
From Assassin to Tycoon in the Magical World

Cliché/ Fanfic of Harry Potter. AU

Scriptor_Schutz · Phim ảnh
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Edward Schultz.

In a park in low light at night, a figure suddenly appeared, everything seemed as if... He was teleported!


"Huhh.. dammit, you would have warned me about the nausea!" the figure roared at seemingly no one.

Looking around, the figure muttered. "Okay, now where the hell did he send me?"

This is Edward Schultz or so he decided to introduce himself, after all, he is a professional assassin, his hobby is conning and ripping off some cocky guys, you can't believe anything he says.

He originally was on a mission delivered by his organization A.R.G.U.S. but it seems that the enemies got his intelligence and ambushed him, of course, it is not ruled out that his organization sold him for some big ones, after all, they are assassins.

But not for nothing is he one of the best assassins in the world, if we say that he is the second one, no one dares to say that he is the first.

So he could easily deal with the ambush, but what he didn't expect was…he got hit by a truck while he was yawning after finishing the job and collecting the 10 million dollar reward.

"Listen bastard, that wasn't an accident, I swear he appeared out of nowhere, he didn't even make a sound!"

Of course, these are the delusions of a dead person, ahem...

After spraying the road with brain matter, he came to a great void.


"Ah..." I tried to look around me, but everything is dark, I can't even see my hands, everything is a complete void, the only reason I know I exist, is because I can feel... my soul?

"That's right, it's your soul." said a voice from seemingly nowhere.

"What? Who are you? Is this an illusion?" I asked analyzing the situation.

"Mm.. ok, it's nice that you don't panic, I don't want to see you cry, now, this is me, tck." said the voice and a click was heard before disappearing from there and appearing in... a large white room...

In front of me, there is a guy sitting at a desk, I can't see his face since he is covered by a mask, but from his hair, he seems to be in his thirties.

"So who are you?.."

"I have many names, but you can call me, James..."


"Hmm, any problem?" James asked...

"Um, no, I was just expecting something more… mystical." I said, I thought it would be like in those light novels..

"Oh... you can call me ROB too if you want, but I thought a more normal name would be better." James said with a smile.

"Oh, no need, just...did you just read my mind?!"



For a moment I felt a bit silly, of course he can read my mind!

"I understand, then James? what will happen next? will I be sent to hell?" Of course, I'm a murderer, going to heaven didn't even cross my mind, so there's only one option left, right?

"You're wrong, I'm not in charge of that, but I can if you want." James suggested.

"No, no, it's not necessary..."

"Okay, then this is my proposal, you will reincarnate in a world of my choice, you will get two wishes as compensation for relieving my boredom." James said holding out two fingers.

"Two?.." stingy! You should at least give three..

"If you don't like it you can go to hell, literally." James said with a frown, or at least it seemed to me that he was frowning since he's wearing a mask.

"I accept it!"

"Okay, then take your time, I'm not going to rush you."

'Mm...wishes suitable for any world...you can't be useless, so...'

"I desire Instant Dominance.."

"Pfftt.." Oi, don't you want a coffee too?

"Forget it!" James yelled and immediately pushed him away.

"..#&$&~" unintelligible words came out of Edward.

"In that case, I want a healing factor, Wolverine level." I don't want to be killed so easily, besides, this will give me at least a few hundred years of life, enough to find a way to create a form of being immortal, I'm sure if he wished for Immortality directly, he'll reject it.

James seemed to think for a moment and said. "Okay, as additional compensation, I'll add it to your soul."


At that moment, the realization came to me, Even if my body is immortal, my mind and soul are not necessarily.

"Now, choose your second wish."

For this, I already have an idea, in my spare time during my career as an assassin, I always read light novels about systems, although some people don't like it because they feel controlled by systems, that can be easily solved.

"He wanted a high-tech system, I want it to be like a library, where he can learn, understand and use that knowledge to develop without any changes like system points."

"...interesting, it's fine, but it can't be free, I'll add a condition, you need energy to make it work, it doesn't matter the type of energy, including electricity or ki, the higher the power, the better, it will be measured in units." James said, for a moment, he looked like a game programmer coming up with character ideas for him.

"Ahem... very good, now you must go." James said preparing to send it off.

"Wait! Tell me to what world..." unfortunately, before he could ask, he had already disappeared.

The entire room fell into a resounding silence.

At this time, James, who just sent the unlucky or lucky Edward away, turned to a big screen.

"Very well dear viewers, let the show begin!!!.."