
Gacha in DC World

Going to another world without knowing why and having extraordinary opportunities, he will start a journey to discover what he wants to be and what he has to be.

Fausto_Neto_4680 · Tranh châm biếm
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Gacha again!!!

Today is the 1st of October, I spent this last week just doing my daily routine, and training a lot while trying to play with the electronics I have here at home, using my new 'super intelligence'.

It's noon, and I've just had lunch after doing my morning chores, including jogging and training on the beach, although this jogging and shadow boxing isn't making me physically stronger, I feel it helps as a mental workout, helping with my discipline.

It would also be suspicious to stop living my normal life, if someone researches more about it they might find an error, and I don't doubt it will come to that, the superhero world knows...

I also have nothing to do here on Earth, so that I don't end up leaving full of psychopaths following me, I'm sure that if I won a spaceship today I would leave Earth and explore space, I even believe that space can be safer than the future that is coming to Earth.

Well, it's no use thinking about it, it's already exactly 1 pm, and I'm going to open 10 gacha roulettes now, even though they've been available since yesterday, I'm sure my willpower has increased a lot with the assimilations I've done because I of the past would have opened this shit this morning.

Alright, let's go.



Gacha Coin-10

I crossed the index and middle fingers of both hands, closed my eyes, and began to imagine the shape of a very beautiful woman full of fortune in my head.

"Lady Luck help me... spend the 10 gacha coins"



1-Shisui Uchiha (Naruto).

2-Mea Kurosaki (To Love Ru).

3-Ryuoko Matoi (Kill La Kill).

4-Shen (Tsuki ga Michibiku).

5- 2x assimilation slot.

6-Arc Reactor (Marvel).

7-Gourmet Cells (Toriko).

8- Link Card.

9- Komatsu (Toriko).

10-Tempest Dragon (Yu Gi Oh).


"Okay... should I be really happy right now, or scared of having a 'Lady Luck' watching me right now?"

I asked out loud as I looked around trying to find someone...

Hell, paranoia aside, there's some really good stuff this time around, I'll finally be getting some crazy power-ups, let's start using those two assimilation slots.

And now assimilating something, the question is what I'm going to assimilate first, I have to think about it, not only because this is the most logical choice but also because of the notice that appeared yesterday along with the 10 rolls of gacha.

Every month I have to do a mission to be able to earn 10 rolls the following month, of course, I also earn something more depending on the mission, but also if I don't do any I would 'lose' my 10 rolls, which is not missing out, as apparently, my first month was free.

And that comes to another point, I've been watching the missions and it's simply impossible to count them all, every time I read it it seems that more were appearing, and at the same time some disappeared too, so I'm probably working for someone in a store omniversal?

There is also another factor, I can only do missions in the world that I took in gacha like the water from Aqua's bath made me available to be able to do missions in the world of Konosuba.

So I have to decide which world is more beneficial and less dangerous for me to do a quest for, and which character will help me the most in that world, so which of these characters should I put first, and should I summon any of them?

Shisui for sure, not only is Kotoamatsukami something very broken, but I will also have access to techniques and chakra as well, not only that but there is Susanno as well, and although Shisui demonstrated few techniques at the time, because of his brief apparition, I'm sure a ninja of his caliber, with sharingan, must have much more techniques than what was shown.

So now I have to decide between Mea Kurosaki who would turn me into a human-machine hybrid, and Ryuoko Matoi who would turn me into a human-alien hybrid.

Tempest Dragon is not going to be chosen now, because he is 'similar' to a character that I'm already assimilating, thinking about it also gave me another idea, if I assimilate two characters like him and Static, because both have equal powers it would increase the assimilation speed?

Komatsu, I will only assimilate later, I don't see where becoming a good cook will be better than being able to defend myself against a madman, well if that madman is a starving person who would leave me alone after I have a meal, and speaking of which I have too a gourmet cell, I must decide whether to use it or not, it has a lot of advantages but also some disadvantages

As for Shen, I don't remember exactly but she's just a dragon with illusion power, she's not even very strong, I think Tempest is stronger than her, I could probably summon her.

First I must decide which one to put into assimilating now and not have this empty slot... I don't know, on the one hand, Mea has very versatile powers, on the other hand, there is Ryuoko who is a nerfed super saiyan that gets stronger when angry or close to death, and ends up keeping a portion of those earnings permanently.


It's already 11 p.m., and I'm in an abandoned shed near the beach. , I don't remember its exact size, but I think a 15-meter shed should be enough, right?

