

FRAGILE HEARTS - BOOK 2: ACE Nicholas 'Ace' King - Don of the Italian Mafia and the most feared person around. Dove Winchester - A sweet, bright and kind college student and the most liked person around. When Dove bumps into the Mafia king at her favorite cafe, how will he react? She seems to bump into him in various places that her friends say it's fate... but is it? Will Dove grow closer to Nicholas and put his past behind them or will she question all her morals to be with him? Will Nicholas learn to love or will he be dragged down with his bloody past? Keep Reading to find out!

Rose_007 · Thành thị
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103 Chs


Playlist for this Chapter: No body, No Crime by Taylor Swift.


It had been two weeks since Dove had been shot and a grey cloud roamed over all our heads. Ace told me to inform her family but then he said he wanted to do it himself. It was responsible of him to do that.

As expected, her family was livid. They reached Italy late night the next day. Even her friends and that guy Liam came with. Ace was not happy to him, but he didn't say anything.

He looked like he wanted to kill someone, and all he could of was killing Liam for no goddamn reason.

It had taken a few days but her family had come to terms with the accident and we were slowly telling them that she might not wake up.

Surprisingly, her father forgave Ace when he saw him crying one day while holding Dove's hand, and since then they have grown closer than any of us expected them to be.

It was strange, honestly.

Ace's family met with hers and they had a pleasant dinner. Thankfully, there were no arguments or disagreements and her family was now more relaxed around Ace's.

They were wary of everyone at first because of the guns and the security entourage that followed us, and the fact that all of us carry a gun for our protection didn't help.

Ace was obviously still out of it. We had scored some good leads but they became useless, meaning someone was still tipping Giovanni.

So I had taken matters into my own hands and where Ace was mentally unstable, I worked for him, but made sure he knew everything I was doing.

I walked into Dove's hospital room and saw Ace sitting on the chair next to her bed with his hand holding hers and his head on the bed. He was sleeping. Something he had not done in days and his face showed.

The door behind me opened and I looked behind me to see Dove's father.


"Jake." We regarded each other before our gazes went to the people in front of us.

"He really loves her, doesn't he?" David asked.

More than you know.

"Yeah. And she loves him back as much. He's never loved anyone like this. Hell, he hasn't ever loved anyone but his family. He has the misfortune of losing every person he loves. So he stopped loving after his father died. I guess he couldn't help it with Dove." I said and David frowned.

She has that aura that makes people love her instantly.

"What happened to his family?" He asked and I turned to him and gestured to talk outside. We both walked out and sat on one of the couches.

"His father, mother, and sister were all killed... by the same person..." I told him and his eyes widened.

"And I'm guessing the same person is responsible for Dove?" He asked.

"Kind of... " I said and figured it was time to tell him. "It was one of his men. Someone from our side tipped him that she was going to be there." I said and her father nodded.

"And have you caught that person yet?" He asked but I shook my head.

"We're working on it. This person seems to be in our inner circles because they seem to be close to us." I said.

"So who is this guy hunting down Nicholas' family?" He asked.

"Uh... my step-brother... from a different father.. His name's Giovanni." I said and he frowned.

"What does he have against Dove?"

I sighed deeply.

"She's Ace's only weakness. But the bullet wasn't aimed at her." I said and he sat straighter.

"What do you mean?" He sked assessing me and I ran across my face.

This is harder than I thought.

"It was meant to kill Ace. She jumped in front as a shield and saved his life... this is three times now since she came to Italy." I said and looked at David. His eyes were glossy and he shook his head, chuckling nervously.

"My daughter's so strong. And definitely stupid.. She takes the stupidity from me though. Diving headfirst into danger." He said chuckling as a tear drop fell from his eyes.

"But how three times?" He asked me and I told him about the shooting at the estate and how she held her ground and saved Stuart's, Matteo's and Ace's life, and even gave him her blood to when no one else could.

"Is that why he's got a slight limp? Because he was shot?" David asked and I nodded.

"Right.. Dove did mention he got hurt a few days back when she called me." He shook his head and sighed. "I'm so proud of my daughter. She's been through so much and yet she managed to come out on top." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah. She's one remarkable person." I said just as a doctor came to us and we stood up.

"Mr. Knight, Mr. Winchester. I've got the reports on Mrs. King." He told us and David frowned but I gestured to tell him later.

"Yes please continue." I told the doctor who nodded.

"So according to the reports, I'm pleased to say that her body is although slowly, it is healing and she might just survive after all. Of course, there are chances of failure but, there is hope. We'll run a few more tests and we'll let you know." He said and we nodded solemnly.

"Thank you doctor." I said and he nodded before walking away.

"There's still hope David." I told him and he offered me a small smile.

"Yes, there is.. I'm glad... But why was he calling her Mrs. King?"

Shit. Now what?

"Well, she's been seen with Ace multiple times and she wears his ring, not that they're engaged, it's just a signet ring that we all have." He nodded slowly.

"So people must have assumed she was his wife... And we also went with it to get her the best treatment possible." I said and he looked to be deep in thought before nodding.

"Makes sense. Anyhow, I have to go back to the hotel to check on the others. I'll come later with everyone else." He said and I nodded.

"Of course, let me walk you." I said and we walked to the entrance of the hospital where the driver was waiting. We shook hands and I watched him go.

Taking a breath of air, I went back in to check on Ace. On my way to the stairs, I got a phone call and saw it was from Lucas, Ace's cousin and our tech guy.

He had mad hacking skills and right now, we were all heavily depending on him.

No pressure or anything.

"Lucas. Anything?" I asked hopeful.

"One name. Sofia." He said and I closed my eyes in anger.

That bitch.