

Calling Noah to order, the lawmaker turned to look at Andrea, who still looked stunned, and leaned forward to give her an angry glare. He then preceded to dress her down for the way she had manipulated a situation to her advantage and probably swayed justice for Noah in the past.

Pointing out that Noah had paid a more than generous allowance for Rudi and paid for the home she lived in, he then said he'd considered this when he awarded custody to Noah. He went on to say Noah had shown how responsible he was in taking care of Rudi, even after the restraining order had been granted.

Then he unexpectedly stuck his neck out and said he had reviewed the paperwork around the assault and had he been the judge in the case Noah would never have been found guilty in the first place. He said in his opinion the evidence presented was biased. It probably helped that the original judge was dead because he'd taken an unusual course of action to voice that for the record.