
flash point (parallel path)

Ethan Parker get transferred to central city and some how had the Omnitrix stuck to his wrist, he gets saved by the flash meets Iris who found him a place to stay and now tries to get himself integrated into this new world

pkD28 · TV
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18 Chs


(AN: Hello kids I'm back with more candy I mean chapters please be sure to comment, gift powerstone {btw thank you GOULA for the power stone} and vote my novel thanks and enjoy).

The day started early at STAR Labs. Barry Allen, still reeling from his encounter with the mysterious velociraptor-like creature, gathered his team for an urgent meeting. He had been thinking about the implications of what he saw and was eager to hear what his friends thought about it.

"Alright, everyone, listen up," Barry said, his voice carrying the weight of the situation. "Last night, I encountered something I've never seen before. It was at the Central City Bank during the robbery. I think we're dealing with another meta, but it wasn't like any meta we've faced before."

Cisco Ramon leaned forward, his interest piqued. "You said it looked like a velociraptor with a visor, right?"

Barry nodded. "Yeah, and it was fast. Really fast. Faster than me."

"That's insane," Caitlin Snow said, her eyes wide with disbelief. "still can't believe it was faster"

"Do you think he also got struck the same time you did?" Cisco asked

Barry shook his head. "no a lightening wouldn't cause such drastic changes in the person's look"

Dr. Harrison Wells, or rather the man they knew as Harrison Wells, tapped his fingers thoughtfully on the table. "We need to understand what we're dealing with. Cisco, can you pull up the security footage from the bank?"

"Already on it," Cisco replied, typing rapidly on his keyboard. Moments later, the footage appeared on the large screen in the lab, showing the blur of motion that was the creature and Barry.

"There it is," Barry said, pointing at the screen. "That's what I saw."

The team watched in silence as the creature effortlessly took down the robbers and freed the hostages before Barry arrived on the scene.

"It's like nothing we've ever encountered," Caitlin remarked. "It doesn't look like any meta-human transformation we've seen."

"And it's using the same symbol as the Omnitrix," Cisco added, zooming in on the creature's chest where the Omnitrix was clearly visible.

"Omnitrix?" Barry asked, looking puzzled.

"It's a powerful device from another universe, usually associated with an alien hero named Ben Tennyson, it's a show I watched as a kid but it got cancelled after the first 2 seasons as it wasn't popular" Cisco explained. "If that's really the Omnitrix, we could be dealing with something way beyond our usual scope."

Harrison Wells nodded. "We need more information. Cisco, Caitlin, try to find any anomalies that could explain the creature's presence here. Barry, continue your patrols and keep an eye out for anything unusual."

Barry agreed, though his mind was still racing with thoughts about the mysterious speedster. "Got it. Let's stay vigilant."


Meanwhile, across town, Ethan was sitting in his small apartment, a smile plastered on his face. The thrill of taking down his first criminal, albeit a small-time one, had left him with a sense of accomplishment. But he knew he couldn't rest on his laurels. There were bigger threats out there, and he had to be ready.

"I'm getting alot stronger,but I can't always rely on the omnitrix to save me" Ethan muttered to himself. He glanced at the Omnitrix on his wrist, its green glow a constant reminder of the reality he now lives in. "But first, I need to get my own place can always depend on this family and they always seem to attract trouble"

Ethan decided to go apartment hunting. He had been earning enough money from his part-time job at Jitters and the various apps and games he released, so he could afford to move to a better place.

As he walked through Central City, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. The city was vibrant and full of life, a stark contrast to the quiet life he had known before. He passed by several apartment buildings, making mental notes of the ones he liked.

Eventually, he found himself standing in front of a modern-looking building with large windows and a sleek design. "I hope I can put my bargaining skill to the test" he thought.

He entered the building and was greeted by a friendly-looking woman at the front desk. "Hello! How can I help you today?"

"I'm looking for an apartment," Ethan replied, smiling. "Do you have any available units?"

"Of course! Let me show you the available ones" she said, grabbing a tablet and showing him different houses.

After choosing the one he liked the agent took him to the building. It was a big mansion which was close to the woods and a little far from the busy city.

As they toured the building, Ethan was impressed by the amenities. There was a gym, a rooftop garden, and even a small cinema room. The apartment itself was spacious and had a great view of the city.

"This is perfect," Ethan said, his excitement growing. "I'll take it."

"Great! We'll just need you to fill out some paperwork," the woman said, handing him a clipboard.

