
Gacha in DC World

Going to another world without knowing why and having extraordinary opportunities, he will start a journey to discover what he wants to be and what he has to be.

Fausto_Neto_4680 · Anime & Comics
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Take a rest

September 20, 2008

"Oh my god"

I just woke up after that stupid thing I did yesterday, and I'm wondering if he impaled my stomach or my head yesterday, I have a headache, thought that wasn't even possible, you know, I'm already superhuman I guess probably the mental stress of everything that happened yesterday.

I was so tired from yesterday's events that I didn't even take a shower yesterday, I just lay down on the bed and went to sleep, even though I stink a lot, I think it's better to go shower now.

I spend more than 30 minutes in the shower, under the water of the shower relaxing my head and thinking about what I did yesterday, the consequences of my actions, and seeing how much shit could have happened to me, shit, I should be relaxing my head and not thinking about it.

I'm going to get dressed and stops in front of the mirror to see how my stomach is, like yesterday there was a hole in it, but today there's nothing left, not even a mark, Static probably increased my regeneration, that's because I had to deactivate Lionel on the way home when I took off my ''hero clothes'', I think it would be suspicious to see someone with lion features walking down the street.

When I deactivated Lionel, it wasn't hurting like before, and even deactivating Lionel I still used my electricity not to let anything leak or enter my wound. As soon as I got home, I activated Lionel again, and here's the result my belly has no scar, and although I still feel discomfort in the area, I don't think I've fully recovered yet.

At least I have a reward for what I did yesterday.


Assimilated Characters:

-[Daniel Park] [Static (29%).]


Damn, the percentage went up more than 10% in less than 24 hours...yes, it looks like in an hour I'll have to go out to fight crime again, just kidding, my life is worth more than that crappy percentage going up, but it sure was good to see this, does it mean that certain actions make the percentage go up faster, maybe if I start ''acting'' more like the character.

Probably having played the hero like Static helped me level up faster, not only that but fighting in a super stressful situation, with a high chance of losing my life, probably increased the speed of assimilation.

Not only that, but now I have electromagnetism, one of the fundamental forces of the universe, Static has never been harnessed, I can train to surpass him, and become something like Marvel's Magneto, and even more.

But I can also see two problems with this, first that this power is very broad, as one of the fundamental forces of the universe I have many uses, thinking now of some technique that I could create there are several, one that interests me is biological manipulation With electromagnetism, with Daniel Park I gained complete control of my body's strength, but what if I can push my body beyond its limits with electricity.

Leaving that aside and returning to the problems, the second problem I see is that I could have several powers with the gacha, today I could be assimilating a fire user, who manages to destroy everything, and soon after a nature user, who cares for the well-being of all.

On second thought I shouldn't worry about that, that's something that future Leo has to worry about, and not only that, for me not to be a jack of all trades, master of none, I just need to be master of everything, and that's easy with assimilation, I need to use the right characters.

I finish getting dressed and start thinking about what to do now, I was seriously thinking about taking a few days off, but the temptation to play with my electrical powers is too great, I always liked that element, so having a chance to play with him today, this is something I never imagined in my life.


I'm currently in my office chair trying to play some music from my other world on my guitar, I was mostly into Eminem, Bruno Mars, and Adele, but that doesn't mean I only listened to them, I was pretty eclectic actually.

There are many songs that I liked, and I want to "create" these songs in this world, I would be doing society a favor by giving out so many amazing songs that unfortunately don't exist in this world, and for that, I need to remember how to play some of these songs, my memory is much better than it was before.

Although this memory issue leaves me in doubt, is my current body the same as my old world for me to be able to remember things from before, or is this part of my memory not in my physical body, but in my soul?

This a question I probably won't get an answer to anytime soon, and how did I arrive at this question?

Simple, I spent the morning playing with electricity, yes I couldn't stand the temptation, and in the middle of the game came the desire to start using electricity to increase my body's "buff", and from that I even used it in my mind and what result that would bring, of course, I just thought, I still don't feel like accidentally killing myself by burning some important shit on my body... so I just tried using electricity on my finger... anything Lionel could grow another one finger.

Now that I stop to think about my train of thought I realize how stupid I am being again, but damn, and the power to control electricity, it would probably be good for me to try not to be the test subject, but to get a subject.

The problem is that the kid saw me using electricity, and he's probably going to tell the authorities, and if some bad guys start showing up with some nerves burned, they might come to the conclusion that it's me, and that could be information for someone to attack me.

Shit, going to play hero might have hurt me a little... there's no use thinking about it, there's no going back in the past, and I did what was right and necessary, the explosion they could cause could not only affect thousands of families, as well as myself.

