
Fungus in the apocalypse.

Alister Barker was your average highschooler until notification of a distress appeared in the sky. At this time everyone in the world was given access to a system with a status ,a quest ,and a communication screen. With everyone in distress ruined pillars with monstrous growths descended in every country and different monsters poured out except one terrifying thing it was evident something had gotten them first, instead of ordinary monsters half decayed disease riddled corpses ran out and ravaged the land. unfortunately Alister only awakened a plant system and living in a apartment with no greenery he was guarantied a quick death but as he was infected something strange happened instead of losing intelligence and becoming a zombie his system sounded that he met the conditions for evolution. regaining consciousness he realised he was no longer human instead he was a fungus.

TheJadeBeauty · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


It was a typical day for Alister Barker; as he readied his bag and prepared for school, the sky turned blood red, reading "WARNING irregularities detected in the dungeons prepare for an unexpected tribulation!"

Not knowing what the "Dungeons" were or the "Tribulation", people were understandably distressed and suddenly saw windows depicting statuses, quests, and a communication board.

But the worst was still yet to come, as people saw giant pillars raining down from the sky.

They were as tall as skyscrapers and had visible fleshy lumps pulsating on thematic cracks in the unknown material.

Large doors opened on the pillars, releasing the smell of decay and rot and it was apparent that a great battle had taken place in these shiny black pillar.

 As if planned the corpses of huge 10 feet Long wolves rose smelling the sweet smell of flesh "Warning," the system sounded.

"Unknown diseases detected in the dungeons attempting reset." After a few moments, "ERROR can not reset or purify dungeons must seek external help activating systems early." 

As the sound rang out, people worldwide awakened different systems. Allister watched udder destruction unfold beneath him as that awakened humans tried to fend off the "dire wolves," as Allister called them.

But eventually screams rang out as the now exhausted awakeners were devoured 1 by 1 by the zombie wolves not even bones were left. Allister now read his system notification of activating his system.

"Shit, I'm really gonna die, aren't I Allister said after reading the prompt."

He had awakened the plant life system as he lived on the 38th floor of a skyscraper with no plant life in sight.

"At least I should be rather safe up - " " BOOM" Giant bird-like lizards started crashing into the glass their wings with withering rotten flesh shouldn't even be able to fly let alone controllably.

They exploded on impact, leaving acidic blood covering the buildings, eating away the buildings. Holes appeared one by one, letting the monsters in.

As Allister scrambled to his feet, the rotting lizards noticed him, but instead of breathing fire, they launched the same acidic blood at him, scrambling into the bathroom he locked himself in.

As Allister consoled himself about those things he felt a slight tingling "I've been hit he muttered now looking at the festering wound on his leg he knew it wouldn't be long till he turned too weak to even scream in pain he felt himself hungering for flesh and blood even as his vision faded and he fell to the floor he still felt the excruciating pain of the venom curdling his blood like lemon juice in milk.

"ding-" "Ding" "DING" He awoke he couldn't see anything except the cold blue light of the system panel, he felt extremely "cold".

"I can't feel my legs!" Allister exclaimed "I can't feel ... Anything" A weird sensation passed over him he questioned "Is this the afterlife?" " No you are still very much alive." the system read. " where am I Allister asked " You are still in your apartment" The system replied.

Allister checked his status and to his surprise, it read.

[Name: Allister Barkley

Level: 1

Body 1

Race: Fungi: Genus: Aspergillus 

Abilities: Air Transmission lvl: 1

Spores: 500

Infectivity: 10

Mana: 0/0

Strength: 0

agility: 0

charm: -10

Stat points: 5

Evolution points 0]

"Quests" Allister announced

[ Daily quest: Gain spores: 500/1000

Reward: 10 Evolution points]

"communication board"

[Communication board temporarily disabled.Try again after unlocking "Communication"]

"What a scam. Why do I have to pay for something others got for free?" Allister whined " You forget how lucky you are to be alive right now others did not get this opportunity for a second life, and you are complaining about it you should be ashamed of yourself( ˘ ^˘ )"

Stunned, Alister responded, "You can talk?" " yes and I'm rather disappointed with my host don't make me regret my choice." the system replied 

[!1! new notification] 'open' Allister thought [ New Quest Added: Apologize: Apologize to the system for being an ungrateful sack of human garbage: Rewards Continued Access to the system: Penalty: removal of the system (will result in immediate death)]

"Ok I'm sorry System, I'm just very confused at the moment." Alister explained, "Apology accepted; System realized that humans are very emotional creatures."

