
"chapter one"

my name is Ansel grande I live with my mother l don't know my father because mom refused to tell me all she said was that he left. l have two best friends Chloe and sia who are from a rich family. we school at empire high one of the famous schools in you must be wondering how we attend the same school since am middle class well the school was hosting a competition anyone who emerges as the winner gets a scholarship so that how l ended at empire high l woke up as early as possible to prepare for school l wore my school uniform which looked cute on me l quickly tied my hair and l ran so l won't miss the bus, well sia always sends her driver but he is late so l left when l got to school the security was surprised to see a student of empire high coming to school with a taxi when l got to school they were pointing at four girls who l realize later that they were the forever girls they all came from rich families and they were rude and arrogant they asked me who l was told them l was Ansel grande and lucy one the forever girls said she had such names that because she is just a scholarship student said ria the leader of the forever girls they all started to laugh at me l was very sad l wanted to run but they started pulling my hair and cloth i tried to stop them but they were too many.they were still pulling my hair and cloth when somebody yelled the forever boys are here they quickly left me and ran to the forever boys they kept screaming and tried to touch them but the bodyguard were blocking them as different kinds of camera were on the forever boys.

chapter two

Andrew was the most handsome, richest idol, he is also the leader of the forever boys he is also rude arrogant, and cold, and he does not speak to anyone except his bandmates and family, though he is also closer to Jackson who is jovial and nice he is also one of most popular player in Korea, Justin is more like Andrew but he is nice and hardly speaks, Desmond is also nice and also a well-known player l was lost staring at them as l had never seen anyone as handsome as them but sia and Chloe quickly pulled me away from there and Sia went to get my sportswear from the lockerroom which l changed so l won't be late for class am grateful we didn't have any general class today when l got to class l found a seat and l quickly sat down and jot what the teacher when the dismissal bell l quickly texted sia and Chloe that l would be

leaving first as l had to help mom in the shop l left the school compound thinking school tomorrow

l was so lost in my thoughts l didn't notice a car was coming as it hit my leg l wanted to cry for l was in so much pain but when l saw the person in the car was so shocked that l forgot to cry.it was Andrew's car when his driver asked me if l was alright l quickly said that l was as l didn't want to delay him and l also want to get home on time so l can help my mom in her restaurant but Andrew came out his eye filled with disgust as he said he knew my type of person as l was among all these attention seekers who would come to threaten him l tried to explain but he already told the driver to drive to the hospital so l got into the car as we drove to the hospital in silence don't touch me he had said to me when we got to the hospital the doctors quickly ran an x-ray on me then the doctor said l was ok it was just a scratch then Andrew quickly left he couldn't even drop me anyway l don't blame him as l quickly stopped a taxi to get home when the mum son she wanted to shout at me but I didn't give her a chance as a quickly entered the kitchen and started to cook at the cafe.