First, let's try to test the new powers, first I sat cross-legged concentrating on feeling the chakra, the chakra and something that appears when you connect your spiritual and physical energy in the belly, the energy that is produced by the body itself of course not a normal body, I remember that in Naruto they mention the chakra meridians... thinking about it, that sounds a lot like xianxia.

So for me to have and be able to use chakra a lot, I need to have a good spirit and physique, and I need to know how to combine the two... ok and how do I do that?

I have no idea, I'm just meditating and trying to feel this energy running through my body, one thing I could feel is that my heart feels a lot different, I have good control and understanding of my body, so I can feel that my heart feels more 'warm'?

And it's also amazing how the system managed to change my body without me feeling a thing, plus I probably have my whole body connected by chakra channels next to my organs, I'm a fucking cyborg now, I don't have good control over these are my new abilities, but not only do I have chakra all over my body, I also have nanites.

I kind of know in my head, I have some organs modified, mainly in the stomach area that helps to produce new nanobots, and right now there must be several nanobots passing through my veins ready to be used.

I'm training the chakra now, but before leaving the house I was already playing with it, although I couldn't change anything, almost nothing like I managed to extend my nail, you know, make it sharp like I was a beast, that gave me an idea too, I could do a roleplay here at dc pretending to be Wolverine, I can probably make claws like his right?

There was one thing I liked was playing roleplay, especially GTA5, I always thought it was cool to act actually, not that I'm going to do that, at least not now...

That aside, I've been concentrating on the chakra and I can feel it, but so far my control is terrible, other than that I feel like I'm learning a new style of martial art like I've done it before, and I also feel like I know some signs essential hand tools for jutsus, now I'm in doubt which will be the preferred power for me to train, second gacha roll and I already have this problem...


Alright, I've been here for almost two hours, I ended up getting a little lost in chakra training, I also tried to exercise doing this taijutsu that was on my mind, at the same time I tried to feel the chakra in my body, I also stopped to rest and try to manipulate my body in a few moments.

And now that it's late I think it's time to test the other function of my system.

"Summon" I said while choosing the option to invoke Shen's card.

{ Do you want to use a background card? }

No, I don't know how the background card works, but how would he manage to create a background for a dragon, which would not bring future problems, not wanting to doubt the system, but I think there is no need, first let's analyze the situation.

A light show starts to happen, with enough brightness to bother my eyes, and when the light goes away there is a woman with blue hair, her average height would say about 170cm, dressed like someone from edo japan in front of me .

"Would you be my Master?"

She asked me in a sweet voice full of honor, as for her appearance, she is an adult woman with long wavy light blue hair, red eyes with slits, her face has Japanese features, and a well-built body... no come to think of it, there's another thing to think about I felt a change in my body and it's not that kind of 'change'.

"Yes, I am your master, do you have any idea what happened to you?"

I asked as I relaxed my posture and spoke as I stared into her eyes, at least I don't have a giant fucking dragon here.

"Yes, I had just made a pact with a human, he forced me to make it after I mistakenly attacked him, so as soon as I made the pact I felt someone call me and say that I could run away from that human fear, so I I accepted and I'm here

I was going to ask about her abilities, but she spoke again.

"I will also say right away that I already know in my head of my master situation, apparently the pact I had with the other human was transferred to you"

"So you're saying that this change I felt in my body was because of you, I probably gained access to magic? and also tell me what your skills are."

She blinked her eyes, put a finger to her lips as if she was thinking, and answered... why is she trying to be cute? I'm sorry to tell you but it's hard to see cuteness in a curvy body.

"Yes that was probably it, as for my abilities I am very proficient in illusions and mind reading, I also know a bit of psychometry, I also have a subspace called Asora, which I used to trap and kill my enemies, and I also can use magic, even though I never learned any magic spells, because I didn't see the need"

And the same thing with the story, if I'm remembering correctly, and this subspace is the main reason why I had doubts about summoning or assimilating it, but apart from the subspace I already have everything, illusions I can make of one more limited way but I don't like illusions, her psychic abilities are very limited, I think I'll even get better with my new powers.

There's also the fact that she's a dragon and can use magic, I can also be a dragon with Tempest and not that being a dragon changes anything, maybe just another weakness for Dragon Slayer weapons, and it looks like I gained magic from this pact, but I don't think I'm going to focus on magic now, much better to go with the chakra from the point Shisui will leave me than to start from scratch.

