
Chapter 49: BUMPED: NOAH

Focusing on one at a time was difficult because all three little ones had needs and as they were all equally my responsibility, I'd wanted to ensure I considered each one in any decisions that were made. One thought did enter my head which made me smile. Who had time to be depressed or drunk with three kids to take care of?

On the way back to the hospital later that morning I had a call from my welfare key worker regarding Molly's adoption application. Due to someone passing away, case had been bumped, and the judge wanted me to be present due to the previous issues with Rudi. Why is it that everything happens at once?

When I told her about the case Lester was progressing and the court date for that, she took the information and wondered if the same judge could preside over both at the same time. It would mean he'd make a ruling not only with Molly but for Rudi as well.