
Gamer in Overlord

My first ever try at writing a story, so it's gonna be bad. But I would like to become a better writer so i would appreciate any helpful advice or criticism. Anyway, it's a Overlord SI/OC story. A guy dies, gets 1 wish and then gets thrown into a world he seems unfamiliar with. Now it's time for his great adventure. English is my third Language. I write on a phone. And my Internet connection is bad. So if you think there's something wrong with the fic, it's not my fault XD I do not own Overlord or the characters mentioned in the story. I do not own the cover photo. I only own The OC.

Student_Of_Culture · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs


"Come on Albedo, You can do it." I cheered Albedo as she struggled against a Dungeon monster.

Hearing me Albedo suddenly got a huge boost to her willpower as she started attacking with all she got. But alas, her efforts seemed not to work.

This time she was having a lot of problems fighting as her opponent had both high defence and offence abilities.

It's a pretty op monster. Having both high attack and defence makes it pretty unfair for its opponents.

Especially since Albedo has a tank build. Her attacks do almost nothing while the Monster's attacks deal a lot of damage to her.

She will probably lose. And I want her to lose. If she never experiences defeat in battle, she will develop an ego.

That's why I made her face an opponent that she has a way too low of a chance to defeat. But I still cheered her as she did better after getting my support. Such a sweet girl.

While I was Cheering her on, I got a message from my clone. Something of notice happened.

"Demiurge, I will be going out for something important..You are in charge while I am out. If the fight get's dangerous for Albedo, help her and send me a message."

"I will do as you say, My Lord." Said Demiurge as he bowed a little.

"Albedo, do your best. I will be out for some time. I expect you to emerge victorious when I am back." I said and then teleported to my clone's location.

My clone was on his way back from a mission when he got ambushed. He got attacked by another adventurer group.

And it was not some ordinary Adventurer group. This group was very famous in Re Estize, and probably even the whole continent.

Afterall, this group was one of the few existing Adamantite rank Adventurer Group. It was the Red Drop Adamantite Adventurer group of Re Estize.

They attacked when my clone was walking through a forest. As he was walking in a slow pace, a magic circle suddenly lit under him.

The magic circle's effect was to paralyse it's victims. When the magic circle took effect, the attacks started.

First attack was an assassination spell, {Magic Sniper}. It's basically a magical sniper. But it's way more deadly than a real sniper as it's way faster and doesn't make a damn sound. It also explodes on impact.

It was aimed from four different angles, all targetting different parts. One was aimed at the head, one at the neck, one at the heart and one at the crotch.

The first three were aimed to kill. The last one was just a cruel thing to do. I am gonna have some nice words with whoever aimed the last attack.

All the attacks failed as my clone used high level magic reinforcement. It blocked all the attacks.

After the first failed attack, this time 4 Fireball spells came towards my clone.

But those also failed to do anything against the magic reinforcement.

Seeing that their assassination attempt failed, they all came out of their hiding spots to confront my clone in a straight on fight.

They were probably confidant in their victory as my Clone was alone and there were 6 of them. And all of them were Adamantite rank adventurers.

They all started an coordinated attack on my clone, with each attack aimed to kill my clone.

But obviously their attack proved to be useless as my clone quickly whooped their asses with ease.

He then knocked them out and tied them up. He then looked upwards, specifically towards me.

I was flying in the sky in invisible mode. I had been here from the start, as I looked at the fight as if watching a movie.

I even had popcorn in my hands to enjoy the fight. But the fight was not that enjoyable to watch as they all got defeated way too quickly.

I had expected more from an Adamantite rank Adventurer group. But who am I kidding? I should not have expected much from them anyway.

Blue rose Adventure group, the all girl Adamantite rank Adventurer group is also pretty weak.

Their Strongest member, A 200 year old Vampire Lord, Evileye, is only near level 55.

So what can I expect from other Adamantite rank adventurers anyway? They all are way too weak.

Getting down, I dismissed the clone as it faded away from existence.

Then I used a low tier water spell to create some water and poured it on the knocked out adventurers.

Getting water poured into the Adventurers faces did the work. They started to wake up one by one.

After waking up from their sweet sleep they started to look around confused, until their mind cleared enough for them to remember what happened.

"Nice. The wannabe assassins are finally awake. Did you all have a good sleep? What about I make you all fall into eternal sleep?" I asked with a threatening tone.

"Sir Arthur, please don't kill us. We are innocent." Said one of them in a scared voice. He was already shaking in fear.

