
Between The Flames and Wind [2]

"Our next match we have Faylen, Student of the legendary Shiro vs. Noxa, the student of Queen Illuse!" said the announcer.

Faylen and Noxa walked down the stairs and into a room where they could enter the battlefield. I watched Faylen then my eyes shined. Faylen took a deep breath and exhaled. "Don't hold back Noxa. I won't be holding back at all."

Noxa nodded and smiled. "I won't hold back. I can't just allow you to win even though I know why you have to."

An alarm sounded then Faylen instantly summoned her bow then fired five arrows at Noxa. She dodged the arrows then made illusions of herself then dashed to Faylen. Her and the illusions went to strike Faylen from all directions of her body. Faylen dodged the attacks swiftly and kicked the illusions away then fired an arrow at the sky then it dispersed into multiple arrows then the arrows showered to the ground, causing the illusions to disappear.

"Faylen is showing us that her training has been paying off! It's almost impossible for Noxa to get the offensive momentum!" The announcer said in his microphone hyped up.

"Go Fay!" Kali cheered.

Noxa dashed to Faylen then went for a palm then Faylen dodged the palm and kneed Noxa. Noxa coughed then she was blown away. Noxa rolled on her side and rebounded back on her feet then held her hand out. Her eyes shined then she released a massive spirit beam at Faylen. Faylen summoned a magic circle that blocked the attack.

"I can't lose this...I need to get to the finals! I need to save my best friend!" Faylen yelled and let down her magic circle after Noxa's attack ended. "I won't let anyone stop me!"

Noxa looked at her and saw the fire in her eyes.

Faylen held her hands out and fired a blast of wind at her then yelled. Noxa dodged the blast of wind then dashed to Faylen. Faylen aimed her wind at the ground then she went flying in the air. Noxa looked up. "Grand Whirlwind!"

Faylen bellowed and spun in a circle in the air then summoned a powerful whirlwind. Noxa looked surprised then felt the whirlwind suck her in. She was sucked in then spun around in the whirlwind then the whirlwind exploded causing a wind explosion that caused Noxa to crash into the wall. She groaned then fell on her knees and passed out. Faylen landed on the ground and looked at Noxa.

"The winner of the next round is Faylen! A pretty one sided match as well!" The announcer said. "Stay situated as the next matches will be impressive as well!"

The next few battles were very simple for me and Faylen. Swiftly making our way to the semifinals and awaiting to know who our next opponents are. I sat in the waiting room andy hair covered my eyes. Faylen walked inside the waiting room and looked at me. She closed her eyes and walked towards the water fountain then stopped.

"Remember Faylen...If you want to save him. Strike him down." I said then looked back at her. "Destroy the crystal and your precious Leon will be back to normal."

Faylen looked at me then glared and got drink of water before walking out.


"Alright folks! If you look at the screen here you will see the folks who will be fighting in the semifinals!" The announcer said.

Everyone looked at the screen and Faylen's eyes widened. In the upcoming battle, she was going against me. She looked at me then I chuckled and smirked.

"Ah...our next battle is Faylen vs. Leon!" The announcer said.

We made our way to the battlefield and stood in front of one another. She glared at me while I smirked at her then closed my eyes.

"The time has come. By killing you then the rest of his friends, he would have paid his debt for my death. Do you have what it takes to stop me?" I said then opened my eyes and instantly awakened my Azure Form.

"Shut up. Real mothers wouldn't torture their child especially for something they couldn't control! That's why here and now...I'm taking you down!" Faylen bellowed and her aura surged.

The alarm went off and we dashed to each other and our fists clashed. We went for strike after strike only for us to clash multiple times. Faylen dodged one of my attacks then kicked me away. I grunted and slid backwards and she appeared in front of me then went for an uppercut. I dodged her then grabbed her arm and pulled her to me then palmed her stomach. She groaned and coughed blood then was blown away. She landed on her feet then fell on one knee. She panted then stood up.

"Come on Faylen!" Noxa cheered!

"Faylen! Save him!" Myrrh cried out.

