal followers and they became an indomitable nation.

Although all had gone back to normal, people loathed the deceased ones. They hated the Chrisus for all they did. Though Annika sacrificed herself, some humans believed she did what she did for her own selfish interest.

Though the Chrisus were long extinct, humans still loathe over them. They burned multiple of their temples, they nevertheless spared the temple of Annika as gratitude of her sacrifice.

Annika, the once beautiful chrisus became a large nation evident by kingdoms far away. Kingdoms began to envy the prosperity of the humans who lived by her temple.

Interesting how humans easily forget the good works and sacrifice made by a hero. The continent turned against Annika claiming that they were as well the same as the vile and extinct Chrisus.

The Epistles became gates that would protect the kingdom at all cost. With the gates came the division of power between the guardians of the gate.

While all went well within Annika, outside the peaceful nation. People were killed slaughtered and murdered for being able to perform some supernatural abilities. These people were tagged as the descendants of the Chrisus and were to be sentenced to death. Those who were deemed useful were kept alive as slaves.

Oona stood in front of a large mirror, she stared at the plain white gown she wore. It has a square shaped neck and long sleeves that covered her hands. Her hair was styled in a half braid and a low ponytail. She looked like a ghost or one could say an angel.

"We're done milady" the older maid bowed behind her. The woman had no resentment in her heart for the young child. To her the princess was a victim of circumstance and she believed that killing her would set her free from this suffering.

"Thank you" Oona whispered "you may leave" she picked her white net veil and covered face with it. She hated herself for what she was about to do. That's what she had always been.

"Princess Oona" she turned to the knight who stood at the door. "It's time to go"




Clashing swords fill the air in the field. Smokes and flames engulf most part of the battle field. Goans and shrieks of men who take their last breath.

"Makaryoki garubi sora" a man stood on a hill which was far away from the battle field but could still be seen clearly. He wore plain white clothing and his face as well was covered. In his hand was an odd looking pot filled with thick blood.

Oona sat in front of the man, her eyes were still blindfolded and her arms and legs were bound by chain. Her back was stained with blood completely soaking her white gown.

"Kado ki jurah" he continued to chant odd words as he moved the pot in a circular motion above oona's head.

After performing the ritual for a while, he stopped "bring the virgin"

"No please don't kill me I beg you" the virgin screamed at the top of her voice. Her white robe got slightly dirty due to her endless struggling. Two hefty knights dragged her towards the ritual.

"Please I beg you my mom needs me I can't die"

The lady was placed on the floor beside Oona facing the sky. Her hands and legs were pinned to the ground.

"You monsters" her pleas gradually turned to curses. "How dare you? You'll all she miserable death, I know you will"

Oona turned to the woman with pity and guilt painted on her face. She couldn't see the woman's face but she could already tell what was about to happen.

"Let me go, let me go you monsters" the lady struggled more when she saw a sharp dagger in the hand of the main clothed white completely. "Mommy, someone help me I beg you" tears flowed down the woman's face. "I don't want to di..."

She couldn't complete her sentence cause the dagger had already pierced her chest and heart. Her body shook violently, the dagger released some black thick looking gas that gradually covered the woman's body.

"We're done" the man said and his men left the dead woman who looked like a dried up corpse. "Oona stay with the body and ensure he takes it"

Oona who was still dazed and scared. No matter how many times women were killed beside her it still took a toll on her body. They all left her and the dead body.

She crawled to the body and placed her hand on it's chest. "Rest in peace that I'll carry on the guilt of your death"

"Aren't you tired of saying that" a dark fog hovered around them. Oona felt like her spine has been turned to ice. What demon would she stay with this time? Every time she embarked on meaningless battles, she always encountered spirits, good and bad. Mostly bad due to the way her father does his works. The spirits always come for the soul of the virgin sacrificed.

"Don't you think you are taking too much credit for what is happening?" The demon hovered round on the dead body and swallowed it. Gradually light began to peek through it's fog until it died down.

"Yes, you mistakenly killed your mother" the woman's body was now a statue of dust that blew away with the wind. "But you never told your father to become a power mongrel"

Oona clung to her gown tightly and held herself tight. She was so terrified by the presence of the spirit she felt like crying.

"What a waste, Anker is such a fool" the spirit hovered round Oona this time.

