

By the time Eamon had arrived, I had pains in my chest. I was so stressed out I could hardly breathe. Due to the amount of adrenaline flowing through my veins, my heart was behaving as if I'd done a cardio workout from the moment I'd read the article. I took my seat in the passenger side of the car, buckled up and enquired how Maggie was doing. Eamon just stared me out for a long pause without talking and started the engine. His silence said everything I'd expected to hear. She was livid.

My cell rang as Eamon pulled away from my parent's place and we headed for home, this time with Jason in tow. As my sponsor he wouldn't leave me, not with so much shit unresolved. My mind was in turmoil. I couldn't think. I had no idea how I'd be able to come back from this with Maggie if there was a sliver of truth to this story.