"Come to think of it do fungi even have brains; how am I even thinking right now?" Alister exclaimed "That's easy your body isn't the fungi but it is puppeted by your by your soul think possession." replied the system.

"So can I have multiple bodies?" he asked "Yes but the host is not advised to gain to many complex bodies without mental processing upgrades." said the system calmly

"How do I acquire these upgrades?" he questioned "Evolution points" the system responded " Oh yeah about that how do I gain spores" Alister wondered " Simple, eat" Allister swallowed 'At least I won't have taste buds or sight' Allister thought, he could only sense heat but he knew who he was growing on.

As Allister focused he could feel the nutrients coming from his roots he had a bloated feeling like after you eat too much dairy"Psssss-" Suddenly he felt something waft out of him like a fart [ spores↑ 500->1000] [Quest completed + 10 evolution points] "how do I open the store" Allister asked "Just say"store" " replied the system " store" he announced 

[ Soul upgrades: (most relevant)

astral projection (10 ev points)

basic telekinesis (20 ev points)

basic processing power upgrade (50 ev points)...

Fungi mutations/species: (most relevant)

myconid bloodline(100 ev points)

eye mutation ( 20 ev points)

spiritual absorption mutation (150 ev points)

blindsight 10 meters(50 ev points)

mutant cordyceps effective on medium to small humanoids(200 ev points)...]

Alister realized that all the recommended upgrades were related to movement or sensing" Why can't I just stay in one place absorbing nutri-" Alister suddenly realized that his body would run out of nutrients eventually.

He realized He would have at max 10 days of nutrients. "System how can I gain more evolution points? "he asked " You can exchange spores for evolution points at a rate of 100 spores to 1 point." The system replied. 

"What else can spores be used for?" He questioned "They act as health points basically. If all your spores die you die." The system warned seriously.

Meanwhile somewhere in the city "Fallback!" A man yelled. He was Tony Mariano the ruthless leader of a massive criminal organization named "The Black Roses" known for his cruelty to anyone who got on his nerves.

"Have the women and children escape to the safe house while we guard thier flank."

It seemed that in the darkest times even the evilest people could turn a new leaf for the survival of humanity.

But it was useless, the men were slaughtered one by one until "*slice" the zombie wolves chasing them were cut down one by one the strange figure's sword let of cold light.

"Come with me." The figure announced walking over to a nearby manhole and jumping in, the last bastion of humanity in the city "Undertown" run by the strongest system users in the city including the check in , slayer , other world , and necromancy system users.

[Alert system user: Fang Ming user of the slayer system has killed the first world boss direwolf alpha] "So fast" Alister exclaimed.

Alister started to absorb more nutrients 'not needing to sleep rocks' he thought.

After "Eating" for 8 nights without any problems his spores increased to 5000 and his evolution points increased to 90.

He found that I took about an day for him to process the nutrients every time he ate, and no warmth or energy came from the husk of his previous body. 

He knew it was time to find a new host.

(authors notes: hopefully you enjoyed the intro this was just exposition, future chapters will have more action and be longer. I want to make a unique experience where readers influence the story any ideas in the comments I will try to implement if they fit. No r34 or graphic suggestions please only things that you would do in the situation to make a more believable character. PS I don't know how Webnovel works exactly and this is my first novel, but I will try to keep this free for readers and since I have to review your comments for the implements only expect 1 chapter a week at most, So don't donate power stones of gifts expecting extra uploads,but I will have thank to anyone who gifts if I can see it (I'm still new) also please post thoughts corrections and suggestions in the comments I will read them. Because I read them please keep mean comments to your self but do critique and critisize mistakes and errors.