
Choose your weapon

On the following day, after the group had properly rested, mourned, and slightly recovered, Detra decided to put in practice a new plan to aid them in their final battle.

"Claire..." Ellie whispered as she stood in the middle of an open grassy field by herself while her curly-haired friend aimed at her with her magical staff, "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be!!" the girl stated.

"Detra, you sure about this?" Evlin asked while she and the rest of her group watched from a safe distance the events that were about to unfold.

"Don't worry..." the former goddess secured, "The young miss has learned how to absorb energy a long time ago, she will be fine!"

"You better be sure..." Evlin threatened.

"Ok! Here I go!!!" Claire declared.

The girl took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and began to speak.

"The time has come to unleash my power...

Upon this land, my forces will shower..."

"Is that..." Evlin whispered.