
Five Percent

Shiro looked back at me then noticed me standing up. I groaned and held my head as I had a throbbing headache. "Are you alright, Leon?"

"What..? What the hell happened?" I looked around.

"Leon!" Kali ran to me and held my arm. "I-Is he dead..?"

I looked at Alistair and noticed a huge burn mark on his chest. "It'll be a misfortune if he wasn't."

"Leon. You and the others escape this place now." Shiro looked ahead.

I looked at him then noticed how serious he was. I held Kali's hand then ran off. Faylen and Ikeshia escaped as well. Clarissa and Desiree followed behind, leaving Ailas and Shiro alone.

"You may be a god now, but you only fall short behind the weakest Goddess who is known as Felola. There's a reason she's so easy to please. She's a worthless Goddess now. Ardour should've been the Goddess, maybe this world would be more balanced!" Ailas said.

"Don't you dare speak poorly about Felola." Shiro said as he summoned his demon weapons appeared and circled around him.

Ailas laughed and crossed his arms. "Right I forgot she's one of your precious harem women. Tell me something, you had the opportunity to marry a Goddess and yet you didn't. You married that pathetic queen..why?"

"Say whatever you want about me, but don't talk bad about MY Lusella!" Shiro bellowed and dashed to Ailas.

He punched his face and he grunted then was blown away. He stopped himself from crashing into a tree then dashed to Shiro and bellowed. He punched but looked surprised when vines grabbed his legs. He looked back then looked at Shiro. Shiro kicked his chest and he groaned then was blown away. He sent his Halberd flying at Ailas.

Ailas landed on the ground then deflected the Halberd. He noticed Shiro was gone then looked around. Shiro appeared behind him and kicked him away then stomped his foot down and a rock pillar emerged from the ground striking Ailas then exploded. Ailas groaned in pain then crashed to the ground.

"Shiro is really strong.." I said as I watched from a distance.

"This isn't anything from what I've seen Uncle Shiro do...he hasn't even transformed yet." Faylen said as she watched.

Ailas stood up and chuckled then wiped his mouth. He looked at Shiro then took off his mask. "Let's see how you handle this!"

He vanished into the shadows then moved around in the shadows. He appeared behind Shiro and kicked. Shiro ducked and Ailas looked surprised. He grabbed Ailas's leg then slammed him on the ground. He groaned loudly and Shiro grabbed his axe then swung it at him. Ailas grunted then vanished in the shadows, dodging the axe.

"Well then...seems like you actually have your sights set on killing me. That's alright. I have a bit of a surprise for you..." Ailas smirked then snapped his fingers and Myrrh appeared in chains beside him.

I looked surprised then glared and grit my teeth. I took a step forward then Faylen grabbed my arm.

"Don't...You'll only be killed." Faylen said.

"But- She's-"

"I know about your little wife husband roleplay thing...but you can't just rush in there! This is no longer your battle." Faylen said.

I looked at her then decided to stand down and sighed.

"So this is how you want to play huh..?" Shiro glared then his eyes shined.

"Shiro!" Myrrh cried out.

Shiro's weapons vanished then he closed his eyes. His aura appeared around him then sparkled. "Ailas, you're gonna pay for that."

Ailas smirked then looked surprised when he was blown away by an invisible force. He crashed through multiple trees and groaned loudly. Shiro opened his eyes then vanished.

Myrrh fell to the ground after the chains vanished. She grunted and I ran after her. I got onto my knees and held her up. She looked at me and smiled happily. "Leon!" She hugged me and I hugged her back.

Kali and Clarissa looked jealous then looked surprised as they heard an explosion.

Shiro punched Ailas's stomach and aura burst from his back. Ailas groaned loudly and rolled backwards then stood up slowly. He looked to his left and saw Destiny. His eyes widened then he laughed. He ran over to her then looked around her and couldn't find an button to activate her.

"What the hell? How do I awaken her?" Ailas asked.

"Having trouble? She only responds to those who have high amounts of lust only because I commanded her to do just that. I knew people like you would search for her after she left." Shiro said as he walked towards Ailas.

Ailas growled and glared at Shiro. He dashed to him and yelled then punched his face. Shiro didn't even budge. He glared at Ailas then grabbed his wrist.

"All the pain Ardour put this world through..and you wanted her to return..? You faked being an ally...manipulated Ikeshia, Feno, and Myrrh and you think I'm going to let you live..." Shiro glared then his aura surged powerfully. "Worst of all...you called my wife pathetic. You dare speak down on my wife..?"

"Heh...not just your wife..but your failure of a child. She'd make a great sacrifice for the revival of Ardour!" Ailas laughed.

