

My heart hammered in my chest when Noah took me into the den and opened the email from his legal team. It started with their explanation of how they've sifted the emails and pulled out the relevant ones to Vivian's account of events. Studying the text, my eyes scanned their part of the email and watched as Noah clicked into the attached pdf copy file of the emails.

When I saw the communications between Shona and this woman, Vivian, a jolt of electricity shocked me so hard for a second I thought my heart may stop altogether. The ache in my chest and my stomach brought me close to tears as a lump in my throat grew, making my airway tighten.

As Noah scrolled down each email one by one I matched the dates and occasions to the events around what happened at home. Every time I calculated the dates as to what Shona said in her emails with recollections of the subsequent events in my head, my heart sunk lower. It became even more painful with what she disclosed to Vivian.