
The Angst and The Digger

I stood up and looked at Kayleigh then grabbed her arm and made her stand up. She looked at me then groaned and allowed me to drag her to a skateboard shop. She looked at me and put her phone in her back pocket. "We are gonna do something together, get our mind off the bad and focus on the good."

{Kayleigh's Affection dropped by 17}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 33}

"Ugh, you're so lame and pathetic. I'm already tired of you." She said.

I let go of her arm then she crossed her arm and her right eye twitched then she rose an eyebrow. I sighed and looked at the skateboard shop. "What do I do..?" I mumbled to Kyu-Pit.

"Shit I don't know. She's impossible. I still can't believe you have some form of attraction to her. Then again, the edgiest ones do have the best...you know." Kyu-Pit nudged me.

"No I don't know." I sighed then turned back to Kayleigh. "Alright. Let's get some skateboarding done. You know how to board right?"

"Sure whatever. I do it sometimes." She rolled her eyes.

I bought two skateboards and handed the black one to Kayleigh.

{Kayleigh's Affection rose by 24}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 57}

She took the skateboard then watched me walk forward. "You know how to skate?"

"Been doing it since I was a teenager, around 13." I jogged forward then rolled my skateboard forward then jumped on top of the board and began to skate.

She skateboarded after me then looked ahead.

I looked behind me and noticed her skating behind me. I looked forward and did an ollie into a rail grind down the stairs. She did a kickflip from the top step to the bottom and wobbled a bit, but maintained balance on the board right after. I looked at her and smiled. She ignored me then continued to skate.

I skated in front of her then she looked at me and watched my feet. I spun around on the board then made the board spin around. I skated in a zig zag motion then I stepped on the back of the board and made the front come off the ground. I grabbed the board and twirled it around my arm then placed it back on the ground and jumped on the top of the board.

{Love Trait Level Up! Talent Level 4!}

{Personality Trait Level Up! Athletic Level 1!}

'Those moves are really cool, I'll admit..' Kayleigh thought to herself as she watched me.

I held my arms out then twirled on the board and placed my left foot on the back of the board then slightly turned my foot and made the skateboard spin then got back on the skateboard. "This was my life other than blacksmithing with my dad. I loved to skate back then. My dad would always watch me as he drove in his car. Come on show me what you got Kay." I smiled then turned around then began to skate backwards.

{Kayleigh's Affection rose by 26}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 83}

She looked at me then began to skate in front of me and crouched down then did an ollie and caught some air. She flipped the board with her hand then landed safely on the ground. I clapped and smiled. She stepped on the nose of her skateboard then made it spin in the front of her and she stepped on the board then began to skate again.

"Pfft..That was whatever...I can do better." I said as I skated in front of her then did an ollie and made the board spin in a 360 motion. I landed on the board then twirled on the board. I placed my left foot on the ground then did a frontflip from the top of the next staircase with the board on my right foot then landed on the ground with both feet on the board.

"Whatever.." Kayleigh rolled her eyes then skated behind me.

{Kayleigh's Affection rose by 20!}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 103!}

{Personality Trait Level Up! Angst Level 2!}


We stopped in front of a smoothie shop and got a smoothie. We sat on a bench outside the smoothie shop.

"I guess that was fun. I wouldn't take it as you wanting me here." Kayleigh sighed and looked at her phone.

"Hmph. What will prove to you that I want you here?" I asked.

"You tell me. I'm not the one who took me from the comfort of the fountain I was at. Like I said, prove to me you want me here otherwise-"

"Fuck off, yeah yeah I get it." I interrupted her.

"As long as you get the fucking hint." Kayleigh said.

I looked at her and heard her sigh heavily.

"Ugh my sister won't send me money again! Fucking hell. I swear she's so fucking stuck up it makes me sick." Kayleigh groaned.

"Takes one to know one.." Kyu-Pit mumbled.

"I mean, there are some good paying jobs that are easy in Wellspring." I said.

{Kayleigh's Affection dropped by 18}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 85}

"Ugh you sound like my fucking sister..." Kayleigh sighed.

"What? I'm right. Shit, you can get payed $30 an hour just from greeting people at the cafe!" I said.