Shiro's eyes widened and his left eye twitched then he let go of Ailas. "You leave Lusette out of this..! She's not a failure! She's my daughter!"

Shiro bellowed and his aura shot to the sky.

"Nngh!!" Faylen held her head.

"This power..!" Ikeshia fell to her knees.

"52,428." Kyu-Pit said.

Ailas looked surprised as he stepped back. He began to laugh a bit. Shiro transformed into his God Mode. His hair shined a pure white and his eyes shined pure gold. He had three halos over his head and white demon wings.

"This is the end for you!" Shiro bellowed and punched Ailas's chest.

Ailas coughed a lot of blood and his heart stopped for a second then he was blown away. Shiro appeared in front of him and grabbed his leg then slammed him to the ground. He kept hold of his leg then flew into the air. He bellowed and threw him to the ground.

"Say goodbye." Shiro said then snapped his fingers then a tiny black orb of energy appeared in his palm. "Perfect Expiration."

He said that word coldly then threw the black orb at Ailas. Ailas slowly got up then saw the black orb headed his way. He tried to dodge it then Shiro appeared behind him and kicked him into the black orb then appeared behind Destiny and picked her up and vanished then appeared to our location then snapped his fingers and we all teleported out of the forest.

The black orb exploded and formed a void in the sky that destroyed everything around the area. The void began to condense into a small ball of energy then exploded causing cataclysmic damage to the Forest of Beginning. A woman noticed the growing damage then fled the area. She jumped from tree to tree and landed in Wellspring.

We all appeared in Wellspring and watched the void's destruction. I looked at the destruction Shiro's attack did then my eyes widened. I held my crystal close to my chest then Kali looked at me.

"This is Shiro's power..? It's...frightening." I said.

"That was only 5% of his power." Kyu-Pit said. "Shiro is a lot stronger than this, probably being able to rival Flair in strength who is the strongest Goddess in Esoria."

Shiro looked back then turned normal. "Irnja is gonna be pissed."

"You're damn right I'm pissed! You destroyed my fucking forest over one guy? God you damn God and Goddesses are so destructive when you fight." Irnja sighed.

{Irnja Locked}

{Unlock Requirements}

Girl Unlocked: All Elven Region Women [Lover Status]

Power Level: 6500+

'Wait what..? I can date a Goddess?' I thought to myself.

Irnja sighed and floated in the air. "Next time you do this, I'll kick your ass!"

"Noted." Shiro smiled and watched her fly off.

Kali walked to Desiree and showed her the picture of Destiny and Desiree smiled. "I know the real Destiny is with us, but I still got your picture!"

"Good job! And it only nearly cost our lives." Desiree said half jokingly.

"Thank you for your help Leon!" Kali looked at me. "I'll be off now! I have to get back to my mother!"

{Kali Locked}

{Unlock Requirements}

Girl Unlocked: Kayleigh [Friends With Benefits Status]

'Ah hell nah.' I thought to myself as I looked at my Lover Finder.

"Welp...I don't make the requirements.." Kyu-Pit said.

Kali ran off and the crowd soon dispersed right after. I scratched the back of my head then used my Lover Finder to find Kayleigh.

{Location Found}

Kayleigh - Wellspring Skatepark

I reluctantly followed the directions of the Lover Finder to go to Kayleigh's location.


I made it to the skatepark and sighed, feeling a large sense of dread around me. I looked around then noticed Kayleigh sitting alone, hugging her knees. I walked to her and noticed her looking upset. She looked up at me then looked away.

"Are you here to laugh at me as well..?" Kayleigh asked.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I got kicked out of my sister's home.." Kayleigh sighed.

"Serves her ungrateful ass right." Kyu-Pit said.

I elbowed Kyu-Pit and gave her the side eye. Kyu-Pit scoffed and turned her head. I looked back at Kayleigh then held my hand out.

Kayleigh looked up at me. She hesitantly took my hand then I pulled her up. She made a little noise and held onto me then I held her.

"I'm not gonna laugh at your misfortune. I will do all I can to cheer you up." I said.

{Kayleigh's Affection rose by 46}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 108}

{Points Needed Until Next Status: 42}

"You're...not gonna laugh at me like the others..?" Kayleigh asked.

"Why would I? I have my own issues, I have no reason to laugh at you." I responded.

{Personality Trait Level Up! Tenderness Level 5!}

{Kayleigh's Affection rose by 42}

{Reached Acquaintance Status!}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 150}

"Leon.." Kayleigh said then gripped my jacket then buried her face into my shoulder. "You're so fucking lame.."

I smiled and rubbed her shoulder. "I know..."