Well, me being kind of lonely lately, and her being pretty might have also helped my decision...

"Okay, I'm Leo Santi, and you were the person I summoned to help me, that being said, I want you to introduce yourself and take me to Asora"

"Okay my lord, I am Shen a Superior Dragon, I was called 'invincible' in my old world, and I am very proficient in illusions, as for showing subspace, you just need to follow me in this fog, sir"

She said as the mist covered her and started coming towards me.


(Shen Pov)

I entered Asora with the master, and I have to say that this whole day is crazy.

It started with me sleeping as usual when suddenly I was woken up by a human who was being followed by a bunch of orcs, he started to destroy the area where I was resting, so I decided to reciprocate that and tried to attack him.

But he was very strong, much stronger than me, I was even unable to imprison him in Asora forever, the only thing I could do was see some memories of another world in his head, so after that, he spoke with the orcs, I heard them speak about forcing me to make a pact with him because it would help him.

And then he began to forcefully make a pact with me, and when I thought I would have to serve him until the end of his human life, I heard something calling me, presenting an opportunity to go to another world, a world similar to the one I saw and that I created an interest.

But in exchange, my current pact would be transferred to another master, well I didn't have many choices... if I was going to suffer having to serve someone at least in another world where I can discover new things, so I accepted.

After that, I felt like I was in a void for a while, and certain knowledge started to appear in my head, along with a new kind of language, and then I was transported in front of my new master.

And standing in front of me is the person I know is my master, not only subconsciously, but I also feel like I'm in a pact with him.

The master is quite handsome, at least among humans I think, with black hair with bright green eyes, much taller than me in my human form, of course, and his physique seems quite strong for humans, a sign that he is a warrior.

Throughout the conversation with the master, I noticed that he doesn't seem to be afraid of me, even though he seems to know me quite a bit, after an introduction he asked me to take him to Asora, and here we are currently.

Asora has changed a lot, which is not surprising, after all this craziness of going through two pacts and going to another world, formerly Asora was a space that I brought my enemies since I had control over magic and space here inside.

Asora currently looks like a very large plain with a lot of grass, some trees with some traditional fruits of the land, and a small lake, it also had a sky like the outside world, and the air was also very clean, I took a few walks around the place while the master would also go to some parts.

I also tried to control the place, but I realized that it's much more difficult to control, but I feel that I can still control the magic of the place, despite not being able to take away the master's magic.

"Shen come here"

I heard the master calling me and I went to him, he was in front of the lake with a smile on his face, apparently happy with the state Asora was currently in.

"I am here master"

He stared at me for a bit and spoke right after.

"First of all, I already told you my name so you don't have to call me master or lord, but if you want you can continue, but realize that there will be places where it might get weird for you to call me that, and I'm finding it weird to call you from Shen, do you want to pick a name?"

"I want to master, but before that can I see your master memories?"

As soon as I said that, the master made a face while looking at me, which bothered me a little, maybe I went too far, normally I never asked I just went and looked, but I feel that doing that with the master would be wrong .


(Protagonist POV)

"No, you can't, besides I don't feel comfortable with it, in this world I'm in now there are many dangerous things, so there's a probability that you'll be captured if they see your memories, and consequently mine, so no, I I'll explain more about this world in a bit, but before that why did you want my memories?"

Of course, it's not just that, I don't know if there's any chance of her knowing that I'm reincarnated and that I have a system here with me, I can even tell her that I'll go to another world to do missions, but that I have a power like a system will never, ever tell anyone.

"Before coming here, I gained a little knowledge about a place called Japan, I believe it also exists in this world, don't you, master?"

"Yes, there is a Japan here too"

"I wanted to look into your memories to learn more about the cultures of this region master, I am very interested in the culture of this region, I wanted a name that was related to it, does the master have a lot of knowledge about Japan?"

So it's like the original, she already had a name in the original, despite having taken the last name of the protagonist, there's no reason for me to give her his last name, so I can give the full name of that historical figure.

"Okay, what do you like about Japan, as a proud and warrior dragon you must know the samurai?"

She seemed to be happy and as if she was going to jump with happiness.

"Yes master, I know samurai, I want a samurai name, please master!"

She said while surprising me with the fact that she jumped on me while hugging my arm and looking at my face with shining eyes and a goofy smile...it kind of broke the image of a polite person she had, well I guess she just wanted to pass a good image before, she was like that playful in the story, right?

