
flash point (parallel path)

Ethan Parker get transferred to central city and some how had the Omnitrix stuck to his wrist, he gets saved by the flash meets Iris who found him a place to stay and now tries to get himself integrated into this new world

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After Ethan had upgraded his laptop and set up the necessary security in it, he began writing the codes for the first game he wanted to release which he planned to name 'Avalon', a MMORPG. He planned to make it after a movie he watched in his world where every player could interact with the NPCs

(A/N; for those who don't know search for free city)

alongside 2 apps, one for streaming games which he named virtual arena and another for analyzing business flow which was more complex as he had to code in a VI (virtual intelligence) into it to predict the flow of the given business, he named that one;"Enterprise Momentum Predictor" E.M.P for short.

It took Ethan 3 months to complete the game and 2 apps with the help of his merchamorph and Galvan form.

He also got help from Barry and Joe in licensing his work and after some weeks he finally released them. His game took many by storm as it blew the market, people of all ages and nationality got drawn to his game real quick and many remained hooked, his other app 'Virtual Arena' also boomed as many players used it to stream their experience in the game he made which in turn brought in even more players.

Then finally his last work 'E.M.P' brought in even more income although not as popular as his game but still well known in the business areas as every enterprise and entrepreneur got one for their business.

In just 5 months Ethan's work has already become well known and Ethan, filthy rich.

He had also explored new aliens that were added to the omnitrix;



Way big

Big chill



Echo echo






(Images in comment)


A party was thrown for Ethan's successful work in the Allen's house.

Ethan received many well wishes from team flash and some of Joe's colleagues who knew him from when he went to CCPD. (Well just Eddie Thwane and the captain)

"Wow Ethan, I never knew your works could be this popular, I mean everyone has been on about Avalon, even Cisco can't stop talking about it, how did you come up such ideas" Barry asked Ethan as he was surprised about how fast and how big his work had gotten.

Ethan just laughed saying the idea just came to him.

"But Ethan, why'd you decide to stay anonymous? Imagine the fame and attention you could attract with people knowing about you" Joe asked.

" Well I'm not ready for that type of attention at least not yet, it could be troublesome for me" he replied but tried to hide his nervousness. Key word being 'tried' as their where two detectives there.

Although Barry just shook the suspicion away as Ethan has done nothing to warrant any but Joe still held on to it, he had already been suspicious about him since he came but decided not to pry as he felt the kid had lost too much.

Just as they were celebrating the window got broken making everyone present duck for cover. "What's going on?" Joe asked as he moved to cover Iris.

Just then the door is burst open as a muscular man walks in wearing a leather jacket, a dark colored shirt and some jeans.

"What are we celebrating folks" tony said with a smirk on his face.

As Tony's menacing presence filled the room, tension thickened in the air like a storm brewing on the horizon. Barry's muscles tensed, ready to spring into action at the slightest provocation. Joe instinctively moved to shield Iris, his protective instincts kicking in.

"Tony, what do you want?" Barry's voice was calm but laced with an underlying threat, his eyes never leaving the intruder.

Tony sauntered further into the room, his swagger oozing confidence. "I see you guys are celebrating without inviting me. I'm hurt," he said, his smirk widening as he eyed the group with disdain.

Barry narrowed his eyes, his patience wearing thin. "Cut the crap, Tony. We both know you didn't come here for a party. What's your game?"

Tony chuckled, the sound low and menacing. "My game? Oh, you'll see soon enough." His gaze flickered to Iris, a predatory glint in his eyes. "But first, I came for the Flash's personal reporter. I want Iris to write an article about me taking him down."

" You see I just took down the flash earlier today and came looking for you Iris as you seem to be the flash's personal reporter, so you'll be the one writing an article about me taking him down" he said.

Iris bristled at the demand, her jaw set in defiance. "I'll do no such thing," she retorted, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Tony's smirk widened into a malicious grin. "Oh, I think you will, sweetheart. Unless you want me to make things difficult for you and your friends here."

Barry stepped forward, his fists clenched at his sides. "Leave her out of this, Tony."

Tony's laughter echoed off the walls, the sound chilling to the bone. "Oh, I plan on leaving her out of it... once she's written that article." He took another step closer, his presence dominating the room. "But for now, I suggest you all sit tight and enjoy the show."

With a flick of his wrist, Tony's fist turned metallic, as he sent a punch hurtling towards barry with deadly precision. Barry reacted quickly and dodged the attack but got kicked on the chest by Tony sending him flying and crashing into a shelf behind him.

The group ran to help Barry, but as soon as they turned back to Tony, he was gone along with Iris, leaving the group panicked and worried.

Barry clenched his jaw, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "We need to find him before he hurts Iris."

Joe nodded in agreement, his gaze hardening with determination. "I'll put out an APB. We'll track him down, Barry."

" We need to find her fast" Barry said as he sat on the couch pulling his hair but Ethan placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Dude chill, I'm sure this Tony of a guy wouldn't do anything to her" he told Barry trying to calm him down

'at least he didn't hurt her in the show' he thought.

"No!! I can't calm down, you don't understand Ethan, you've got nothing to loose but if he does anything to Iris I may loose her forever" Barry yelled at Ethan as he walked out of the house.

"Guessing he still got this annoying character huh?" He murmured in annoyance.

"Ethan stay home, I've got to go to CCPD to get Iris to safety and Stony Tony once and for all" Joe told him as he and Eddie left for the station.

"Uhm we've got something to do back at STAR Labs, we'll also try finding her" Caitlin said as she and Cisco left leaving Ethan alone.

"Stay home and leave the fun to you guys? No can't do" he said as he activated the omnitrix smiling.

"It's hero time".



Barry tracks Tony down to his old school, the school he and Iris attended when they were young and engages Tony in a fight but was loosing until something he didn't expect happened.

Tony was hit by a loud sound wave. When Barry looked to see who attacked Tony, he saw a small white creature with green eyes and a headset connected to his sound pack

(A/N: it's what I refer to as his bag pack) and a line running from his head down to his abdomen having a circular emblem witg a green hour glass symbol on its chest.

"What the hell is that?" Barry muttered in shock.

" Who.... what the hell are you" Tony asked as he recovered from the previous attack.

"THE ...NAME'S..... ECHO... ECHO" It responded looking kind of smug which got Tony pissed.

"I don't care what you are, I'm crush you" he replied as he tried to hit echo echo but the little guy kept dodging and split into 2 copies then 4, 6..... Until there were 14 copies of it surrounding Tony.

"SONIC .... DOOOOOOOOOOM" they all yelled as their sound waves hit Tony rendering him unconscious.

When Barry and Iris finally recovered from the shock the creature was gone.

Author's note: guys I won't post for a while as I want to write more chapters and start posting 3 or 4 chapters everyday so you guys can remain entertained. Thanks for your support and also thank @paladino01 and silver25_ for the power stones. 🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️

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