

Various summaries of Game of Thrones fanficions that I wrote over the past few months. Each summary would be 10,000-40,000 words long. If you want to use my summary and write a story based on it then feel free to do so.

Fortunate_Soul · Ti vi
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* He had finally succeeded in creating the HYV seeds. They were not as good as the seeds that were used in the modern world but these seeds would still increase the yield by four times. Unfortunately, he had burnt through four wands over the past month trying to invent and create more such Seeds so that he could share it with a larger population.

* Harry dealt with the last spy in the Castle and sighed in relief. He was making huge changes in his area and didn't want other people to know about it so he had captured and subdued all the spies in the Dreadfort. He had also dealt with the Maester in the castle and used the compulsion charms to make the maester loyal to him instead of the Citadel. He did this in order to not let the information about food surplus and other such advancements leak out just yet.

* Barbery Dustin looked at the railway tracks in shock. It had taken him a whole week and a dozen of wands to finish this project. With these tracks, the delivery of the iron ore that would usually take four days on a good weather will decrease to one day. She was in shock when he finally revealed to her that he could use magic. But she thankfully accepted it and told him that he was touched by the old gods. He didn't cared about what she believed and was thankful that he didn't have to obliviate her. After all, he did see her as a mother figure and loved her dearly and would take it poorly if she started to hate him.

And damn, he needed a better wand for himself.

* Two years later, the Ironborns attacked a large part of the Western Coastel areas in the Reach, the Westerlands and the North. Robert Baratheon called for the men to march into war and Ned Stark replied by rallying his troops for his friend's cause. The North was able to muster 20,000 troops. Harry also led 3,000 of his own men. He could have easily delegated this this task to other men but he wanted to meet the king and the other lords and take their measure. He also wanted to take the professional standing army of 1,500 men (a secret project) with him but knew better than to show his cards to others without any rhyme or reason. He also planned on apparating back time and time again in order to give orders to his men so that they would keep working on his plans as he knew that this war campaign was going to at take least take half a year.

* Meeting the other lords from the North was a waste of time in his opinion. Their boisterous personality and tendency to drink too much at every feast didn't impress him all that much. Especially when they saw him as a boy and actively looked down on him despite him bringing more men then most of them. Lord Rickard Karstark was especially condescending toward him and after a while, he realized why.

He didn't have a reputation for himself on which he could rely and talk with the other lords as an equal. He didn't let his frustration show through and simply walked out of the feast. He wondered if coming here to take a measure of the other lords was really worth it.

* Ned Stark had come to meet with Lord Domeric Bolton in order to talk with him about the behaviour of Rickard Karstark. It won't do if one of his bannerman held grudge against another bannerman for something that he said in a drunken stupor. But when he reached the Bolton camp, he was surprised by how clean and methodical everything was compared to the other camps which looked like a right mess and were filthy beyond words. He talked with the Bolton guards and found out that this clean and organized camp was all thanks to Domeric Bolton. At first he had thought that Lord Domeric Bolton coming with them would be a waste as he was just a child but now he was wondering if he could ask young Domeric to instill the same amount of discipline in his own men and the men of his other bannermen.

* After a short talk with Lord Stark in which he placated the man with sweet words about how he was not monumentally pissed off by Rickard Karstark's words even if he was. He apparated back to the Dreadfort Castle in his room where the smallfolk wouldn't see him and called for his advisers and his regent who knew about his magic by this point. From them, he learned that they had sold a large amount of the grain they had (which was a lot) and that the construction of the Paper mill was finally competed.

He was ecstatic upon hearing this news as paper and parchment were in short supply in Dreadfort. And the little paper that they got from the Citadel was of poor quality and quite expensive. Not to mention that with the help of the Paper Mill, he could finally start the use of the Printing press and start producing books in large numbers. Selling them could be a good business opportunity as well.

* Harry looked at Balon Greyjoy kneeling in front of Robert Baratheon and held the urge to yawn. This whole rebellion was a waste of time as far as he could see. Especially because his own troops didn't get to fight in a proper battle even once. Well, he didn't mind. They were there to just bolster Robert's forces and add to the numbers and he was simply glad that none of his own men died regardless of how they grumbled about missing the chance to gain glory.

* On his return to Dreadfort, he choose to let his men return with the other lords and took a detour to the Arbor from where he boarded a ship to Myr and Tyrosh along with a dozen of his men. A dozen men as guards seemed a bit much but he always took his safety seriously.

