
Welcome to Exmortana

"I cant believe that we got selected to go to Exmortana Island! " the man sitting next to Seth said not able to hide his excitement as he buckled his seat belt on the plane.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing they pay off your debt just to visit their island to listen to them talk about their new game. " Seth said while buckling himself in as well.

"My name is John, It is nice to meet you! " He said extending his hand to Seth.

"Seth, nice to meet you. Do you plan on playing their game? " Seth asked while shaking John's hand.

"I don't really see the harm in it, not to mention if you survive till the end you win a million dollars. I hear they even pay your bills for you while you're playing the game so I don't see any reason not to play it. " John said as he pulled out some papers showing how much debt he had.

"I guess if I was $40,000 in debt I would probably be willing to do just about anything to pay it off as well. " Seth said, looking at the papers. "What worries me the most is their use of the word 'Survive'. Besides how long can you even play a game anyways, " He continued to say feeling the plane start to move at a rapid pace as they took off into the sky.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, it isn't like they're doing anything illegal you know. " John replied leaning back in his seat to take a nap for the long flight.


Being jolted awake by the plane landing roughly on the island Seth looked out the window expecting to see a large runway. To his surprise the only thing he was was grass and trees everywhere.

"PONG~ This is your captain speaking, we have arrived at our destination Exmortana Island. Please stay seated until the flight attendants tell you otherwise. PONG~"

"Looks like they're just dropping us off in the wild… " Seth said looking out the window trying to find any trace of civilization.

"Why don't you take a look out the other side. " John said, pointing across the aisle at the window.

Looking out the small window Seth was able to see a large facility that looked like a resort rather than a tech industry business

"Well good thing we get to stay in style I guess, " Seth said unbuckling his seatbelt taking his luggage from the overhead bin and slowly walking in line out of the plane.

"Welcome my dear guests! Welcome to Exmortana Industries! Thank you for traveling to our Island. We hope you enjoy your stay and choose to participate in our game! " An attractive woman in a suit said with a smile motioning for the passengers to get in the topless bus to travel the rest of the way.

"I am sure you all have many questions about this place and the game. Please wait until we have our welcoming ceremony to have your questions answered. " The lady said again as they arrived in front of the resort.

"I almost forgot how silly of me! My name is Jessica, If you have anything you need after the ceremony please feel free to come find me! " Jessica said leading Seth and the other inside the building which looked more like what Seth expected on the inside. Looking around Seth saw many high tech Holograms depicting various towns and monsters from inside the game.

"If you look around you will see some of the many sights you will be able to see inside Exmortana. We are the first truly Full-Dive Virtual Reality game that is only available to 100,000 people of the 2.3 billion people who have applied! Some would even consider your luck better than those who win millions in the lottery! " Jessica continued to say while leading the group into the auditorium.

Walking into the huge room Seth and the others found empty seats near the front while waiting on further instructions and information about their stay.

"This is even more exciting than what I was hoping! " John said while taking his seat next to Seth. Seeing John's excitement Seth couldn't help but feel it rubbing off on him as he anxiously waited for things to finally start.

"WELCOME EVERYONE! THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ON THIS HISTORIC JOURNEY YOU WILL BE TAKING PART OF!!!" A man walking on stage yelled out getting some cheers and whistles.

"As I said this is a historic event that will be documented and told about in future history books! As part of the first 150 participants you will naturally receive a bonus if you decide to partake in this game. With that being said I will cut to the questions I know you all have. First off once you enter the game you may not exit the game for any reason. Second, this is a True Full Dive game, meaning that you will feel everything, you will taste the food you eat, feel the pain you recieve, and naturally feel the invincible feeling of leveling up! Third if you do not wish to play the game you will be able to stay here for a week and be sent home with $10,000 for your time! On top of all of that the winner will obtain a special prize on top of the one million dollars for surviving the game till the very end BUT I can't ruin that this early into things. My name is Alexander Pochinki and without further ado WELCOME PLAYERS! " Alexander said while the beautiful workers he employed handed out room keys and general information booklets.

"For those who have already made up their mind on playing please follow me out the door to the right. I will take you to the Prep Area to get you ready and send you into the game to get a head start on things. Those who still need time you may take your luggage and booklet to your room and wait for some small events to take place before deciding! " He said while walking off the stage and to a door while waiting on people to line up.

"Seth common man I know you're going to play this why not team up with me and get a head start on the others? " John said with a determined look trying to convince Seth to play the game with him.

