
From Office Boy To Alpha Male

As Ortega walked out of the room, he heard an unfamiliar ding sound in his head. Confused, he turned around and then a mechanical female voice said, "Congratulations, Host! You have accomplished a great feat by being the first male ever to be accepted as a member of staff in this company. As a result, the universe has decided to reward you with the Alpha Male System." "I'm the only guy in this entire company... Damn! Guess I better not screw this up." For a hot-blooded fella who yearned to lose his V-card, this was freaking paradise! Well, until... {New Quest: Your reputation isn't bad for your status as an Omega; however, it is unbecoming of a host of the Alpha Male System. Your challenge: Seduce the big four!} {Rewards: Power, Influence, ???} {Punishment: Tarnished reputation, poverty, and permanent system shutdown.} "What the hell did I just get myself into?" Ortega couldn't believe his eyes. The stakes only rose higher the more he accomplished. "I have to seduce four powerful women?!" ________ Meet Ortega, an average young man with a hidden, manipulative side. When he gets a powerful system that helps him chase fame, he becomes determined to dominate. Fired up and ready, Ortega is on a mission to become the ultimate Alpha Male. The world better watch out—he won't stop until he's on top! ________ #ManipulativeMC #TwistedRomance #PowerfulHaremMembers #LittleSmut #OfficeDrama

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Snarky AI

Ortega's face paled. "N-not so solid? H-how?!"

{You simpleton. Do you think that slap mark on your face is a permanent tattoo?}

"Excuse me?"

{That mark is the only evidence that suggests you were hit. Suppose it heals?...}

"I'll have nothing to say in my defense."

{Exactly. Which is why you have to swallow your goddamn pride, and make amends.}

"So... I can't just blackmail her?"

{No blackmail! She loathes you. If you attempt such you'll risk losing your job.}

{Here are some tips to follow instead: Apologize, listen actively, build trust, find common ground and change your behavior.}

{Note: Seduction is not just about physical attraction; it's about emotional connection and intellectual stimulation...}

{Good luck!}

"Seduction? As in, get her to sleep with me?" Ortega pondered, half confused, half amused.

{Not my business. Just get her to not expose you. And while you're at it, don't seem desperate. You're an alpha male in the making, understand that.}

Ortega furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of the unexpected advice.

"Right. But how does being a seducer relate to my role as a businessman? I mean, wouldn't that be inappropriate?"

{Says the guy who was ready for sex the moment he thought his doctor wanted to kiss him.}

Ortega felt like cursing. "Please... Just give me an answer. Quit being so difficult!"

{It does. In lots of ways. The Alpha Male System is not only your guide to becoming an overpowered and domineering personality in all aspects of your life, but it is also a manifestation of your deepest, darkest desires. Simply put, the system makes you overcome obstacles by acting on these desires as they are instrumental in ensuring your success in the business world.}

"Oh, the gray perspective. I get it now." Ortega nodded, what the voice was trying to tell him was very clear;

Business is a cutthroat environment, and to succeed, you need to cut throat, though not literally.

What this meant was concealing one's defects, and exploiting the weaknesses of others. Ortega knew the situation with Sylvia was a matter of who brought down the other first.

Although they had both "promised" not to expose the incident, there was no telling whether Sylvia would keep her end of the agreement and Ortega was very much aware of this. He could bet his outstanding debt that Sylvia was already digging through his files for any info that might give her some sort of leverage against him.

"Try as she might. With the system in my arsenal, I've still got the upper hand."

{Now aren't you getting a bit too cocky? If you think the system is here to spoon-feed you like a baby, then you're not with the right mindset. Or need I remind you of the reason you were chosen as its host in the first place?}

Ortega felt like a bucket of cold water splashed against his face, jolting him with a reminder that there was no room for complacency.

He sighed, then asked, feeling a wave of curiosity wash over him at the last statement made by the voice. "You're right, but is the reason not clear enough?"

Wasn't he chosen because he accomplished something great? Well, according to the system, and whoever it was that created it.

He understood the system's purpose, but it was it's origin that puzzled him.

"It said the universe had decided to reward me." Ortega stroke his chin, now consumed by raw curiosity. He wasn't religious, but he couldn't think of any reasonable answer. The appearance of this strange anomaly that was the Alpha Male System had slowly begun to shape his worldview.

