
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Phim ảnh
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91 Chs

The robbery

Ned, me and the waiter were lying on the ground as the robber started taking people's wallets and phones before dropping them in his bag, once he was done with all of that he approached a guy in a suit shivering infront of me and kicks his stomach for no apparent reason as he yells "Give me the fucking watch you son of a bitch" I found it extremely suspicious as the guy already gave his watch willingly before.

The robber then kneels beside the man in pain, I observe his gun which he left on the table as he asks the downed guy a question in a quiet whisper that my spidey powers pickup "Is your name antoniv?" the man suddenly looks much more terrified as he makes a small nod that looks like acceptance of what is to come.

I observe as the robber reaches for the gun to kill the guy he probably came to kill, they probably wanted to make it look like a robbery gone wrong. The reason I didn't rise to help at the beginning was because it was a simple robbery, in and out job and didn't need my interference but now that a man's life is on the line, I ignored peters urge to hide our identity somehow and reach into my bag for something.

I flash the special flashlight I bought for my next video into the robbers eyes and take the momentary blindness he suffered as my time to roll from my prone form to kick him in his chest from the ground after which I turned it into a kickup to stand straight as I grab the gun off the table and put the safety on before taking off the mag after which I emptied the chamber.

Even though I put very little strength into the kick he still got pushed back a lot as he slid on the ground but he was immediately swarmed by two guys near him who looked like bodybuilders.

I help the antoniv guy to his feet and ask him "why did they put a hit on you?" In a curious tone, the man looked at me gratefully as he said "I am a reporter, I have evidence" and he didn't say anything more, probably to not put me in danger of knowing or something.

The police arrive and take the robber away and pull me aside to scold me for my reckless and unnecessary actions so I told them what happened and the real reason for the robbers choice of robbing a fucking cafe of all places.

After that they pulled the antoniv guy aside, probably to put him in witness protection or something. I was about to search for ned as a black police officer asks me "They say you distracted him before kicking him back, what did you do to distract him kid?" I look to him and point to his waist he looks down and asks in a suspicious tone "A gun?" I shake my head in panic and say "NOO the one next to it" he looks down again and says "A flashlight huh" "yeah" he seems to ponder about something before he says "You did good kid i'll probably use the flashlight trick more but be more careful out there alright." and then they have to call my and neds guardians to take us away as we are still minors and all that.

Once me and ned are home he immediately calls me and shouts "That was so awesome dude you blinded that dude to kingdom come and bam straight to his chest just like that movie 300 and then those bodybuilders held him down like those wrestling matches, it was all so cool." we then chatted for a while about this and that before he shouted into the phone "DUDE HOLY SHIT OPEN THIS CLIP"

/Buttergod reacts to Sparta kid/

I clicked open the link to see the famous youtuber buttergod looking at his subreddit (which somehow exists earlier) for memes and all that, i was used to watching this content so i asked ned "what's so good about this anyway?" He immediately cuts the call before sending me a specific time in the video, i skip the video to that part and see.

Buttergod: "So who the hell sorts reddit by hot anyway let's see the new posts to judge how low my viewers intelligence can get"

Buttergod's insistence to roast the fuck out of his audience was what made him really famous in youtube so his humor can be said to be weird and borderline bullying.

Buttergod sorts reddit by new and looks at the first video and says

"/When the quiet kid is done with the bullying/ that's an interesting title but i am afraid that we are going to see another school shooting so we'll poison test it with my editor, jack if it isn't good for youtube cut it." The video plays and it is shown to be a cafe's CCTV footage which shows a man who looked like a robber kicking a man in a suit before kneeling beside him and reaching for his gun buttergod thought the video was going to be graphic as fuck as he said "Oh god fuck me" but he couldn't stop himself from watching the man die.

As a man who dwells in the dark pits of reddit buttergod has seen his fair share of death but has never closed his eyes or clicked away from a video because he considers looking away to be mocking towards the person who died, so even though he has a heavy heart he still continues watching the inevitable death of the man.

But just as he thought all hope was lost a nerdy looking kid uses a flash light to blind the robber before rolling forward and kicking him in the chest and as the robber slides away the kid does a kungfu kickup before disassemblling the fuck outta that gun. Buttergods mouth opened so wide that day that people started calling him throatgoat.

Buttergod:"Holy shit we got real life John wick, let's watch this again" he replays the video again and screams "Oh my god that looks like it's straight out of movie" but then his face morphs into suspicion as he asks "wait is this some kind of publicity stunt for some new movie" buttergod looks to the comments for confirmation and finds someone linking the context so buttergod opens it and a video plays.

A reporter lady stands in front of a cafe as police and an ambulance stand by beside the cafe with people moving about the reporter lady is seen talking into the mic "Today on 6th Avenue Rogers cafe, we have been close to witnessing a tragedy if not for the brave actions of a young man who stopped a robber holding the cafe hostage with a gun from shooting a man for refusing to part with his watch as it was a memento from his mother..."

Buttergod resumed his jaws throatgoat stance as he yelled "If i am ever stuck in a school shootout, i hope this kid is there to save me and take me away in a princess carry" as buttergod kept talking about his undying love for the quiet kid in the video.

I felt conflicted as peters memories talk of looking forward to a lot of nagging from aunt may and uncle ben if they found the video even though I already got nagged at but my other side was thinking of the consequences of not doing what I did and shuddered from the image of blood and brain matter splattring on my face.

I removed the horrifying image from my mind and started thinking of the consequences of the video and remembered the video was only uploaded in reddit and wasn't showed in the news report so my identity was safe so I don't have to bother with the video

So I sent ned a message :It was just a YouTube video and may and ben are as far from it as the Atlantic: i add a laughing emoji at the end, feeling smug about it before he sent a message that drained the blood out of my face :but it's on TV though

As my brain tries to process the image i hear a yell "PETERRRR" holy shit my ears are gonna be destroyed today.