
Flow of time

When Dheer signed the "one-year marriage contract" he didn't know that it would be the regret of his life...If he had known he would have made it a lifetime contract. But a dream stopped him from making more mistakes. Dreams are now guiding him to make the right decisions. Will he be able to change the flow of time with the help of those dreams? "Stop staring Dheer. You're gonna bore a hole on her face" Elisa growled. "I can't... She's looking too beautiful today and attracting all that unwanted attention from unwanted people" Dheer frowned. "It's her friend Dheer, and they are just having a chat there" "How can she smile that way towards other men. It's unacceptable. She's never shown that smile towards me except for those in my dreams" Dheer grumbled. "Yes, and those dreams are your future and you know it. You just have to win her heart for that future to happen" "You bet. I'll make sure that each and every one of my dreams about us being together will come true. I'll change the flow of time and make sure that my first dream will never come true" he was determined to never lose her.

Dwarika · Tổng hợp
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99 Chs

The banquet 1

The event was a masquerade ball and held in a five-star hotel in which almost all the guests were rich people who wouldn't bat an eye before expending a fortune.

Yes, they were all rich but, loathsome people without as much moral values. Upright and honest people would never be a part of such events. That's why families like Oberoi's would never come to such events.

But this time they had to. Dheer had to bring Anaya here to show her true colors of Anshika. Therefore, to protect Anaya's identity, and not to attract those filthy people's attention on her, it was Dheer's idea to hold a masquerade ball.

Meanwhile, Anshika was thrilled to be invited to such an event as she wanted to use this opportunity to expand her network or possibly find someone wealthier than Dheer or her ex-husband.

She arrived at the venue with her ex-husband, who wanted to show-off his friends, his new mistress. And she was more than happy to accompany him.

She knew what type of people would attend the event and they wouldn't mind taking any woman as a mistress as long as she caught their attention.

Also, there was no way Dheer or any of his friends would be here. She was not the least bit worried about being exposed. Besides, If not for her brother she never would have gone back to Dheer.

Soon she left her ex's side and began to wander alone. As she wandered around the hall she was cursing and frowning inwardly, 'Don't know why brother insisted me to go back to Dheer. He's not even that rich compared to these people. They have much more wealth than that dumb idiot. If not for, Dheer is such a handsome hunk, I would've never agreed to brother given his low wealth.'

Although she was frowning and cursing inwardly, she didn't let it show on her face. Not even once.

During the entire time, she had this big and innocent smile plastered on her face while greeting other guests. She wanted to charm them by her innocent smile and looks.

To achieve her goal she had chosen a mask that didn't cover her face properly. One could discern her appearance at a glance even with that mask.

How could she hide her biggest asset, her beautiful face behind a mask?

She tried to look as charming as possible as she greeted those people. She sighed inwardly, 'Now I have to look for a new target in such a short duration. How am I supposed to choose my target here without investigating their wealth?' her mind constantly whining.

'I could've spent some more time with Dheer and own his property meanwhile investigating the people I met today if not for his brother. Did his brother has to have that illness now. He should've just died so that Dheer wouldn't have to waste money.'

She kept on greeting guests as she continued to whine inwardly. Suddenly a person who just entered the venue caught her attention. He was wrapped in luxurious and limited edition clothes and accessories from head to toe.

Before any other woman approached him, she sauntered towards the person and greeted him "Hello, I'm Anshika" she flashed her sweetest smile, showing him her most charming smile.

"V," said the man and shook Anshika's hand.

'Wow, he looks handsome and rich. Even his name reeks of wealth. I must get him today. I'll talk to brother later and convince him to give up on Dheer. That idiot is of no further use now as he'll be bankrupt soon given his brother's condition" this deduction further incited her to follow her plans.

'Let's just focus on this target. Wow! He sure seems filthy rich. Brother would surely be happy if I succeed to make him fall for me today'.

"You look dashing today, Mr. V. And I strongly believe that you must look more breathtaking behind that mask." Anshika began to flirt with him as soon as she greeted him.

"I don't know about that but I bet men must swoon around you all the time Miss Anshika" replied V.

"Not as many women as you Mr. V" Anshika smiled and soon began flirting with him.

What she didn't know was that all this time, seven pairs of eyes were constantly following her every movement.