"Innocent? After trying to ambush and kill me, you call yourself innocent? How can you be so shameless?" I asked in slight anger.

"Maybe I should give you a slow and painful death. Getting eaten alive by insects sounds nice. I have a spell that Summons flesh eating insects. It will work perfectly. What do you think?" I asked with a innocent smile.

That smile probably didn't look innocent to him though. He started to shake in pure terror. Tears started to come out of his eyes as he even peed his pants.

How can a Adamantite rank Adventurer get so scared as to cry and pee his pants? I didn't even do anything till now. Coward.

Hearing me the others also started to get scared a little. While they weren't scared as much as that crying one.

"Sir Arthur, please don't do that. We are truly innocent. We were forced to do this. That bastard Marquis Boullope is the one at fault." Said another one of the Adventures.

"How so? You all work for him? Even if you work for him, you all will die for what you tried to do today." I said.

"No, we don't work for him. We were blackmailed by him. We are being forced to do what he wants." Said the one who looked like the leader of the group.

"Oh, being blackmailed? In what way? He got a photo of you making out with another woman and is threatening to show it to your wife?" I asked with a little smile.

"No, he kidnapped our families while we were away on a mission. He threatened to kill them if we don't follow what he says." Said the leader.

"Oh, is that so? Why don't you try to rescue them? Aren't you one of the strongest people in Re Estize?" I asked in curiosity. As Adamantite rank Adventurers, they can easily defeat whatever army The Boullope has and then rescue their family.

"We didn't know their location at first. So we couldn't do anything. But our trusted informer gave us info about our families location. We raided the place to rescue our families, but they weren't there." Said the leader.

"Why weren't they there? Didn't you say that you got info about their location by someone you trust?" I asked.

"Turned out we shouldn't have trusted that bastard. He betrayed us for a few gold coins. Now he works for Boullope. That bastard. If I ever get my hands on him, I will rip him apart." The leader screamed in anger.

"As a result of our attempt to rescue our family, Boullope got angry. He raped my wife and said that the next time it will be my 7 year old daughter." Said the Leader with tears in his eyes.

"7 year old daughter, huh. It seems Boullope will be getting VIP treatment by Neuronist Painkill." I muttered.

"Did you say something?" Asked one of them.

"No, nothing. Anyway introduce yourselves. I can't always think of you as Wannabe assassin 1 2 3 4." I said.

"Well, I am the leader of Red Drop. Azusu Aindora." Said the leader.

"Name's Luisenberg Alberion." Said the one sitting on his left.

"I am Torendo Ortinu." Said the one sitting on his right.

"I am Kaltru Ritad." Said the one sitting to the left of the coward.

"My name is Dorenyas Karveso." Said the one sitting on the right of the coward.

"M-my name is Ore-Orenit Kalruvo. Please don't kill us." Finally the coward introduced himself.

"I won't kill you all. For now that is. Anyway, so all of your families got kidnapped, right?" I asked.

"No, Orenit doesn't have any family left. He could have left us since there's nothing Boullope can blackmail him with. But he's still with us cause he's a good guy." Said Azusu Aindora.

"Ah, so you aren't all bad. I thought you were just a coward. But I guess you still have some bravery to stand with your friends. I guess I won't kill you." I said.

"Thank you, Sir Arthur. Thank you." Said Orenit as he started to

cry once again.

"Okay,shut up if you don't want to die. If you keep annoying me I will change my mind." I warned him. As a result he quickly shut up.

"Now don't worry. I will have to take action as a response to what Boullope tried to do. Boullope is gonna regret his actions. I will also save your family on the way." I said to them.

"Sir Arthur, I can't thank you enough for that. With your help we can definitely get our families back." Said Azusu.

"Yeah yeah, no problem. But there's still an important thing to solve here." I said.

"And what's that, Sir Arthur?" Asked Orenit in confusion.

"Someone aimed a Sniper spell on my crotch. Who was the one? I have something to discuss with them." I said while cracking my knuckles and with a deadly smile on my face.

"Orenit was the one." Azusu said quickly.

"Yeah, he did that." Dorenyas also said. The rest of them also agreed quickly.

"You are dead." I said as I looked towards Orenit Kalruvo.

"NOOOOO. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! IT WAS A MISTAKE!" Screamed Orenit as he tried to run away.

He didn't succeed in his attempt to escape.




(Yo, I am back with a new chapter. I was busy due to college.

Due to my upcoming exams, my upload schedule might not be stable, But I will still upload when I can.)