
Failed Double Date

I sat at a cafe with Medusa and Asura...and the tension was pretty high, not that I'm surprised at that fact. I am on a date with two women who obviously don't like each other for whatever reason. I can't believe these two girls initiated the Double Date mode as well...How are these two compatible in the slightest..?

Medusa let out a creepy chuckle and looked at me then held my hand. "Thank you for letting me join you. It is a treat to be here with you." Medusa smiled at me.

"Ah...yeah. No problem.." I said.

Asura made Medusa release my hand then glared at her. "No touching him! I won't allow you to fill him with your impurities, you..you crazy lady!"

"Crazy..? The only one who's crazy around here is you..." Medusa smirked. "It's obvious that he's into me."

"You're delusional 100%. I don't even know you." I said.

"Soon you'll know me completely.." She smirked.

Asura blushed at her remark towards me then stood up. She glared at Medusa. "No he won't know you! He doesn't even like you! He only invited you out of pity!"

"I'm just gonna get the check..." I said.

"What- We just got here." Medusa said.

"We're just leaving here." I said. "I can't have you two fighting in public.."

Asura looked at me then sat down and crossed her arms. She closed her eyes and sighed softly. "Leon.."

"I invited her because she came all this way to see me personally albeit she's a little crazy, but look how calm she is now. We can all be civil can't we?" I asked.

Asura groaned softly and Medusa softly giggled then looked at me. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Having trouble here partner?" Kyu-Pit asked.

"Mm-mmm...just trying to find the best approach to this date is all." I said under my breath.

"Well you should do something they both like equally. Both of them will be happy and it will end in a successful day." Kyu-Pit suggested.

"There's an issue with that. I don't know Asura's hobbies and Medusa's 'hobbies' aren't even hobbies." I said. "I'll figure something out...just give me some time."

Kyu-Pit nodded. "Alright."

I looked at Asura. "Hey Asura, I have a question."

"Mhm?" Asura looked at me.

"What do you like to do? Like what are your favorite things to do on your free time?" I asked.

"Well...I love to bird watch. I also like strolling around an Outlook. I like dancing as well. I love listening to music, like I saw this class happening where the women in there was...twerking? What's twerking?" Asura asked.

I looked at her and closed my eyes. "Chloe..."

"Who's that?" Asura asked.

"She's the woman who teaches Erotic Dancing...the woman you probably saw teaching the others how to twerk." I answered.

"Chloe Wise...31 years old. Rose gold hair, freckles, used to be a stripper, bust size E. I know everything about her..." Medusa let out a creepy chuckle.

"Definitely not creepy at all.." I said then closed my eyes. "Let's see how about you Medusa. What do you like to do? EventhoughIknowtheanswertothat."

"You should know it's obvious...I stalk people for fun. I kill for the joy. I love poisoning those I don't like." Medusa smirked and her unnaturally blue eyes shined.

Asura glared at Medusa and Medusa looked at Asura.

"But when I'm a normal law abiding citizen, I normally sing, dance, and sleep. I love being cuddled while I sleep. I hate not getting enough attention by the one I love. That's why my past exes are dead." Medusa smirked.

"You're insane." I said and opened my eyes.

"Me? Insane? Heh heh...I've heard that a lot...but I'm definitely not as bad as the villains of the past like Menos and the Five Sons of Satan or even Micah. More famously, Ardour.." Medusa said.

"And I don't know a single person you mentioned. Nonetheless you are absolutely insane if you count Stalking, Killing, and Poisoning as hobbies. Do you have any normal hobbies that could benefit us?" I asked.

"Sex." Medusa said.

"No." Asura crossed her arms.

Medusa looked at Asura. "What's the matter with that? I mean you are the same woman who stole my boyfriend and conceived his child, he even broke up with me to marry you just for you to die after giving birth."

"What? I didn't do a single thing you mentioned. You're just making shit up now. You're really trying to make me look bad in front of Leon! You're nothing but bad news!" Asura glared.

"Bad news..? Ha..haha..." She began to bite her thumbnail. "I'm bad news? Says the same woman who corrupted Leon and forced him to kill multiple people. And I'm bad news."

"Leon!" Asura looked at me.

"This isn't gonna work." I stood up. "I didn't think I'd ever say this, but you two are getting on my nerves. This double date thing isn't gonna work. If I have to go on a date with you two, I'd rather do it separately and not stress over your pointless issues. I'm out of here."

I set money on the table and walked away. They watched me walk away and Asura lowered her head.

