
Gamer's Awakening

Marcus Jones, an unassuming IT technician with a penchant for gaming, finds his mundane life upended when he's transported to a fantastical world resembling the universe of One Piece. Awakening in a dense, vibrant forest, Marcus discovers he possesses the Gamer System—a unique ability that transforms his reality into a game-like experience. Armed with stats, skills, and a quest log, Marcus must navigate this new world where adventure and danger lurk at every turn. ____________________________________ Subscribe to the patreon for 5 extra chapters on all my novels. patreon.com/Jungle_Book_Mowgli

Jungle_Book_Mowgli · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebirth

Marcus Jones had lived a simple life. At twenty-eight, he was content working as an IT technician in a small town, gaming away his evenings with his small group of friends.

A tall, lean man with a wiry frame that belied his surprising strength, Marcus had short, dark hair perpetually tousled and green eyes that held a spark of curiosity and intelligence. A light dusting of stubble covered his angular jaw, giving him a slightly rugged appearance.

Though not traditionally handsome, his features were striking, with high cheekbones and a serious expression that softened when he smiled.

After a long day of work, he walked home, unable to afford a car.

The last thing he remembered was crossing the street to the convenience store, a blinding flash of headlights, and then... nothing.

When Marcus opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar place. The sky above was a vivid blue, dotted with cotton-like clouds that lazily drifted by. He was lying on soft grass, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves of nearby trees.

He sat up, rubbing his head, and noticed a strange, translucent blue screen floating before him.

*Welcome to the Gamer System!*

"What the…?" Marcus muttered, blinking rapidly. He reached out, half expecting his hand to pass through the screen, but it didn't. Instead, it felt solid, like a touchscreen.


*Name: Marcus Jones*

*Level: 1 - 0/100 XP*

*HP: 100/100*

*MP: 50/50*

*Skills: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body]*


Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 5

Endurance: 5

Wisdom: 5

Intelligence: 5

Stat Points: 0


Before he could process this, another notification popped up.

*New Quest: Survive!*

*Objective: Figure out how to survive in this new world.*

*Duration: 1 hour*

*Reward: 100 XP, Basic Survival Kit*

Marcus stood up, his mind racing. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He was in a dense forest, the kind you'd see in fantasy games.

As he walked, he noticed his attire had changed. Gone were his tattered jeans and T-shirt, replaced by a simple white shirt, brown cargo trousers, and sturdy black boots.

"Okay, think Marcus. Think." he mused aloud, "this Gamer System… seems familiar?"

Pinching his arm with all his strength, it dawned on him: this was real. He wasn't in a game or dreaming. Somehow, he had been transported to another world and given powers akin to those in a game. The idea was both thrilling and terrifying.

He pulled up his status screen again and focused on the [Gamer's Mind] skill.

*[Gamer's Mind]: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Provides immunity to psychological status effects.*

A wave of calm washed over him, his anxiety slowly ebbing away. Next, he examined [Gamer's Body].

*[Gamer's Body]: Grants a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP, and heals all status effects.*

"Well, that's useful," he said, feeling a bit more confident. He then noticed a map icon in the corner of his vision. He focused on it, and a rough sketch of his surroundings appeared, albeit with large sections marked as '???'.

He ventured forward, cautious but curious. The forest was vibrant, full of life. Strange birds with colourful plumage flitted between trees, and unfamiliar plants lined the path.

*New Skill Unlocked: [Observe] - Active Lv.1*

*[Observe]: Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated, allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.*

Every now and then, Marcus would stop to examine something new, his Gamer System helpfully providing information.

*Discovered: Blue Yarrow*

*Description: A medicinal herb used in basic healing potions.*

He gathered a few, thinking they might become useful. After what felt like an hour of walking, he heard the sound of running water. Needing water, he followed the noise, leading him to a clear stream.

Kneeling down, he cupped some water in his hands and drank. It was cool and refreshing.

Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes caught his attention. He turned, muscles tensing, ready for anything. A wild boar burst through the underbrush, charging straight at him. Instinctively, Marcus raised his arms in defence.

*New Skill Unlocked: [Basic Combat] - Passive/Active Lv.1

*[Basic Combat]: Senses improved by 10% when in combat.*

Time seemed to slow. His senses sharpened, and he sidestepped the boar's charge, grabbing a sturdy branch from the ground. The boar skidded to a halt, turning to face him with angry, red eyes.

*Boar - Level 2*

*HP: 150/150*

Marcus swallowed hard. "I guess I have to fight," he muttered, gripping the branch tightly. The boar charged again, and this time, Marcus was ready. He swung the branch, striking the boar's side. It squealed in pain but didn't stop.

*New Skill Unlocked: [Blunt Weapon Mastery] - Passive Lv.1*

*[Blunt Weapon Mastery]: Allows the user to handle blunt weapons freely. 10% increase in attack damage with blunt weapons. 5% increase in attack speed with blunt weapons.*

It charged again, but Marcus dodged and struck its head. After several more blows, the boar collapsed and stopped breathing.

*Quest Complete: Survive!*

*Reward: 100 XP, Basic Survival Kit*

A small, brown sack materialized before him. Panting, Marcus picked it up and opened it. Inside, he found a sturdy dagger with a simple design, a flint and steel, a waterskin, and some dried meat.

"Not bad," he said, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Hearing the semi familiar notification sound in his mind, he focused on opening the system.

*Level Up!*

*Level: 2*

*Stat Points Available: 5*

Feeling the need to increase his physical abilities, he allocated the points, putting two into strength, two into agility, and one into endurance. Instantly, he felt strength flow through his muscles; he also felt slightly quicker and more resilient.

"Alright, Marcus," he said to himself, looking around. "You've got a weapon, some supplies, and a vague idea of what's going on. It's time to figure out where the hell you are."

He continued downstream, hoping it would lead him to civilization or at least more clues about this world. As he walked, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had been thrown into something far bigger than himself.

Hours passed, and just as the sun began to set, he spotted something through the trees: the flicker of firelight.

He approached cautiously, peering through the underbrush. There, in a small clearing, was a lively campsite. A group of people, dressed in an eclectic mix of clothing, sat around the fire. Their swords, flintlock pistols, and the black flag draped over a nearby tree confirmed his suspicions.

"Pirates?" Marcus whispered, his heart pounding increasingly fast.

He noticed that one of the pirates had his eyes locked on his location and a gand on his sword, almost as if he sensed where Marcus was.

He watched them for a moment, weighing his options. He could approach and hope they were friendly, or he could stay hidden and try to learn more. As he deliberated, a new notification popped up.

*New Quest: First Contact*

*Objective: Interact with the group by the fire.*

*Reward: 100 XP, ???*

"Hello?" he called out. The pirates jumped to their feet, weapons drawn. Marcus forced an awkward smile, hoping he wasn't about to make a terrible mistake.

"My name's Marcus," he said, trying to keep his voice steady but failing. "I'm new around here. M-Mind if I join you?"

As the pirates exchanged glances, Marcus couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and dread. This was just the beginning of his adventure, and he had no idea what awaited him in this strange, new world.