* Once he reached Myr, he used his magic to hide himself and learn all their secrets of glass making. He had a pretty good idea about how it was done back on Earth but he wanted to know how they did it in the medieval world. Unfortunately, he quickly found out that the ambient magic in the atmosphere so far south was rather low. So he couldn't be as frivolous with his magic as he wished. Still, he came here for something and he going to get what he wanted.

* Harry saw the pit fighter champion. A tall woman with a scarred face who had been fighting in the Slaver pits for the past 5 years (or so the story says). She, along with another tall man who was a warrior of similar calibre were the ones he had selected after searching through all the Slaver Pits in Myr and Tyrosh. He took a few days off to regain his energy before he finally broke them out and escaped with them. He knew that they were used to their own lives and would not want to serve him so he knocked them unconscious and shipped them on a ship. Once they woke up, he would make them sign a magical contract on the threat of death. The magical contract would be of one year but by that time, they would already be loyal to him and wouldn't leave no matter what.

* After the feast with the lords in the North where Lord Rickard Karstark disrespected him so casually, he realized that he either needed to be a great warrior, have a great reputation or have a great sworn shield to protect him from such verbal attacks. He doubted that Karstark would have disrespected him if someone like Gregor Clegane stood behind him. Perhaps that's why Tywin kept that beast with him despite all the cons.

* Harry talked with his two new sworn shields both of whom were as large as Sandor Clegane except they were far more experienced and bloodthirsty considering how they fought for their lives on a daily basis in the Fighting pits. He had no doubt that anyone of them could easily defeat the Hound and even the Mountain if it came down to it considering how powerful, skilled and experienced they were. The only reason people like there weren't known throughout the continent was because they were slaves and essentially expendable.

He decided to give them the respect and proper treatment they deserve and starts by apparating back to Dreadfort where he told his blacksmiths to create the finest armor for them. After the armor and weapons were created, he carved magical runes on them to make the armor more sturdy and the weapons more sharp and powerful.

* They finally reach White Harbor from where they had to go back to the Dreadfort on foot. He is pissed by the fact that they can't simply dock in the Weeping Water river from where it was a day's journey to Dreadfort and plans to make a port in the Weeping Water in the near future.

* "This is the sixth mine we've opened in the past 3 years. How would you explain that to other people?" his aunt asked. This was the fourth iron mine he had found in his lands, the other two being copper and silver mines. With the amount of raw iron he had in his hands, he had no doubt that he could easily turn his House into the greatest Weapon producing house in the North with little difficulty. He turned to Aunt and told her to spread rumors about him being blessed by the Old Gods. North men were superstitious like that and wouldn't question him too much if the Old Gods came into play.

* He looked at the grove of fully grown Weirwood trees and smiled. It had taken him a considerable amount of time and magic to accelerate the growth of these trees but now that they were fully grown, they were releasing large amount of magic in the air which in turn made him even more powerful even if he didn't have a powerful wand to channel his magic just yet. He had also grown more weirwood trees in the barren land outside the Castle. His plan was to turn the barren land surrounding his castle into a large forest filled with Weirwood trees.

* The Maester of his castle told him that The Citadel is asking for his Printing Press and that they were willing to pay a large amount of gold dragons for it. The Septons gave him a similar offer which he refused instantly. He had no doubt that he was making an enemy of the Faith and the Citadel by doing so but he frankly didn't care. After his recent deal with the Hornwoods which allowed his men to take timber from their large forests, he had finally started mass production of books. He sold these books at half the price of regular books and still earned a considerable amount of gold dragons from this venture.

* The large amount of food generated by his people, the weapons sold by his blacksmiths and the recent book selling business had earned him a lot of gold dragons and easily allowed him to create a standing army of 2,000 men. It rivalled the largest standing army in the realm which was the Gold Cloaks who also had 2,000 men. He knew that as soon as the news that his house had learned how make glass goes out his house would come under the scrutiny of the realm as well as earn him the ire of the City of Myr and turn his house in a giant piece of meat for opportunists. So he wanted to create a large enough army to protect himself and his people.

* His aunt asked him about his decision to open a school to educate the small folk once again considering how much gold such a venture would soak up and he replied by saying that he was sure about it. In fact, he wanted to open a school quite some time ago but the lack of books, gold and literate men stopped him from doing so. Now he had all three of these things (literate men were brought from the Slaver cities and dropped into Dreadfort before being freed), he finally planned on creating a school for the future generation of scholars.