"It wouldn't be bad if I..." She could already tell where this was going. It was trying to take her soul.

"BEGONE AND NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN" those simple words caused a huge blast around the hill. It startled a lot of people who were close by. The guards who watched over Oona ran towards the site of the explosion.

Oona on the other hand has already passed out.



The king walked hurriedly in the hallway, he held his bloody helmet in his arm. Behind him was Nohr, who had a displeased look on his face.

"This madness has to stop, you might end up killing her" Nohr yelled at him in anger.

"That's part of the plan, she's a monster after all" the king had an indifferent look on his face.

Nohr grabbed his father's shoulder and pulled him forcefully, slamming his body on the wall. "Don't tell me you believe she killed mother" the King's face twisted in anger. "Nonsense, mother was bound to die either way" the king struggled to free himself but he couldn't.

"Watch your tongue" he growled angrily "I don't want to lose an heir" he stared daggers at his son "which do you prefer, she being useful or she been executed" he smiled darkly. "Either is compatible with me, especially the latter"

"SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER" Nohr's voice echoed in the hallway "if not for anything, for the fact she looks like mom"

"Why do you think I hate her so much?" The king yelled back and held his son's hand."why does that murderer have to look like my beloved" Nohr left his father and backed away from him. "Answer me Nohr"

Nohr didn't know what to say, he could see pain in those once loving eyes."But hating her is just eating yourself up"

"Hating her is me covering up for my incompetence" The King adjusted his collar. "Let me be already, I already feel worst than you think i do"

"Hatred would be your downfall and you know it" Nohr glared at the man "if this keeps up, you will break this family apart"

"It's already broken Nohr, ever since Maja died all hope for this family died as well" he replied calmly and walked away.

Nohr watched his father's retreating fight.

"You're thinking too much about this " a blonde man walked towards Nohr, he brushed a few strands of his hair away from his face."Everything will change once you take the throne, let him enjoy his power while it lasts "

"And by the time I do take over, I'll be leading ashes right" Nohr glared at his friend intensely "he's gradually losing himself, Otto"

"I still don't know why you're protecting the girl" Otto sighed "she's a mo..." A sharp blade pointed towards his throat, Nohr glared at Otto in anger. "(sighs) my bad... But regardless Nohr, it's been 10years yet she can't handle her gift, come on"

"That's what makes her special " Nohr sheared back his blade and walked in the opposite direction of his father path.

"No, that's what makes her abnormal and dangerous" Otto piped in as he tailed his friend. "That's not going to be of any help finding a suitor, that's if we were to get her out of the palace"

"I love her that way" Nohr smiled and placed his hand on his chest. "If she don't get any suitor, then I'll marry her after all she'll make a wonderful bride" he laughed calmly.

"Now I'm sure you're sick" Otto smirked mischievously. After a while he's face turned stoic. "I found another one " Nohr stopped in his tracks "nineth this week, whoever the culprit is, he is after something in the heart" Nohr turned to the window beside them and exhaled heavily.

"The bodies? " he asked

"I buried them as ordered" Nohr frowned, while he's father was busy chasing power. He abandoned most of his duty as the king, now Nohr was left to take over this duties alongside his.

"Narrow down the next place the incident might reoccur" Otto bowed to him before leaving his side.

Oona stared at the sky the her window. The sky was most beautiful at night, when the Moon and stars are out. To Oona the night sky was a different world entirely. It was beyond deciphering, she found it hard to understand but easy to believe. What marvelled her was the Moon. The beautiful orb that looked like the sun. As the sun brings light and warmth, the Moon brings darkness and cold. A smile creeped on her face, she wished she could be up there, escape her world and just live up there with the Moon.


The cold breeze brushed past her face. Winter was gradually saying her goodbyes. Oona smiled and enjoyed the cold night, a night that no one anticipated for.


Muffled footsteps are filled in the air. The footsteps are fast and almost clear to miss. The moonlight is hidden behind the clouds so not much can be seen.

Once all is clear and the moonlight is seen, a shadow stands at the peak of a tower in the palace.

"It's here" a smile drew across it's face. But then it turns to the North feeling the presence of something heading this way. "I was followed" the shadow turned to the palace once again " no I doubt, there's no time to waste" the shadow disappears. Slowly the moon is once again covered by the clouds.