Ethan quickly filled out the forms before escorting the agent out. his mind already racing with thoughts of how he would decorate his new place. "I'm going to need some new furniture," he thought. "And maybe a few gadgets to help with my hero work, then get my things from the Allen's place" he said to himself.

As he left the building, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He was building a new life for himself, one step at a time.


Back at STAR Labs, the team was still poring over the footage and data, trying to make sense of the new player in their city, to know if it was friend or foe.

"We're not finding much," Caitlin admitted, frustration evident in her voice. "It's like this creature just appeared out of nowhere."

"There has to be something we're missing," Cisco said, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he cross-referenced various databases.

Barry paced the room, his thoughts returning to the encounter. "Cisco what else do you know about this device"

"Well it was created by a super genius alien scientist call azmuth, sent to a boy named Ben at the age of 10.....and he had 10 aliens transformation" Cisco answered.

" Is possible that this is the same person from that show you told us about?" Barry asked.

" i don't know but it may seem like we're dealing with someone from another universe, but it'll be cool if we were then we'll know he's friend for sure" Cisco replied with a smile.

"Yh probably," Barry said, shaking his head. "it's possible"

"Let's not jump to conclusions," Harrison said, though his tone was cautious. "We need more evidence before we can make any assumptions."

Just then, Cisco's computer beeped, indicating an incoming alert. "Barry, we've got a situation at the Central City Mall. There's another robbery in progress."

Barry didn't hesitate. "I'm on it."


Ethan, now back in his current apartment, heard the same alert on his police scanner. "Another robbery," he muttered. "Time to suit up."

He activated the Omnitrix and transformed into XLR8, his body morphing into the sleek, velociraptor-like creature. "Let's go," he said, speeding out of the apartment and heading towards the mall.

When he arrived, he saw the robbers loading bags of money into a van. He didn't waste any time. With blinding speed, he disarmed them and tied them up using some nearby ropes.

"Wow, that was fast," he said to himself, feeling a rush of adrenaline. "I could get used to this."

Just then, the Flash arrived on the scene. Barry looked around, taking in the sight of the subdued robbers and the mysterious creature.

"You again," Barry said, his eyes narrowing. "Who are you?"

XLR8 turned to face him, recognizing the Flash immediately. "I'm here to help," he said, his voice distorted by the Omnitrix's translator.

Barry raised an eyebrow. "Help? Who sent you?"

"No one," XLR8 replied. "I'm doing this on my own."

Before Barry could respond, a burst of yellow lightning streaked into the mall. The Reverse Flash stood before them, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"Two speedsters for the price of one," Thawne sneered. "This is going to be fun."

Barry tensed, ready for a fight. "Eobard Thawne. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see just how good this new player is," Thawne replied, his gaze shifting to Ethan. "And to remind you who's really in control."

Barry felt a surge of anger. He had heard about the Reverse Flash and his terrorizing of Central City. "You're not in control here," he said, his voice firm.

Thawne laughed. "We'll see about that."

In a flash, Thawne lunged at XLR8 who was watching the interaction between the two, his fists crackling with energy. XLR8 reacted just in time, dodging the attack. He countered with a quick strike, but Thawne was already gone, his speed making him nearly impossible to hit.

Barry joined the fray, trading blows with Thawne as they zipped around the mall. The fight was a blur of motion, each speedster moving faster than the eye could see.

XLR8 focused, trying to anticipate Thawne's movements. He remembered the upgrades to the Omnitrix and hoped they would give him an edge. "I need to end this quickly," he thought.

Using his enhanced speed, XLR8 managed to land a solid hit on Thawne, sending him crashing into a wall. But Thawne was far from defeated. He got back up, his eyes blazing with fury.

"You're stronger and faster than I expected," Thawne admitted. "But you're still no match for me."

XLR8 gritted his teeth, refusing to back down. "We'll see about that."

The battle raged on, each side refusing to give an inch. Barry and the blue alien worked together, their combined efforts slowly wearing Thawne down. But Thawne was relentless, he refused to believe that there was someone faster than him. He ran out of the Mall with Barry and XLR8 chasing him round central city, no matter which turn he took the weird creature was always beside him or at some point in front with a smug look on its face.

Finally, in a desperate move, Thawne unleashed a powerful burst of energy, knocking both Barry and XLR8 to the ground. "This isn't over," he hissed, before disappearing in a flash of yellow lightning.

Barry struggled to his feet, breathing heavily. "You okay?" he asked, looking over at the alien who nodded, "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks for the assist.

"So how about coming to meet the team, we're kind of curious about who you really are?" Barry ask hoping he would agree.

XLR8 thought for a while before answering" Maybe when next we meet" he said as he ran off.

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