
Frontline Down

Heavily inspired by games such as SAS 4: Zombie Assault, Warhammer, and others. The Bravo 2 Team, composed of Kleim, Hans, Jørgen, and Sneer, was tasked to secure the population of the Lai Village from the hordes of infected, but after successfully securing the people and evacuating them, their transport ship was destroyed in an accident, leaving them stranded in Orm, a planet overrun by infected people, that are wired to do one thing, completely infect the planet.

Edgelord_69420 · Khoa huyễn
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5 Chs

The Great Interplanetary War

Note: This Chapter is not necessary to read if you want to read the Catastrophe part right now. This chapter is for background and stuff so yeah, no need.


(countries: Elios, Hyman, Liby, Momu, Louw, Orm)

In the era where humanity has successfully colonized other planets, and then eventually terraformed them to make them habitable. The minds of many great scientists collaborated to create the age known as "The Great Exodus". After many millennia, technology advanced and created a time when humanity was living in complete peace, however, weapons advanced too. Tensions were rising between every country. Even in prosperity, greed and bitterness were present. War is inevitable.

(Side Note: I now call planets 'countries' because they are all united.)

The Great Interplanetary War caused many deaths in the Solu Planetary System, which was caused because of the assassination of Elios' ambassador, Jonathan B. Hoover, in the country Orm. After Elios received the report from its own men, the country started an investigation. But even with the lack of evidence supporting their claim, Elios stated that Orm did it. Elios claimed that Orm did it because of multiple and plausible reasons. But in actuality, Elios claimed so because Orm was a hindrance to their monopoly of a rare material named PI-777, a material that is extremely useful to countries (basically oil to the USA). Orm was the first one to discover the planet, now called PI-001, so they claimed it as their own. After the discovery of said material, it sparked major interest in other countries. Many debates sparked because of the planet. In the end, it was decided that Orm would own 60% of the planet while Elios own 5%, Hyman own 5%, Momu own 5%, Liby own 5%, and the rest to the country Louw.

But Elios wanted more. Many people said that it was fair, but the Elios claimed that they gave major help to Orm in discovering the planet. But the truth is that Louw did most of the external aid to Orm.

Elios' government wanted more because of the huge profit of a monopoly of PI-001. But so did the other nations. After the incident, Elios took the opportunity and wanted at least 35% of PI-001 as compensation, but Orm rejected it.

Other nations also wanted to increase their own too, Louw being an exception. Louw and Orm were strong allies and always helped each other. So, Louw was against it. So, Elios threatened to declare war on both countries. But their decision still remains. And with this, Elios declared war on Orm, and Louw declared war on Elios. Libby and Hyman remained neutral in the conflict. Momu decided that it was best to join Orm's side because when they win the war, Momu might have an increase in its ownership of PI-001.

With this, war has begun.

The countries Elios, Hyman, Louw, and Orm were major superpowers because of their military's immense strength and technology.

Elios was at a huge advantage considering the number of its military, but Orm did not falter. Elios' military might is not something to scoff at. Its military has the most amount of soldiers, vehicles, and more. Its logistics are considered the best out of all the other planets. And it has the most spies on other planets. Elios was preparing for this moment.

But Elios wasn't the only one who was preparing. So did the other countries.

On November 9, year XXXX, the announcement was broadcast on each country's own network. When people heard the news, massive protests sparked in each country, especially in Elios.

But the voices of the masses cannot be heard above.

Casualties are inevitable.

(War Summary)

Elios, with its immense military might, reliable logistics, and massive intel, won. When the war was at its peak, Elios used the UR-001 Bomb on Orm, and with its disastrous effects, Orm surrendered. After their victory, Elios claimed 70% ownership of PI-001, and Momu owned 20% of PI-001. After the war ended, people were rebuilding their own countries after the devastating effects of war.

(End of War Summary)

Years passed, and the System was at peace. When Crow Corp was doing its weekly cleanup and investigation of Area 13, the place where the UR-001 was dropped, the team noticed something odd about the virus, it mutated into an infectious form. With this, the team immediately reported back to their HQ and after many hours, they decided to study it. Years passed and another team went to Area 13, but one of the members went missing. A search team was looking for the missing person and after many weeks, they finally found him, but with his ragged suit and unusual skin, rotting flesh, and chunks of his body gone, with the other end of his small intestine onto the ground, his left arm is missing, and his eyes, bloodshot eyes, his body is shaking, foams bubbling from his mouth, blood dripping, but, he wasn't lying on the ground...

He was standing.

Hi guys, this is my first novel (if my epic "The Adventures of Sneer Sharko isn't considered one), and yeah, I'm not very good with English, especially with grammar and it probably sucks but hey, I won't be angry, I will accept criticisms and stuff and if you have something that can improve my novel, then I would gladly accept, so yeah, have a good day!

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