{Kayleigh's Affection dropped by 23}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 62}

"Shut the fuck up! As if I'd ever get a fucking job and work with a bunch of nobodies. Fucking hate it when people tell me shit like this. This is why I hate people even my sister. She just doesn't understand how hard it is to get by in this world, wish she'd just disappear and just leave me alone about a job. You wouldn't understand how annoying a sibling can be when they don't do shit." Kayleigh groaned.

I looked at her then looked at the ground. "Yeah I bet I wouldn't understand. Not like I'm an only child or anything. Must be hard having someone still alive in your family." I stood up and skated off.

She looked at me then rolled her eyes and kept sipping her smoothie.

"See why I hate girls like her? Ungrateful!" Kyu-Pit sighed and floated beside me.

"I'm sure she just needs space...I don't know. I just can't be around her for right now.." I sighed.

Kyu-Pit looked at me worried. "If you decide to go back to her, just be careful."


As I skated, I noticed a woman walking in front of me. "Whoa! Look out!"

"Huh? Oh non!" The woman screamed before we collided.

I groaned and held my head as I was on the ground. I sat up and looked at the woman, noticing her pink panties. I blushed and stood up quickly. The woman had long blonde hair and had on long sleeve dress with a red button up jacket around her shoulders.

"J'ai mal à la tête. Pourquoi aujourd'hui de tous les jours..?" The woman said in a strong french accent. She sat up and looked at me. She grabbed her beret from the ground and put it back on top of her "You! You butthead! Chienne! Connard! Mmm! You dare run into me with your...your...planche à roulette?! I'll have you sued! Beheaded!"

"Whoa whoa! Calm down! It was an accident! I wasn't expecting anyone to walk in front of me." I said then helped her up.

The woman looked around and noticed her laptop was destroyed. "Oh you will pay! Pay with money and time! Vous n'y échapperez pas!"

I looked at her and sighed then my Lover Finder buzzed.

{Girl Unlocked: Clarissa Saint-Yze}

{Clarissa's Stats Acquired!}

Name: Clarissa Saint-Yze

Age: 21 Years Old

Birthday: August 16

Species: Human

Occupation: Accountant

Status: Adversary

Affection Points: 0

Intimacy: 0

Bust: DD

Hobbies: Baking, Taking pictures, Spending large amounts of money, Singing

Favorite Love Trait: Romance

Least Favorite Love Trait: Luck

Favorite Personality Trait: Charming

Least Favorite Personality Trait: Angst

Favorite Food: Pastries

Favorite Gifts: Expensive Gifts

"Ouch...I didn't think it was possible to even reach lower than Stranger. That's...pretty impressive. Oh yeah the woman. She's a total gold digger. She's trapping you though, she really wants you to pay so other women will unfortunately be locked until you've paid her back or reached Crush Status with her." Kyu-Pit said then crossed her arms. "It shouldn't be all that bad, she's a total babe and she has some milkers."

I looked at Clarissa and she picked up her broken laptop then let out a little whine. I sighed and scratched the back of my head. "Damnit...Of all the days.."

"Dépêchez-vous! I will not be standing around here all day and waiting for you! You will pay me back one way or another!" Clarissa walked off and I dejectedly followed her.

"As if today couldn't get any longer. Fuck...I should've stayed with Faylen..." I sighed then placed my hands in my pockets.

Clarissa took her phone out of her purse as it rang and answered it. "Bonjour? Non, j'ai rencontré un gros inconvénient avec un beau monsieur. Je vais essayer d'être là à l'heure. Si je ne peux pas, je ferai exécuter ce monsieur."

"I wish I could understand what the hell she was even saying.." I said.

Kyu-Pit floated behind me and crossed her arms. "You really don't."

"Dites à Victoria, je serai là! Au revoir!" Clarissa hung up the phone then looked back, noticing me dragging behind. "Chop chop! We do not have all day! Oh mince, I haven't even introduced myself. I am Clarissa Saint-Yze, Daughter of a multi billionaire man who runs the biggest Guild Hall in Elvania! And you are?"

"je suis Léon Gray..." I said as that was the extent of my French.

"Ooo la la, Oui. You speak French as well?" Clarissa asked in astonishment.

"Only basic levels of French." I responded.

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 34}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 34}

"Oui, oui, you will learn French to help me with something! I shall teach it to you!" Clarissa said.

"Yippie.." I sighed.