"I guess you're probably right.. Lead the way. " Seth said standing up and following John to stand at the front of the line since the others were all mostly still sitting waiting to see who would go with Alexander.

"Nice to meet you two, since you two have clearly made up your mind I will let you both have a starter box once you enter. Who else wants to come? Hurry and decide you have 30 seconds before I take the few that have decided. " Alexander yelled out wanting to get things started.

Taking the 87 people who rushed to the line into the Prep area Alexander told everyone to leave their belongings in the lockers against the wall since they would not be needed in the game. "Okay everyone this may look painful but i assure you that it is %100 safe and pain free who would like to be the first to go? " He said leading the group into an operating room making almost everyone too nervous to speak up.

"I guess that would be me… " Seth said while walking forward.

"The brave will survive. " Alexander said with a blank face, sending him into the room while everyone watched.

'The hell is that supposed to mean??? ' Seth thought to himself as he walked over to the table and laid on his stomach like the surgeon instructed.

"Don't worry this will only take a few minutes and right after this you get to go into the game. " The surgeon said while slowly putting a needle in the back of his neck and sending the synchronizing device into his spinal cord.

"All done, please head through those doors and head into the POD room. " The surgeon said pointing at the doors as John walked in to receive his.

Walking through the doors Seth almost immediately regretted his decision as he saw thousands of pod's lined up next to each other reminding him of a movie he saw where people are trapped in pods and live in a fake reality.

"I wonder if someone will offer me a red and blue pill on the inside.. " Seth said out loud without realizing it.

"Hahahaha! It's good to have a sense of humor young man just pick any pod you want and lay down inside I will help you enter the game and your adventure will start from there. " A man in a suit said.

"Send him to POD x Christoph, " Alexander said walking through the doors to join them.

"As you command, " Christoph said while leading Seth to a small group of pods separate from the rest.

"Why are these pods separated from the rest? " Seth questioned seeing the six black pods open with different letters on them.

"These are reserved for the ones Alexander finds interesting. Alexander programmed and built these pods himself so I can't really tell you any more about them. " Christolph said standing next to pod x.

"Guess I will just roll with it. " Seth said laying back in the pod which felt like laying on a cloud.

"Have fun. " Christolph said while closing the pod.

"Hey wai--- " Seth tried saying as he was instantly sucked into an empty white room.

"What the hell… '' Seth said to himself while looking at a blue transparent screen in front of him showing his body and options to customize his gender, eyes, hair color, and many different things that he would normally see when starting up a new MMORPG.

Changing his hair from black to white and his eyes from brown to green and leaving the rest of his body alone he was met with a new screen. This time seeing a skill point screen showing 50 free points and 0 on all his stats along with the another screen showing different classes to pick from Seth couldn't help but be amazed with the game.

"I should pick a class first and then pick where to put my points I guess. " Seth said while scrolling down the list of classes.

| Swordsman |

| Knight |

| Ranger |

| Witch (Female only) |

| Wizard (Male only)

| Saintess (Female only) |

| Cleric (Male only) |

| Rouge |

| Fighter |

| Monk |

| Barbarian |

| Demonic Warrior (1) |

| Angelic Warrior (1) |

| Classless (1) |

| Joker (1) |

| Angel (1) |

| Demon (1) |

"I wonder what the (1) means.. Maybe It is related to the black pods.. I think I will go with Demon, sounds like a fun class to be. " Seth said while selecting the Demon class thinking that the Demonic Warrior may just be able to use some skills while the Demon should be able to get a class specific skill tree.

| Demon selected. Demons have the ability to be tanks, rangers, warriors, ect Skill Points determine which route you will go down (Can also become a hybrid of the classes).

Seeing the class window disappear he noticed that he was able to put Skill Points where he wanted.

Name: Seth

Class: Demon


Level: 1

HP: 100/100 > 200/200

MP: 100/100 > 200/200

STR: 0 > 10

VIT: 0 > 10

INT: 0 > 10

DEF: 0 > 10

AGI: 0 > 10

Skill Points: 50 > 0

Elru: 0

Pressing the Finish button Seth completed his task, watching the screen fade away Seth noticed the Box Alexander referred to earlier.

Walking over to it he opened the large black box to see what was inside. Looking inside Seth saw some beginner armor as well as a sword, a bag he could tie around his waist and some a small bag with 100 Elru the games currency.

"Thank you Alexander, " Seth said while putting everything on and then walking over to a door that showed up after he was done.