"So her name will be Tomoe Gozen, she was the most famous warrior in Japanese history and a great samurai with legends that even claim that her father was a Dragon God, I think it suits you a lot, right?"

"There are samurai women! Thank you, master, you can call me Tomoe Gozen now, but master… shouldn't we be using titles like san, kun, chan, and those others?"

She said as she released me and asked.

"And better not Tomoe, I'm not used to using these titles, I prefer that you don't even because we're not in Japan right now"

After I said that she seemed to realize something and looked sadly at me.

"Master, does this mean I can't be a samurai?"

"Don't worry, we're past the time of the samurai, but that's not a problem Tomoe, we'll be entering an era of Chaos, where the world will need heroes, so it could be that this era we're entering now needs one. samurai too, even more so a Dragon Samurai"

She listened attentively as she seemed very happy with the idea, and when she got to the Dragon Samurai part I swear I saw stars in her eyes, quickly she straightened up, put one hand behind her and the other on her chest, she seemed to exude honor as she spoke.

"I Tomoe Gozen am going to be the greatest Dragon Samurai of all time... alright master let's get me some weapons, and I also have to learn more about Japanese culture, you won't let me see your memories, so I have to find a way, maybe there's internet here?"

She said as she started to generate fog, to probably get people out of Asora.

"Wait Tomoe, first of all, where is Asora anchored, and can you leave Asora anywhere?"

She stopped the fog as she calmed down and began to explain.

"I never stopped to think about it master, even because it was empty, but I think it doesn't work like that anymore, in fact, Asora is now connected to you master, your connection with her is greater than mine and if you learn to manipulate the space could probably enter too, and as for exiting we can mark a point where it would be easy to enter and exit, like the last place where we opened Asora a point was created, but as soon as we leave here we can close it, and it is also possible to exit around it always, in the same way, it could also come out around me if you can get in and out master since we are connected to Asora"

So Asora is connected with me, like an existential connection?

I didn't see an option to take other people on missions, but probably whatever is inside Asora will too, since Asora kind of is with me, as far as spatial manipulation, I have a lot to focus on, I don't think I'll have time to focus on that, and it's also the same thing with magic, and it's much better to focus on learning and improving the powers I gain in gacha than trying to start from scratch on something.

Not that I want to depend on the system alone, but at this point I think it's just a disadvantage trying to learn anything without any support, while I can get ridiculously stronger just by increasing assimilation.

"Okay, when you get out of here I want you to close the channel you used in that warehouse for us to bring here, but before that, I have to let you know that I'm not currently going to give you a sword for-"

"No matter, why don't you want to give me a Katana, since I'm going to be a samurai like that, come on you promised that I would become a great samurai, you even gave me a name for that, please give me a Katana master... "

That idiot didn't even let me finish talking, and because you're grabbing my leg by your knee, what memory did she have in that guy's mind to be acting like this, other than I've spent this last month alone, and she's probably the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I already saw it in front of me, if she keeps hugging my leg she might end up waking up my Dragon Sword.

"Calm down you idiot," I said while swinging my leg trying to disengage it.

"BUT you promised master"

"WOMAN I WILL GIVE YOU THIS SWORD, but leave me first so I can explain why not now"


"I'm not going to give it now because you still don't even know the basics of fighting in the human body, I realized that you're still not very used to this body, so I'll spend some time teaching you the basics of hand-to-hand fighting, and then after that you have learned the basics of melee I will teach you the way of the sword"

I'm certainly not making excuses because I don't know where to get a good sword, and I don't know much about how to use a sword... I watched a few videos while trying to use my martial arts talent, but I realized that when it involves anything more than my own body ends up being a little more difficult, I learned the basics of the sword, but it was more difficult than the other arts, and to teach it I want to know at least more than the basics.

"And I also have to explain how the outside world works to you Tomoe, I said that we are entering an era of chaos, but I didn't explain anything, right?"

"Yes Master"

So where do I start?


(AN: I only read the beginning of this isekai, and I read it a long time ago, so I might not be able to know all her abilities and I might not be able to portray her properly like I'm not going to read 300 chapters of a novel just to write her right.

And the next chapter I'm doing will probably be him training and making plans with her, and the next one will be him going to another world, since he's practically only been training, having only one real "fight" so far.

I also ended up not posting the chapter when I said I was going to post it because more everyday problems appeared, I wanted to go back to the time when I was a kid when I had a lot of free time.
