
Freedom in Marvel

Reincarnated in marvel with time, control and domain powers. Read as the MC has fun being free. {There probably won’t be any 18+ scenes but there might be a few. Also if the MC has a child they unfortunately won’t have the MC’s powers, because they are integrated into his soul. He will just adopt children, because I’m not good at making OC’s. MARVEL owns MARVEL. I own any OC’s. Just for the fun of it, some regular characters from the marvel universe will be his, AC/adopted children. Honestly, I’m not good with characters, so the MC will probably end up being a half self insert. Also, the updates will be whenever I feel like it, so don’t expect much. Enjoy!

Hippo9999 · Phim ảnh
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3 Chs


When the figure was finished, it disappeared with the computer and a mini book appeared on the table. Will took the book and got out of the chair. When he turned around there was a red house door. Will walked to it, opened it, and stepped into the barren land with his new body, mind and equipment. He immediately noticed there were no plants or animals anywhere. In fact, the scene was so barren and filled with smog, if he didn't have enhanced senses he would have fallen into the volcano he came out on top of.

After looking around and walking to a safer spot, Will took out the handbook and read the first page.

'Guide on how to use newly acquired powers, weapon, and armor'

- Time manipulation: mentally order directions for time control and if it is controlled by time, it will happen (If you don't specify what your doing, you will time control the whole universe. You will also grab the attention of the entities.)

- pocket dimension: mentally command it open

- Domain: mentally command or think what you want in your domain, how big it's going to be, and what you want to happen in your domain

- Flight: mentally tell or think to yourself that you want to fly

- All Speak: always active

- Regeneration: always active

- Constraint freedom: mentally or verbally order limitations and/or constraints to be removed

- Weapon: mentally command what you want it to do

- Armor: mentally command what you want it to do

*NOTE* Your dog is in your pocket dimensions, you should probably take him out.

When he read the last line, he immediately commanded his dog to come out(from his mind).


Suddenly, a golden dog with four legs and a silky tail appeared out of thin air. The dog also had a collar and shining blue eyes. When he appeared, he surveyed the surroundings and stopped when he finally noticed Will.

The dog seemed to look him up and down and when he finally had enough, he starred at Will as if he was expecting an introduction. Will noticed this and nodded, saying,

"My name is Will and your new name is Fyto."

The dog furrowed his brows, sat down and turned his head away while pouting.

"What, you don't like it? How about Murphy?"

The dog didn't move, so Will started coming up with names.





"Bruno "


"Luke "



"Captain "









"Zues "



"Yoda "

"Moose "



"Ruff"When the dog heard the last one, he turned around and made a deep bark at Will. Will was amused it took so many names. He could have sworn the dog would have piled Chris.

"Alright Duff, now that you have a name do you want to go look for a better place to test our new stuff?"

Duff nodded and they both looked for the biggest and most stable plate of land that wasn't exploding with lava.

"Alright Duff, since your powers are easier you go first."

Duff stuck his tongue out and started growing. He continued to grow for another 3 seconds until he was as big as an elephant.


"Eyuck, you damn dog! When I learn how to fly, I'm going to drop you into a volcano!" (I do not condone animal cruelty, but Duff won't die from this.)

Duff just stuck his tongue out and sat down in front of Will and waited. Will stopped complaining and glared Duff, swearing to save that in his heart.

Will turned back his attention to the book and read it once more. Will stretched his and out and commanded his weapon to appear.


In Will's outstretched hand, a baseball sized ball appeared. Will looked at it curiously, and thought about a 6 foot staff.


The ball took no time at all forming from the image in his mind. The staff that appeared was exactly how Will imagined it; a black sheen and gold tree root type patterns on it.

The staff felt to have no weight to it as will picked it up an spun it around like a kid that found a new toy, while making ninja sounds. I'm fact, even Duff laid down and put his paws on his head from embarrassment. Will nodded his head in satisfaction and now thought about making it weight 50 pounds.


"Huh, why didn't it work? Is it broken? Why didn't the weight change?"

