

We had only been gone from the house for around forty minutes but when we arrived back Molly was sound asleep, curled up on the rug in front of the fire. "I took her out to the barn with Eamon and she exhausted herself by climbing over all the stacks. She's tuckered out. Afterward I gave her some hot chocolate with roasted marshmallows, and she flaked right out on the floor five minutes later."

I glanced at my watch and saw it was an hour past her bedtime. "I better get her home. It's late, and it's a school night, Noah."

Nodding, he pulled out his phone and texted. "Eamon will come around to the front in five minutes. I'm sorry I can't see you safely home, Maggie, but Eamon is a good substitute. He left the room and returned with a soft blanket.