

No one knows what it's like to wait when you have an addiction - unless they're an addict. Only someone in the same position as I was, could understand what it felt like to have their life ripped apart and not even be able to have a drink to temporarily make it go away.

I'd never been so happy, sad, or frustrated since I'd met Maggie, but she was the love of my life and she'd definitely saved me. She was my angel on Earth and having her with me made me a far better man that who I was before I knew her.

She surprised the hell out of me when she told me she was pregnant, and I think she surprised herself as well. As far as I was concerned the child was a gift. My chest tightened with excitement, like my heart was a beat away from bursting out of my chest. It was the opposite feeling from the suffocating way my chest tightened when I heard I was forbidden to see my son.