
Fortune of Hell - Blood Moon Pirates

When a person has pushed to the limits of their mental capability they either break and turn animalistic or find another solution, a way to push their limits, this has been seen well before Joyboy and will be seen well after the destruction of the World Government, this is just one example of someone pushed to their limits but then given hope, a chance at becoming more. A slave who was willing to die just to get back at the people who caused his imprisonment was given the potential to become powerful and he leapt at the chance. **** One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda and his amazing team, this is just my twist on the story I will post when I can be bothered could be once a week, could be once a month This is not an isekai and the Main Character will NEVER join the Straw Hat pirates Any questions just ask, I'll provide almost any question with an answer Enjoy and leave a review : D

PainsSpeedster33 · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Owari's Hellish Past pt1

(A/N First of all welcome, I hope you enjoy it, I will be posting whenever I can be bothered, I am caught up to the Manga so sorry there might be Manga spoilers. Whenever I write someone's name I will write their Surname first then their First name like Japanese, for devil fruits I will write it in Japanese with an English translation, if you have any questions just ask)

* * - Sound

" " - Speach

^ ^ - Thought

First Person

My name was Hire D Owari, but I go by Juk D Owari now, I was sold by my parents to a slaver, and from there I was bought by the pieces of shit that control my reality, the Celestial Dragons, those pieces of shit were tricked into thinking I had Fishman blood to make me stronger but no I have jack-shit, I am a human through and through, I was bought to do work for Donquixote Mjosgard, a man who tortured hundreds of Fishmen.

The silver handcuffs claw at my wrist, they drag me down, keeping me from feeling alive. The chain around my neck is to explode, my eyes bleeding from crying too much from the pain, this life is miserable, so many times have I thought to try and run away, let the chain around my neck explode. I want to die, the only thing keeping me going is the need to get revenge on the people who forced me here.

I am in a room full of other slaves, dead bodies that have started to rot, the room smells of death incarnate, the room is small but contains almost two hundred people, we are given scraps for food and we are forced to work for a minimum of 18 hours a day, we never get a break other than when we die.

This is my ninth year in this hellhole, one more month and I will end it all, that is all I can handle before then I need to find the people who made me into existence so I can kill them for the suffering they put me through.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the scraps coming out of a pipe in the ceiling, you could tell the scraps were nearly rotten by the smell but the moment it fell it was a fight to get to the food. My fourteen-year-old body wasn't strong enough to get the least rotten good food from the clutches of the Fishmen who were ten times stronger than an average adult, I got the worst of the scraps, again, but I knew the Fishmen needed more, they do more hard work more than me, I have a tiny body, only about 4ft 11 while a lot of the Fishmen stand over 6ft.

I thought about when I did get better food, ages ago when my only ever father-figure that I've ever had was alive, his name was Juk, and he was a powerful Shark Fishman who would give me good food, one to make me believe in surviving, all I got to say is I am sorry Juk, I won't be able to last much longer in this place.

Third Person

Minutes after the food fell into the pit of Bodies and Owari's sleeping place a servant came and grabbed Owari, pulling by his black and white shirt that was ripped and torn "You are filthy, you disgusting slave, you should get yourself cleaned up before one of the Celestial Dragons orders your execution for making this place filthy!" the servant said as she pushed him into a filthy metal shower room that was covered in blood, mould, and rust.

Owari knew what he had to do, he stripped down before stepping inside the freezing cold shower, his hair was long and black, going down to his shoulder blades, his skin is a pale white, his pupils are a light red, and his body is covered in scars. The most scars that are prominent are the burn scar of the Celestial Dragon mark on the left side of his chest, a small scar over the right side of his lip, tons of scars over his hands, and several whip scars over his bone-like legs.

After about four minutes the water turned off and he was given back clothes slightly cleaner than his own with fewer rips but one biggest difference was the smell of death that consumed it, if Owari was five years younger he would've gagged, maybe thrown up, but he used to it by now, one kid died their clothes are given to the next kid with worse clothing. After putting on the outfit, the chains were locked back onto Owari's neck and the handcuffs back onto his wrists.

Owari walk down with the servant to the scumbag who tortures us, walking hurt, memories of each time he came here hurt him, he couldn't stand coming to this special part of hell again but he drove on, as the door stood in front of me, it opened as Owari was kicked in the back to the ground. Mjosgard had a sword on him and stared down at the short and small teen with a gleeful smile on his face, his grip hardened around the sword as he lifted it above his head ready to dig into Owari...


A huge explosion sounded as buildings were lit on fire, a lone Fishman had climbed up the red line and was here to rescue any slaves, his name was Fisher Tiger.