
Gates of Annika

They walked side by side, her cheeks kept burning nonstop, "Is it true?" She turned to him with glimmering eyes "have you truly never missed a shot before" "I've missed before" he confessed with red ears. "Really?" She looked shocked but also amazed. "I shot at a dead flower" he replied "You missed a dead flower" he nodded to her question. "Why?" Pulling her to him, he held up her chin and stared at her blue sapphire eyes. "Because I believed it would bloom and I wanted it to bloom under my care" Though it were mere gibberish to anyone, to her he had done something worth her living once more. "Thank you" he smiled warmly enchanting her once again. Underneath the sunlight he looked like an angel. "Someone worth living for"

BenitaIgil · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 3: Protecting what is dear to me

Nohr sat on his bed staring at the huge portrait of his mother by the fireplace. Maja looked like a goddess in the portrait wearing her blue sapphire gown and silver crown. Her walm affectionate eyes glimmered even in the portrait.

"Hello mother" Nohr smiled sadly, this was the last portrait he could find. All others were either in the King's personal quarters or burnt to ash.

The fireplace fickled and the firewood cracked. It was really cold tonight, Nohr stared at the fireplace, watching the movement of the flames.

"Things are as usual, father chasing after power, exploiting Oona as always and me. Me, I'm doing absolutely nothing as usual"

Tears rolled down his eyes. "I'm tired mother, exhausted from that tyrant you married"

"I'm don't know what else to do " Nohr wiped his face with his sleeves. "You always knew what to do, when to do it how to do it " he clenched his fist tightly"Oona is being tormented every day because she... she-sh" Nohr held his mouth, he had what to say but he couldn't "if you were around you would know how to comfort her right (sniff) But I... No matter how I try, no matter what I tell her, she still blames herself for your death"

"What's worst is the fact, the fact father is now a puppet to the lust for power, blinded by it" his fist became tighter leaving his knuckles white. "I can feel a wall between us. We're all lost since you left" Nohr bent his head and cried silently "The gap is so deep, we forgot no we chose to forget the sweet memories we had with you, replacing it with your death"

"I'm lost mother, please find me" Nohr closed his eyes and covered his face. Suddenly his eyes opened, glowing bright blue. "Intruder " he ran towards his hung up armor and picked his sword before leaving his room.

"INTRUDER!!!" He yelled as he ran down the large staircase leading to the throne room. He barged into the room , right after a few guards ran in after him.

Nohr was welcomes by a gruesome view. Blood splatter on the marble tile topped with decapitated body parts of the knights guarding the throne room.

"Ahhh!!" A melodic voice echoed in the room "Maybe you're not trash after all your highness" Nohr's eyes widened in disbelief. Sitted on the throne was his father who had his limbs twisted in ways they weren't supposed to be and holes in his body. Blood spilled from his clothes to the ground.

"F-fa-father" his father's weak eyes bored into his. He could tell the man was dying, his eyes were filled with regret and pain. Nohr sucked in his tears and air, unsheathing his sword he stood tall and proud ready to end the beast. "Get your filthy hands away from the king"

"Ahh you're interesting boy" a tall slim looking man with dead dry skin turned to them. He wore a dark dusty looking robe and a hood to cover his face. "Not only can you sense me, you can as well see me" the guards who couldn't see the king stared at the prince in confusion.

Just then Otto and a few guards ran in. Shocked by the scene Otto called out to the prince."Nohr!!" He was pointing at the damaged body of the king.

"Stand back all of you" Nohr yelled, all the guards complied and stood aside.

The shadow let go of the twisted arm of the king and walked down the elevated platform "Bacius, you are?"

"The one that will slay you" Nohr tightened his grip on his sword. His eyes began to glow brightly than before.

"Ahh, isn't that too long princey" just before he had finished his statement, he was hit by Nohr's sword sending him flying across the room.

Dust rose up from the end where the body was thrown. "The New Generation, so impatient" Bacius laughed out darkly.

"Well then, let's avoid any distractions"

In an instant six thuds were heard followed by some gruesome goans.

Nohr attacked Bacius before before he could attack anyone else. Bacius was quick to counter with a sword he picked from one of the dead knights.

Both engaged in an intense battle one-on-one. Otto was dazed by the speed of his friend. He had spared with Nohr a few times in the past but never had he seen Nohr's true strength up close. What marvelled him was the fact he couldn't even see Nohr's opponent.

"Sir Otto" a knight called out to Otto. This knight was already by the King's side. "The king... His Grace is d-dead"

Otto ran towards the king. Immediately checking his pulse. His eyes widened in fear. "How can this be?" He turned to Nohr who was selflessly battling the King's murderer.

"Wow!!! You are so strong prince want to share" Bacius praised Nohr as he defended all his attacks swiftly. Nohr swung at him with a great speed that sent Bacius flying. "What is the mystery behind this power of yours?" He landed on his feet and removed his hoodie. His eyesight were pitch black with rooths and cracks stretching across his face. "It definitely can't be your father's (laughing) obviously I just fought him. Must be your mother"

"You bastard " Nohr yelled in anger and the intensity of swords clashing against each other swiftly began.

Bacius laughed like a maniac, it was obvious he was just enjoying himself. Suddenly he stood still, immediately Nohr swung his sword to his side piercing his skin slightly and throwing him off balance. Dust was everywhere it was hard for Nohr to see but he could still sense his presence. "Princey... It's here, isn't it?"

