

Eamon knew the drill and where to keep me safe, and even though I felt a failure at running back to my parents. But I'd felt it necessary to keep me from making a choice that would have killed my relationship with Maggie and my kids completely. They were worth more than any addiction or demon I had to fight and cowardly though it may have looked, it was the best way I knew how at that time, of ensuring I never slipped back.

My mom was already waiting at the bolt-hole by the time I arrived, and I guessed someone in my network had told her the score. For a minute I stopped and wondered who had told her because Eamon hadn't made any calls.

"Steve rang me. Come on, let's get you inside," she coaxed in her warm, affectionate tone.

"I'm sorry... I just..."

"Shh. Glad you're here and you're safe. That's all that matters. As soon as you're settled, I'll go over and see Maggie." My heart ached at how I'd behaved and felt a failure at leaving her to care for our baby son.