

"Well, that's unfortunate..." Detra whispered with somber eyes as she gazed at her list.

"Indeed..." Xadi agreed while sitting on the ground in front of her while observing the list as well and watching Gustav's name being erased, "But we still have a lot of options, don't we? We can just pick someone else to fight..."

Detra stared at the fur frog toy for a couple of seconds, "That's not the problem here..."

"Oh... Right..." the toy replied as he looked back and observed an immense mood of gloominess spreading over the air.

The whole group was crouching on the ground with either their eyes bawling, their head buried on their legs, or trying to comfort someone next to them by holding their hand or giving them a hug.

Evlin was holding Ellie in her arms while the two continued to sob with Claire holding Ellie's hand.