
Forgotten Love A Tale Of Two Conflicted Hearts

A new family moves across from Ciara’s during her junior year she doesn’t think anything of it families come and go in this neighborhood days go by it’s the first day of the new school year Ciara’s with her friends in history class when she hears a name being called for attendance usually she doesn’t pay attention to it but today it’s different the name sounds familiar she looks up to see her she hasn’t seen since she moved she’s in disbelief “that can’t be her can it? No that can’t be she looks breathtaking then she did when we were kids” she thinks to herself

Dasia_Reed · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Chapter 2- Same girl yet so different

Marissa POV

After I leave the office holding my schedule I knock on the door I show the teacher I read on my schedule it says Ms. Spencer she lets me in stopping her lesson everyone stares at me, I sigh rolling my eyes why did we have to move back again?. Especially during the middle of the semester I look around the room for my spot to sit at until I lock eyes with her mom wasn't lying when she said she changed a lot over the years.

She was always so cute nervous twirling her hair when she's anxious she looks down after practically embarrassing herself I smile same old Ciara I remember so long ago I sit in a empty seat next to a girl with blue streaks in her hair she turns to me with her hand out " Sorry about Ciara she's usually not like that but she usually never pays attention in here I'm Tia Tia Lopez" I put my hand out too shaking her hand " Marissa Brooks nice to meet you" I spend most of the period talking to Tia getting to know her class goes by pretty fast soon the bell rings for next class.

Me and Tia walk out of class together she's going to be my guide around school this period " so you lived here before? Where did you go? This place is a big maze so stay close" I laugh I see Ciara walking fast to her class " uh yeah I did due to my dad's new job but we had to come back I went to Eastlake what's Ciara deal?" Tia sighs showing me to my locker.

" don't mind her she's just being dramatic probably has some test answers to steal from the smartest kid in her class stay away from her" I put away my books grabbing a notebook for history I shrug "she seems harmless just how I sorta remember"

we start walking Tia stops me looks at me with wide eyes " shut up are you saying you knew the queen of mean Ciara Nettlemyer". I sigh looking at her nervously "w-well I-I wouldn't say I knew her knew her we uh used to be friends that's all look I'd rather not talk about this history calling and we have a few more stops on the tour" I go into the classroom sitting in a empty desk Tia sits next to me suspicious about my relationship with Ciara.