
Game Of Thrones: The Wolverine

Chapter Release | 4th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A man with playfulness, joyful, caring, and above all loyal and devoted to his family. But, to his enemies he is a man with fierceness, strength, cleverness, endurance, courage, and the ability to stand and hold his ground! He's a Wolverine! ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Ti vi
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12 Chs

1 | Westeros

In the void we can see a long line of light balls and a humanoid figure was sitting at a table named God of Reincarnation. The humanoid figure has galaxies as its body, after it was done with one of the souls it said "Next." When God said that the light ball in front of disappeared and another one of the light balls came forward.

"Hello, for your information, you're dead." God told the light ball of soul.

"I'm dead?" The soul asked back with uncertainty.

"Yes." God replied.

"How? I was just playing football with my friends, so how did I die?" The soul couldn't believe it.

"Well, you died because of brain damage." God said.

"What?? How in the world did I get brain damage again?"

"Think about it, what was your position when you were playing football?" God asked.

"Centre Back." Soul replied.

"That's it. You were going to clear the ball but the opposing team's attacking midfielder didn't see you coming to clear the ball, so raised his leg to push the ball to their centre forward. But the thing is, before his feet could touch the ball, you headed it towards the right back of your team. And instead of hitting the ball, his feet collided with your head. Specifically at the back of your head."

"If that happened I wouldn't have died right?" The soul interjected.

Nodding at the soul the God continued "Yes, but you fell into comatose then and there and after three months of comatose state you died. That's what happened to you." God finished saying how the soul had died.

"So, I'm dead. I was injured in a football match with my friends, I fell into a coma, and after five months I died."


"So,.... am I going to hell?" The soul asked.

"No. You have been in the void for almost a century, but if you compare it with your world then it's only been a nano second after your death."

"So?" The soul asked.

"Well, it's time for you to reincarnate."

"It's real!!" The soul got excited.


"Cool, where do I go?"

"That will be A Song Of Ice And Fire. Also, you will get five wishes. So go on, what do you want?"

"So, I can't wish for a specific universe for reincarnation?"


"Ahhh... whatever, I want my wishes to be as followed, first wish is that I will have all the powers of Wolverine, I would like to have Uru as my bone structure and it will have the same color of normal bones, but after my death it will turn back into normal bone, and only I will have it, my descendants won't have the bone claws but they will have regeneration but only at half my speed of regeneration. My second wish is that I have the total control over a Dimension in which unlimited food is available and it can also be used as a storage facility for me it will also contain seeds of many vegetables and cereals. My third wish is to have a library that contains all the knowledge available on earth in my brain. My fourth wish is that I would like to have one billion shadow soldiers in my shadow fully loyal to me. My fifth wish is that I have a skill that will enable me to farm any items that I have planted on the ground irrespective of the condition of the land except for humans and animals, this is mainly done due to magic, and I will be the only one to have this skill, but my descendents will have skill for farming genetically."

"All of it can be allowed. Except for the shadow soldiers and Wolverines. You can have one million nothing more and you can only have Wolverine's powers if you put an age limit." The God said.

"Then give me two more wishes." The soul asked.

"If you want two more wishes then the number of shadow soldiers will be brought down to fifty thousand." God told the soul, with full knowledge of what the soul is up to.

"Okay, then let me die at the old age as per my body standards and have the power for rebirth in whichever year I want to, that will be my first bonus wish. My second bonus wish is to have three weapons made out of Uru." The soul said with glee.

Shaking head, God asked the soul "For the first one there has to be a limit or you will be an immortal and I don't want that."

"Okay, that is understandable. So what will be the limit?" The soul asked.

"Your rebirth limit will be of fifty times only. If you die after the fiftieth rebirth then you will truly die in ASOIAF universe. Now, what kind of weapons do you want?"

"One will be a greatsword, second one will be a longsword and the final one will be a broadsword. All three of them will have magic that will make it only to be wielded by me and my descendants, anyone else trying to wield it will not be able to lift it from the sheath or the ground. The greatsword can only be wielded by the head of the family, the longsword can only be used by the heir to the family head and the broadsword can only be used by the greatest swordsman in the family, if anyone other than these three try to wield those three swords they will feel the real weight as for the one who are worthy of wielding it will not feel any weight, it will be like an extension of their body." The soul said.

"Alright." Pausing there God said "For your information you will get your weapons when you have human child, and those three weapons will be made out from you Uru bone claws." God said.

Hearing that the soul asked "Hey, what do you mean by 'human child'? Am I not going to be a human?"

"It's good that you understand. Now it's time for you to go to your new life."

"Hey wai-" The soul couldn't complete its sentence as it disappeared from that place.

As the soul disappeared, God mumbled himself "Trying to bargain with me now eh... That's just a little punishment prank for that."


In Westeros, in a mountain cave a woman's screaming can be heard. But, it's not your average woman at all, the screaming woman is a giant. And surrounding the came there are lots of giants and the children of the forest. All of them are waiting for the news that will come out of the cave in any minute.

Couple of more screamings later, a wail of a baby was heard by everyone, and that wail was so loud that it came out of the cave and was heard by the ones surrounding the cave. Hearing the wail, all of them had a smile, irrespective of the race.

Then within a couple of minutes, a nut-brown skin, dappled like a deer's with paler spots small stature man came out of the cave with a baby who is almost half the size of the man. Looking around the man announced "Rejoice people! We have a baby boy who is birthed by Po Po the giantess, the child is fathered by one of the children of the forest, Snow."

'Fuck! I'm a hybrid!' The baby laminated




❌❌❌❌Chapter 1 End❌❌❌❌



Happy Christmas dear readers. 🎅🎅🎅🎂🎂🎂

May God Bless you and your family.
