
for 2 deity entertainment

When two deitys were bored with the fantasy world they created so they decide to spice and things up by summoning to humans and giving them the ability to create the Baseline of something new. come view the story of two brothers shaking a fantasy world to their very core.

The_Abyssal_seer · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Vex pov

I slowly began to open my eyes as I was brought out of stasis. I was right in front of that white and black figure again as I stretch I looked over and saw my younger brother I was a little bit shocked that he looking as young as last I saw him. then again I did die a long time ago as I looked up to the black figure I heard his voice inside my head.

" you will receive the information of his class he created so you can make something that will compliment his creation."

as I close my eyes and received all the information about my brother's class. as I look through the information I started to create my class first starting off with the role which I chose support but there certainly will be elements of DPS. next I end up going straight to races. my brother chose the Dragonborn race to make things easier I will go with it too but I chose to pick poison. because during this long while waiting for my brother to die I learned a lot about the world fire and poison are the most used damage types.

and I went to abilities and spells I chose to have 1 abilities and 5 spells those two abilities were the Vipers Fang which coats my weapon in poison and causes poison damage over 10 seconds with 5% of the enemies totally HP. then I went to the Spells first gaming Chill Touch which was a necromancy spell and raised dead the last two abilities were quite simple life tether which was an ability allowing me to steal the light for us or HP of an enemy and heal someone in my party. well the next spell was Mana siphon allowing me to drain the Mana of other creatures to refill my own for the very last spell I chose windblade slash fires a wind blade projectile at my enemies. as soon as the last spell was picked the panel disappeared leaving only the equipment I chose to wear like armor mainly leather with a letter Hood with thick letter chest piece braces leggings and boots but I had a new slot compared to my brother's called magical Focus which will be how I cast spells I chose to have a lantern hook to my hip as my magical Focus. I then choose to have a katana as my weapon with that the panel disappeared and I got to name my class which I named it the dead pulse Swordsman. with that I noticed my brother was starting to wake up as I heard the white figures speak to me through my mind.

" a very interesting class it has pieces of DPS but also has major amount of support. you both will choose where you will be sent to start off in this world."

with that both of our body start to Glow as we look just like our class is set up I was a emerald scaled Dragonborn because of my link to poison we look quite a lot like an Argonian from Skyrim but more dragon-like I suppose. as my brother stood up he looked at himself seemingly excited with his massive hammer in hand he looked over to me with a race scaly eyebrow and spoke.

" who are you in my past life. but anyway how did your class exactly work."

my brother started clenching his head as we both heard the black figures spoke.

" there you go the information about his class and to answer your first question that is your older brother vex."

my brother as soon as he heard my name looked up at me and immediately tackled me hugging me. I couldn't help but smile because I knew my death affected my younger brother quite a bit after all when I died I was 20 and he was five I was also the only member of our family that really paid attention to him. mainly because our parents and older siblings believe he was a failure to our particious family.

I personally didn't believe he was a failure he just didn't like being a noble he was more of a working man than a a hoity-toity noble. the white figure began to speak as we both saw a giant map strapped to a massive table appear I was practically given all the knowledge I would need for this world so I started to scan the map.

" this is a map of the known world you will be doing whatever you want be heroes villains whatever you want as long as you make things far more interesting for me and my brother."

I nodded my head as I noticed my brother was gripping his skull again. the black figure began to speak once again.

" you will receive the information about this world Lucas since your brother Vex has already received the information."

as I start to fly I looked towards the map below me I remember having two areas already picked out and that was the kingdom of ziegfried Highlands which had a lot of Bandit attacks and e-rank monster attacks. and the other location the kingdom of Heather Heim lowlands which had pretty much the same issues but more towards Undead. then other monsters like goblins and just wild beasts. I pointed to the kingdom of Heather Heim lowlands. as I began to speak towards my brother.

" they have a lot of problems with the undead it will be a very good place for us to begin our adventure to level up since you have that hammer with you which does bonus damage against Undead since they can't die from blood loss bludgeoning is the best way of dealing with them."

I said this was a smile as my brother nodded his head he always had a habit of trusting me since I always thought of what's best for him. even when we were younger which was probably why I died considering my parents wanted to get rid of the stain of our family that's what they believed my little brother Lucas was. the two beings looked at each other and nodded their heads. as both of them simultaneously began to speak through our minds.

" very well may your journey be great and may you bring us an extraordinary amount of entertainment."

we both were cloaked in a bright flash of black and white as we appeared in the middle of a field I looked over to my brother and began speaking.

" there's no level up handles like in the standard RPG we get stronger naturally over time killing monsters simply increase this natural progression. but as Dragonborn we could live for 900 years to 1,500 years. so we'll be stronger than the average human by far as we explore and tame the world. keep in mind that that map only showed the explored world Beyond this continent is a whole world yet to be explored since the races of this continent has not conquered it completely. you can tell when you level up when you wake up after the fact because you can tell your body got stronger you gain more hit points and Mana. these changes can only be felt once you wake up from going to bed every time you go to bed your status will be updated. are you falling with me little brother."

my brother was sitting down on the ground with his hammer in his lap nodding his head.

" now that you understand how this words level up Works tell me what do you want to do do you want to be a hero or a villain or somewhere in between. hell if you want to become a king you can I will help you achieve your goal. like I always did in our past life now think about it."

my brother seem to think about it quite a bit what usually would take him mere moments to think of since he was a child he seemed to have grown up quite a bit cuz he put some actual thought into it when he spoke it caught me off guard what he ask.

" brother could you tell me what the governments or ruling bodies of this world are?"

I couldn't help but Smile as I nodded my head.

" yes little brother there are three ruling bodies you have the kingdom of Heather Heim, the kingdom of ziegfried and finally the kingdom of Tempest. these three kingdoms are the only ones that rule this continent but they own each of them only controls about one 10th of this continent. meaning they are constantly fighting for new land trying to prove which kingdom is the most Superior. ziegfried is the kingdom mostly ruled by humans and has a minority of dwarves and elves but most of these two races are slaves. next is the kingdom of Tempest which is the kingdom led by elves which has a minority of Dragonborn dwarves lizard men but unlike ziegfried these races are not slaves. last but not least Heather Heim this kingdom is mainly made of green skin such as Orcs and goblins and it's the most aggressive and violent of the kingdoms any other race that's not green skin is either killed on site for food or made slaves simply put these guys will be our enemies no matter what."

as I said this my brother looked at me with determination I knew that looked way too well it's when he would never give up on a goal.

" then we will unite the entire content together under one Banner."

then as soon as I heard that statement I couldn't help but sigh because I knew I was in for a long ride.