Will was confused. Didn't god accept his wish? Why hadn't the weight change? Will thought he was just super strong so he upped the weight. 100 pounds! Nothing! 300 pounds! Nothing 1000 pounds! Nothing! 2 tons! Nothing!

Will was getting agitated. Unfortunately, he didn't notice that the platform he was standing on was starting to crack.

"You stupid staff, why didn't you get heavier! I told you to weigh more, so that's what you do!"

In frustration, Will threw the staff at the ground and what next happened made him realize his mistake.



The platform shook and split down the middle. The two sides split apart with Will on one side, Duff on the other and the staff in the lava.

"Ruff!" Duff barked and rolled his eyes, as if saying 'You stupid human, now look what you've done!'

Will widened his eyes and scratches his head, "Great! I guess I don't feel the weight, but I get heavier as well!" Then will stretched his hand out like Thor and his staff was recalled back from out of the lava. Will smiled and nodded his head. He looked at Duff embarrassingly, "Sorry Duff, I'll come over in a second."


Next was to fly. Will thought about flying and hovering 1 foot above the ground. Will felt weightless, and started getting used to this feeling by moving around his platform. After a little while he got used to it, due to his insanely fast learning speed, and he went over to Duff's platform with a smirk on his face. After all, Duff couldn't fly.

Meanwhile, Duff was laying lazily around, soaking up sun, getting used to changing size from an elephant to a mouse.

Will saw that Duff didn't care about his achievement, so Will continued to learn how to use his newly acquired assets. Next to learn was controlling his armor. Like his weapon, all will had to do was imagine the shape, function and design, and he was ready to go. Will already liked the armor he had on, but thought it would be better to have modern summer cloths to wear in this very 'hot' weather. (In case you didn't know, at this time period, Earth was pretty much just fire, lava, and some land mass. Almost no water yet.)

His armor can shift to his imagination, so he shifted a red t-shirt with blue shorts, a backpack and some light tennis shoes. When Will was done, he flew over to Duff, while he was puppy size, and put him in the backpack. They then set off to see if there was anything on this barren planet that was inhabitable.

1 hour later, they came upon a singular lonely mountain, that was the first they had seen that wasn't a volcano or on fire. They dropped on top of it, on a flat part, and Will finally decided to practice some time manipulation

Will re-read the time manipulation category and the text only says that he has to mentally command it. Will, with his fast learning speed, first came with the idea to age something. Will took a rock in his hand, held it, and thought of a dial. This dial was how Will would control the age of the rock. Will thought of turning the dial forward 100 years. Surprise surprise, nothing happened. Rocks take a lot longer than 100 years to shape.

Will saw that nothing happened so he went big with it. He made the rock age 10 million years. This time the rock did something. It completely crumbled. Will saw this and was ecstatic. In his mind he was thinking of all the possibilities of what he could do, and the first thing he thought of was to age lock his dog. (Deadpool regeneration makes him immortal and have eternal youth.)

The age lock would allow Duff to live forever with him. The next thing was to speed up his already insane regeneration.

"Hey Duff, I'm going to try something on you, ok? So don't move."


Duff felt something different. He checked his whole body and couldn't find anything. He checked his size change powers and even stepped in lava to test if he was still resistant. When he couldn't find anything he finally looked up in question to Will.

"I made you have eternal youth."

Duff looked horrified. He made a look that said, 'I don't want to spend all eternity with you.'

Will rolled his eyes. "It's not like you have to stay with me after some animals get here one way or another, but I just think about how many times you will get to have puppies in your life time."

When Duff heard that's was pretty happy, that was until Will dumped cold water on his head.

"Of course, that will be you have to stay with me for 1.9 billion years, but hey, if we find the wolves common ancestor I will evolve it to be your mate. Does that sound good."

Duff gave Will a glare, but nodded eventually.

Will got back to what he was doing and kept thinking about what else he had to try. The only other basic thing he could think of was to stop time, but he didn't want to do that because catching the marvel superpowers attentions was a big no while he was just starting out.

Since he wasn't going to do that he thought it was a good time to start training.

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This story is for my fun, and if you didn’t get the memo, Will is going to be blatantly OP.

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