"This is the first in history has anyone just up and called off a date. I don't think even Shiro did that and he had some annoying bitches like Aubrie with him." Kyu-Pit said.

"I'm not sitting through that. I'll find them with my Lover Finder, but I'm not gonna just sit there and just listen to them argue. They gonna have to figure some shit out." I said then looked at my Lover Finder. I pressed a button and checked how much money I had.

{Current Money Owned: $3.58 Million}

"Whoa I just gained a lot of money, but how?" I asked.

"Well you've been promoted like three times already so the amount you earn per second increased by a lot." Kyu-Pit said.

"With this money I can pay Clarissa back. I want to see what she's up to." I said.

"Yeah let's go." Kyu-Pit nodded.


"Excellent! C'est la meilleure soupe que j'ai goûtée depuis longtemps!" Clarissa smiled as she looked at Dilya.

"Merci, Mlle Saint-Yze." Dilya smiled.

I walked into the Majesty Restaurant. Aubrie looked up from her phone and smiled at me.

"It's you again. Long time no see, fucker." Aubrie said then stood up, walking to me.

I looked at Aubrie and smiled then crossed my arms. "Hey Aubrie. I came by to visit." I said.

"Ahh I see. You caught us at a good time then. We are just practicing cooking. Well Dilya and Lucia are. I'm just chilling out here, I got nothing else better to do." Aubrie said. "Wanna sit? Clarissa and the others are gonna be a while."

"Yeah sure, I'm in no rush at all." I smiled and sat down at a table with Aubrie.

My Lover Finder beeped and I looked at it.

{Girl Unlocked: Aubrie Acacia}

{Aubrie's Stats Acquired!}

Name: Aubrie Acacia

Age: 26 Years Old

Birthday: February 14

Species: Human

Occupation: Waitress

Status: Acquaintance

Affection Points: 200

Intimacy: 0

Bust: C

Hobbies: Partying, Relaxing while smoking, Cooking, Shopping, Going for joy rides, Masturbating, Having sex up to three times a day, Going to a Scenic Outlook

Favorite Love Trait: Lust

Least Favorite Love Trait: None

Favorite Personality Trait: Rebel

Least Favorite Personality Trait: Charming

Favorite Food: Junk Food

Favorite Gifts: Expensive Gifts

"Wow you're really a hardy woman aren't you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Aubrie asked.

"Ahh..I've seen you on social media. The you from the past and you I'm seeing now are two different beings." I said.

"You don't know me like that, but you aren't completely wrong. Losing friends and such does make one mature sometimes. Women like Chelsey, Whitney, and Gloria no longer talk to me, so that took a lot out of my mental state. Losing them was like my worst nightmare, but I only have myself to blame. I mean...me and Chelsey got into a fist fight over some shit that was my fault. Ashley...she's been under the radar for a bit. I have no idea where she's been. The only one from the past I actually still talk to is Shiro." Aubrie said then closed her eyes. "Shiro...although he's married, has to be one of the most loyal friends I've had and I treated him like crap when we first met."

"What is Shiro really like? I'm really curious about him now." I asked.

"Man where do I start? Well first and foremost, he had to have been some Huniepop master because he was one of the best guys a girl could ask for. I mean he basically had sex with every woman in Esoria and outside of Esoria. He was a fucking machine that couldn't be stopped! I mean he was a one and done kind of guy and by one and done I mean he fucks one girl then moves on to the next. He is the strongest person in Esoria still till this day! I don't know a single person who can beat that guy in a fight." Aubrie smiled.

I looked at Aubrie's happy face as she talked about Shiro and all of his glory. I couldn't do anything but smile because she just seemed so excited when talking about him. Her smile slowly faded away though...

"When I caught news that he had married someone, I kinda felt like he was abandoning us, but...he stayed. You couldn't possibly imagine my happiness when I heard he wouldn't leave Esoria and the people in it, but he's got a wife and kids now so I've just been feeling a bit lonely. I want to feel wanted again...let loose like the old days." Aubrie said.

I looked at Aubrie then smiled and stood up. I pressed a button to send the $3.5 Million I owed to Clarissa then took Aubrie's hand. She looked at me surprised and stood up. "We are going to do some fun shit."

She blushed and looked at me. "L-Like what?"

"Shit I don't know, but let's go fuck some shit up, girl!" I smiled.

{Aubrie's Affection rose by 69}

{Aubrie's Affection: 269}

"Yeah! Let's go do something fun!" Aubrie smiled happily.

Kyu-Pit smiled and watched us. "Now this is gonna be interesting.."