Aware the System AI could now hear his thoughts, he continued, "That means the system was created by a celestial, some god or... Aliens maybe, right?"

The AI did not respond, and Ortega felt unsettled and impatient. "Well? Why was I chosen then?" He probed further, suddenly overcome by the desire to know. His mind jumped back to the moment he acquired the system and Ortega felt it was all shrouded in mystery. He didn't know where it came from, who created it and if there were any predecessors before him.

Or was it something everyone had but kept hidden?

Ortega's mind jumbled, and he felt dizzy pondering the who's, when's, and what's of the Alpha Male System. Though he had gotten accustomed to its existence, he still found it hard to believe. His logical mind was not so accepting.

{You are not eligible to know. This is something that will be divulged later on as you ascend. For now, you are too weak and therefore, undeserving to know.} Came the disheartening reply.

"Damn it! You bring up the issue and this is what I get? You must really enjoy crushing my hopes!"


Again, he was reminded of his position as an Omega, and the need to improve came back like a new wave, igniting his ambition. But it also brought with it the feeling of deep frustration.

However, Ortega wasn't discouraged. Figuring out the system's origins could wait as that wasn't his priority. He would get to know all about the system when the time comes. For now, though, doing his job well was his main focus.

With that in mind, Ortega moved on to check his profile for any more changes.

"Woah! Looks like even my talent has improved. But weirdly, I don't feel any different, even though it's quite an upgrade. Going from basic to intermediate... Hey, system, what are the stages of a skill?" Ortega asked excitedly. Then, he frowned and mimicked the system's voice, "Or am I not eligible to know?"

{Well, someone's sensitive.}

"Just answer the question, damn it!"

{There are 5 stages by which a skill or talent evolves, each measures the level of efficiency of the host about that skill.}

The voice went on to list out the five and when it finished, it looked something like this;






"Well, that's rich. Alright, moving on to Gabriella... How the hell did her perception of me improve?! 35 percent?!" Ortega squinted his eyes to make sure he was seeing properly, then added with a whisper.

"Am I attractive when my ass is convulsing?"

{Ew. Certainly not. Your efficiency in completing the assignments she gave must've impressed her.}

"Oh, okay. That's great then." Ortega said, relieved. But he was still apprehensive about seeing Gabriella. It was not fun having your hot boss who also happens to be someone you like, see you as someone sickly when you're not. He could swear that there wasn't a single lady here who didn't think of him as sickly.

"Ugh!" Ortega felt like being buried alive. "She really wasn't supposed to see me that way."

He had miscalculated.

Ortega never expected the backlash to be so severe and had jumped to using the skill without a second thought.

He could feel the eyes of his co-workers on him, their murmurs and pitied looks making him feel like an outcast in his workplace.

It was ironic how he had become popular at work but in one of the most pathetic ways possible. He was living a lie and it seemed like there was nothing he could do to change the status quo. But despite everything, he could still look on the bright side of things.

Being pitied was a lot better than being hated, he thought to himself. Even though it wasn't exactly how he wanted to be perceived by his co-workers, Ortega knew he could manage. After all, things weren't as bad as they seemed.

Finally, he dismissed the interface and leaned back on his chair, planning his next moves. He was all caught up with today's tasks and decided to use his free time to plan for the future.

He stood up, rubbed his face, and walked around the confines of his workspace to stretch his sore muscles.

Then he sat back down at his desk, staring intently at his computer screen. He drummed his fingers on the desk, lost in thought.

"What to do? What to do?" he muttered to himself, feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders.

He rested his jaw on his knuckles, deep in contemplation. As the minutes ticked by, his eyelids grew heavy, and he felt a wave of fatigue wash over him.

"I could use a nap right now," he said with a yawn.

Just as he was about to shut down his computer and sleep, he heard the telephone ring.

Ortega groaned while watching the vibrating device with a lazy expression. He allowed it to ring a few more times before finally answering at the third ring.

"BeautyPlus marketing department. Ortega speaking. How can I help you?" He said, looking at his fingernails. Guessing the person calling was a client.

However, his breath hitched as Velvet's crisp voice sounded at the other end:

"Come to my office ASAP."

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