Faylen dashed to me again then summoned her bow. She shot three arrows at the sky then the arrows exploded into thousands of arrows and showered down at me. I made a flame barrier around me to block the arrows then made my barrier vanish and dashed to her. I summoned my sword and slashed down at her. She blocked the attack with her bow and I kept slamming my sword against her bow and she grunted, slowly falling on one knee. I raised my sword then she shoulder bumped me and went for a strike directly at my crystal. I bellowed and my flames caused her to jump back.

I threw my sword at her and the sword broke into four swords. I dashed to her and grabbed one blade from the air then slashed down then grabbed another sword to slash with as well. Flame hands grabbed the last two swords and slashed at her as well. She groaned as she was hit. I tossed a sword in the air then punched her face and she was blown away into a wall. She crashed against the wall then fell to her knees then placed her hands on the ground.

"You're strong, but play time is over." I said as I walked to her.

"Leon! Stop it!" Kali yelled.

"Don't do it!" Myrrh screamed.

"Leon is planning to end the battle, but not in an honorable way!" The announcer yelled.

I raised my sword to seal the final blow. I stopped myself and grunted. "What's the matter? Why are you hesitating?!" I asked to myself.

Faylen opened her eyes then her eyes shined and she stood up slowly. She palmed my chest and a wind blast followed, blowing me away. "I won't lose to you. I won't lose to you like this! I will defeat you! I will save my best friend!" Faylen bellowed and her hair tie snapped and she began to awaken. Her aura surged powerfully. Her eyes shined a bright light blue and her aura sparkled.

The crowd was shocked to see her awakening. Shiro smirked after seeing her awakening.

"Faylen just awakened! What does this mean for the battle?! Will this turn the tides?!" The announcer asked.

I coughed and my crystal cracked. I panted and noticed my flames growing weaker. I began to gain the ability to gain back some control over my body.

Faylen dashed to me and snapped her fingers then wind arrows appeared behind her. She yelled and sent the arrows crashing at me. I looked at the arrows then grunted as my heart thumped then I yelled and swiped my arm creating a wall of fire in front of me to block the arrows.

"Why are you hesitating?!" I asked myself again. "You do what I say! It's not like you would care anyway. You killed multiple people on your own accord! What's different with her?!"

I panted and held my head then grunted. I fell on one knee. Faylen walked through the wall of fire and noticed me on the ground. Everyone watched and wondered what's happening with me.

"I don't want to kill anyone anymore." I whispered then my heart thumped. "Then I'll make you kill yourself."

Faylen looked shocked then jumped back as my flames surrounded me. She watched as I yelled as my flames surged around my body. My body began to self combust. "Leon..?"

"Help...me.." I begged. "Destroy the crystal now!"

Faylen looked at me then nodded and summoned her bow then her aura surged powerfully. She summoned an arrow then took aim. "We will be together once again Leon. I'll have my Leon back!" She yelled and shot the arrow at me.

The arrow fought to break through my flames. Faylen watched then shot more arrows at her arrow to give it more power.

"I'll take everyone down with me!" I bellowed and laughed.

The arrow couldn't break through then I managed to take slight control then opened a hole for the arrow to enter and strike my crystal. I groaned as the arrow struck my crystal. The arrow began to crack the crystal then the arrow exploded and my crystal shattered into millions of pieces. My flames instantly vanished then I fell back.

There was a laugh sounding in the air then my flames escaped my body and formed into a woman. "Foolish girl...That crystal was the one thing keeping me from escaping. Now that you've freed me, not only were you able to save one, but you've sacrificed millions of other people."

"Wait...people that's...The Azure Empress! That woman is the mother of Leon?!" The announcer said in shock.

Faylen took a step back then looked at the Azure Empress then back at me. "L-Leon!"

"He paid his debt...now.." Her body materialized into a human form. "You will pay yours as well as the rest of this pathetic world."

Shiro looked at the woman. "Her energy is similar to Ardour's.." He said then stood up.

"Leon! Get up!" Faylen cried out.

"I am his soul. To awaken him...You have to strike me down. Kill me." The Azure Empress laughed.

My body laid on the ground, unconscious and unresponsive. Ikeshia and Feno jumped down on the battlefield to get my body.

"I never imagined his power...wasn't even his." Feno said. "We need to help Faylen. Take Leon to a safe place! Defeating her is a must. Once you've gotten him in a safe place, come back here."

"Got it." Ikeshia nodded then ran off with my body in her arms.