Nohr frowned and stood alert, his instinct felt something big coming. "Ahhh, it looks like you don't know about it as well. Then that makes it easy for me" Bacius appeared in front of Nohr with a huge force. Nohr was able to block it swiftly and quickly counter the next attack aiming for his leg, but that was a decoy, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

"Ahhh(coughs)" Otto and the knights beside him all stared in disbelief and fear painted on their face.

"You're incredible princey" Bacius hummed in a melody. "All of my miserable years, nothing have humoured me like our fight" Nohr grabbed the blade piercing his body and broke it. Bacius jumped far away from him and turned to the wide open door. "I had fun with you"

Nohr fell to the ground and gripped his bleeding chest. "Now I have to leave " Bacius ran towards the door, just then a knight ran in with sweat all over his face.

"Sirya, the kingdom of Annika is attacking as I sp..." Before he could finish his statement he's entire body was squashed like a tomato.

"They're here already " Bacius ran towards the royal quarters.

Otto and the rest of the knights raced towards Nohr. "Sirya..." He held Nohr's bleeding chest and quickly wrapped his torn cloak around his wound. Nohr coughed out a handful of blood "we need to treat you" Nohr held his arm and shook his head.

"Oona..." All the knights looked at each other confused. It wasn't time to be thinking about the girl."Otto, you need to take her out of the palace immediately"

"Are you been serious right now?!" Otto yelled in anger "this isn't the time to be thinking about that girl"

"He's going to kill her at this rate" Nohr pushed his arm away from his body and staggered up.

"That doesn't matter, we need you right now not the girl" Otto tried to help his friend but his hand was slapped."her death means nothing to us"

"It's an order Otto" Nohr glared at him intensely."the rest of you, evacuate the kingdom"

At his comment the knights all ran out of the throne room. Otto on the other hand stood beside him. "We need you alive Nohr, let me take on the beast you flee for your safety"

"Do you think I'll let you fight an enemy you can't see" Nohr stood straight and cracked his knuckles. Almost as if he wasn't stabbed a few minutes ago. "Go"

Otto stared at him for a while "don't you dare die" before running out of the throne room.

"Aiye" Nohr smiled reassuring his friend but deep down he had already laid his life down for Oona and his people.

"In thy hands we trust" Nohr closed his eyes "help me and grant me strength" he vanished.

Otto ran towards oona's room at full speed. He had to take her somewhere safe and then head back to help his friend. Unknown to him Bacius was around the corner sniffing for something. Just when Bacius was about to make a turn towards Otto, Nohr appeared out of nowhere and stabbed his chest not missing his heart.

The air pressure from his attack sent Otto crashing out of the window.

"You're so persistent princey" Bacius laughed out loud.




"Someone please help me!!"


"Ahhhhh!!!" Oona sat up with a loud shriek. She breath out heavily and held her face. "Tears?" The castle shook heavily making a few items on her dressing table to fall. Oona's brows caressed. "What's happening?" She stepped down from her bed.

She walked over to pick the fallen items, but then the building shook once more but harder than last time. She lost balance and fell to the ground, right after her mirror fell beside her.

Oona gasped loudly and turned to her window. She opened her window with full force. "Smoke?"


She could hear clashing swords and gruesome screams.

"No! no!! no!!!"

Oona ran to her door and opened it but someone pulled the door forcefully slamming it and locked it. "Who is there?"


"Nohr?" She placed her ears on the door.

"(sighs) Oona (sighs)" she wasn't mistaken, it was Nohr. "Stay inside"

"What?" She tried to open the door but it was locked. "Nohr, what's going on?"

"Stay in your room and don't come out , do you hear me?" Nohr's voice was shaky and that made her feel a certain unease in the pit of her belly.

"Nohr are you alright? You sound weak and hur..." She was still talking when a the castle shook "NOHR!!!"

"Do not open that door do you hear me?"


"Whatever happens stay put" Nohr yelled from afar. CLASH!! BOOM!!


Outside oona's room.

Nohr swung his sword at lightning speed. He had blood rolling down his nose and mouth, but he didn't care. His top priority right now was protecting Oona and killing this beast.

"You're amazing princey" Bacius countered all of his attacks with ease. "Now I am more and more interested in you" he sounded like a maniac"don't die Prince Nohr of Gareth"

Nohr's glowing eyes had blood spilling out like tears. He felt excruciating pain from all parts of his body but he didn't mind, he was going to protect Oona and his people even if it cost his life. "AHHHHHH!!!"


Oona sat patiently in her room. Her hands clung to her night gown while her eyes pierced through the smoke outside her window. She could get hear heart galloping against her chest. Oona had one earnest prayer right now, a prayer for her brother's safety "Nohr please be safe, Yahweh please keep him safe" tears rolled down her cheeks.

She heard her door clicking, Oona rose up in an instant and turned to the door with her heart filled with joy. "NOHR"

SWOOSH!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!

Oona stood still terrified to her bones, she felt like the weight of the world was on her.


Her voice trembled in fear. A golden knight who was drenched in blood stood in front of her holding an odd looking bow in his right hand.

He pulled off his helmet and stared at her intensely with his green eyes. Oona had words clogged in her throat.

"I missed"