Putting aside my obsession with using electrical energy to manipulate my body, and using certain anime techniques I saw in my past life, I also took an old cell phone and kept trying to use energy to charge its battery, starting with low charges to not end up bursting the battery on me, until I got to a point where I could fill the cell phone battery quickly, and it didn't even consume much of my energy, bye bye Electricity bills.

I also tried another power that is the dream of many, telekinesis, I don't have telekinesis, but trying to control electromagnetic fields ends up being something similar to telekinesis, and I managed to do it with metallic objects, despite not having much mastery, maybe with some training time I can go flying on a skateboard like Static, because I bought a Hoverboard with that intention, to be able to modify it.

Thinking about it, I can do something much cooler fly without needing any support, or do like those cultivators and fly standing on a sword.

I also came to the question of where the energy I use comes from, I know that our body uses electricity for many essential functions of the human body, but I would probably be having to eat a lot more calories to expend the amount of energy I spent yesterday and today, so I probably produce my energy, how can I also be passively absorbing other energies that are around me?

There's also something I haven't tested, and I don't think I have the proficiency to test it, which is the manipulation of light, as I said electromagnetism is something super broken, too bad it's hard to decide what to do first.

And that's why it comes to that part, where I'm already having trouble with one power, and if I get others, I'll go crazy for sure.

Now that I realize I've stopped playing the song to think about it again, come on man it's time to relax you can leave that topic for another time.


Today is already Monday night, I spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday relaxing, or at least trying, I realized that some of my plans require more than one person working, mainly what has been on my mind the most, which is releasing music of my old world.

As I said here, there were some differences from the second world war, mainly in terms of culture, so there are still some singers like Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber has also started to appear, and David Guetta too, this one famous crowd, although many are still missing.

And I also wanted to start appearing, but the problem is that there is a lot of bureaucracy involved, first I would need a studio, but that is not the main problem, I can start recording with the basic equipment I have here at home, but it will be difficult work without an agency helping me.

And that's not just a problem for the music, anything I'm going to try to create I'm going to need a lot of people helping me, with gacha I could probably do everything myself, but then it would be very suspicious for my civilian identity.

So I've given up trying to create anything, and I've only been doing a few live streams I'll wait until I have someone suitable from gacha, I can get them out in the world by making small changes and having them help me.

In the end, I'm not wanting to do this for the money, the money is nice, but what I want more is to be able to put some feelings that I've been keeping in my chest, which is why I've always enjoyed listening to and singing music, and also to help people who are in the same situation as me.

I've been thinking a lot about my purpose in life, now that I'm in this very strange situation, with the endless possibilities that gacha has given me, and I've realized that I first need to seek power, not that I'm a power freak... ok, I I may be a little, but it's more because it can be very difficult to live in a world like this without strength, and I'm not going to trust my hand in the heroes here, even because I know DC's comics, and I know several futures that went to shit, which I might even be in one now!

So I'm going to seek power, which won't be difficult with gacha, I hope, but my main goal is to build a big family and help people, with the power that gacha can give me, I'm sure I can help a lot of people. people, that doesn't mean I'm going to sacrifice everything I have for this, my family always comes first.

Leaving that aside, I may have been resting these two days, but playing with what I got from Static is also resting, at least I consider it, so I've been playing around opening up some electronic devices here at home, and I've tried to create a hoverboard futuristic to be able to fly around.

I'm sure I can do the same as Static is using a garbage lid, but I want to test how much my intelligence has already been affected, and I also spent money buying a normal hoverboard for this, so I'm going to modify this to help me fly, even that I'm sure I'll probably be able to fly alone with the gacha, and something else to prove myself I think I could try to fly like Magneto.

In contrast, I managed to make a spear, that's right a spear, which was very easy since I can control and heat the metal with my power, the spear is mainly made of iron, but the middle of it has a little silver from some things that I took out here at home, mainly to be able to conduct electricity better, I was wanting to be able to send energy through the tip of the spear.

I did some tests, I saw some videos on youtube trying to learn how to use a spear, and besides that, I also tried to shoot energy rays from the tip of it, and I think I still don't have enough proficiency for that, some rays came out, but it wasn't very close to how I imagined it would be...

At least I'm happy that I managed to complete something I wanted today, although my power is still limited, I know that next month is coming, and with that, I will get new powers, and only the current power I have from Static, it was already a serious power that could make anyone a world power, I just need to train harder.

I went to bed that night with more optimism about my current situation.


(AN: First, I want to let you guys know that I'll probably post one or two more chapters this week.

And I'm thinking of putting the mc on his first mission in another world, I kind of already chose it, but it would be good for you to give your opinions, I might end up finding your idea better than my current one.)