
flash point (parallel path)

Ethan Parker get transferred to central city and some how had the Omnitrix stuck to his wrist, he gets saved by the flash meets Iris who found him a place to stay and now tries to get himself integrated into this new world

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18 Chs

Shit, It's Deathstroke

(AN: thanks for all your support dear readers, you guys keep motivating me and giving me a reason to write I hope you enjoy my work 🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️)

Ethan grunted as he rolled to his feet, breathing heavily. Across from him, Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, stood with his bow drawn, ready to fire at any moment. "Come on, Ethan. You need to anticipate the moves."

Ethan wiped the sweat off his forehead. "This is getting ridiculous, Oliver. I mean, every day the training gets harder. I get it, I need to rely less on the Omnitrix, but it's not like I can ignore it altogether."

Oliver lowered his bow and gave Ethan a stern look. "If you always rely on your alien forms, you'll never develop your own skills. You need to be capable even without the Omnitrix. What if it fails you at a critical moment?"

Ethan sighed. "I get it, but it doesn't make it any easier."

Oliver walked over and clapped a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Trust me, it's worth it. You're getting stronger every day. And with the threats we face, you'll need every bit of that strength."

It had been a month since Ethan arrived in Star City, and he had gotten used to the team's working methods. The training sessions, while grueling, had also started to pay off. Ethan could feel himself becoming more agile, more precise, and more aware of his surroundings. Yet, he still had a lot to learn.

The next morning, the team gathered at the Arrow Cave. Felicity had gone to visit Barry in Central City, leaving the team slightly shorthanded.

"Okay, we've got a lead on some stolen tech," Oliver said, bringing up a map on the screen. "The stolen items have been traced to a warehouse downtown. We need to investigate."

Diggle nodded. "We'll check it out. Ethan, you're coming too. Remember, stay sharp."

Ethan rolled his eyes but nodded. "Got it."

They geared up and headed out. Ethan had gotten a cool black costume for missions with Oliver, a black hoodie with green outlines, an inverse of the Green Arrow's costume. He wore a half-black mask covering his mouth and fingerless gloves on his hands. He felt like a proper vigilante, even if he still had a lot to learn.

At the warehouse, Oliver and Diggle moved in first, taking down the guards with ease. Ethan stayed back, watching for anything out of place, just as Oliver had instructed. His eyes scanned the shadows, his senses heightened from the training.

As Oliver interrogated one of the thieves, Ethan noticed a figure emerging from the dark side of the building, moving stealthily towards Oliver. His heart raced as he recognized the figure. "Shit, it's Deathstroke," he whispered to himself.

Without wasting a second, Ethan jumped down and attacked the figure. Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke, turned to face him, his one eye glinting with recognition and amusement.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Slade said, blocking Ethan's punch with ease. "A new player in Star City?"

Ethan activated the Omnitrix, transforming into Diamondhead. "You're not getting near Oliver," he growled, shaping his fist into a hammer and swinging at Slade.

Deathstroke dodged with impressive agility, countering with a swift kick that sent Ethan stumbling back. "You think you can stop me, kid? I've faced worse."

Oliver and Diggle turned at the commotion, their eyes widening at the sight of Deathstroke. "Primus, fall back!" Oliver shouted, firing an arrow at Slade. Primus was the name Ethan came up with for missions with Oliver.

Slade deflected the arrow with his sword, advancing on Ethan with lethal intent. Ethan blocked the sword strike with his diamond arm, the clang of metal on crystal echoing in the warehouse.

"Nice trick," Slade said, smirking. "But it won't save you."

Oliver launched himself at Slade, engaging him in a flurry of punches and kicks. Ethan(Primus)and Diggle moved to support him, but Slade was a formidable opponent, parrying their attacks with ease.

"Stay on him!" Oliver shouted, narrowly dodging a swipe from Slade's sword.

Primus transformed back into his human form, opting for a more strategic approach. He circled around, looking for an opening. "Green, keep him distracted!" he called out.

Oliver nodded, increasing the intensity of his attacks. Primus took advantage of the distraction, activating the Omnitrix and transforming into Echo Echo. He multiplied himself, surrounding Slade with multiple clones.

"Now!" Echo Echo's clones shouted in unison, releasing a powerful sonic attack.

Slade staggered, clutching his ears in pain. Oliver seized the opportunity, landing a solid punch that sent Slade crashing into a stack of crates. Diggle moved in, restraining Slade with heavy-duty cuffs.

"Nice work, Primus," Oliver said, panting slightly.

Primus reverted to his human form, breathing heavily. "Thanks. I didn't think we'd actually get him."

Slade glared up at them, his face a mask of fury. "This isn't over, Queen. You can't hold me for long."

Oliver shook his head. "We can Slade and we will"

They secured Slade and made their way back to the Arrow Cave. Ethan felt a surge of pride. He had helped take down one of the most dangerous villains in Star City. But he also knew that the battle was far from over.

Back at the Arrow Cave, Felicity had returned from Central City. She heard from the team about their encounter with Slade who was now secured in a containment cell, making Felicity sigh with a mix of relief and worry.

"Nice work," she said, her eyes scanning the group. "But we need to stay vigilant. There's always another threat around the corner."

Ethan nodded. "I'll keep training, Felicity. I won't let you guys down."

Oliver placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "You did good today, Ethan. But remember, it's not just about the Omnitrix. It's about using your own skills and instincts. You've got what it takes."

Ethan smiled, feeling more confident than ever. "Thanks, Oliver. I'll keep that in mind."

As the team settled back into their routine, Ethan couldn't help but think about the future. There were still so many threats out there, so many challenges to face. But he knew he was ready for them. With the Omnitrix on his wrist and the support of his new team, he was prepared for whatever came next.

The next day, Ethan continued his training with renewed determination. He sparred with Diggle, worked on his agility with Oliver, and even learned some hacking tricks from Felicity. Every day brought new challenges, but also new victories.

A week later, they received a tip about another heist, this time involving advanced weaponry. The team geared up and headed to the location, ready for anything.

As they approached the site, Ethan's eyes scanned the area, looking for any signs of danger. He spotted a group of armed men unloading crates from a truck. "There, by the truck," he whispered to Oliver.

Oliver nodded. "Ethan, stay back and provide cover. Diggle and I will handle the rest."

Primus (Ethan) positioned himself on a nearby rooftop, keeping an eye on the situation. As Oliver and Diggle moved in, he saw a figure emerging from the shadows. His heart skipped a beat. It was Slade Wilson, free and more dangerous than ever.

"Green, it's Slade!" Primus shouted, wondering how all the villains caught always seem to escape as he activated the Omnitrix and transforming into Diamondhead.

Slade turned, his eyes locking onto Primus. "Back for more, kid?"

Primus didn't waste any time. He launched himself at Slade, his diamond fists glinting in the moonlight. The battle was fierce, each strike sending shockwaves through the air. Oliver and Diggle joined the fray, their combined efforts pushing Slade back.

But Slade was relentless. He fought with a fury that seemed almost inhuman, his attacks precise and deadly. Ethan struggled to keep up, his diamond form barely holding against the onslaught.

"Primus, switch to Echo Echo!" Oliver shouted, dodging a swipe from Slade's sword.

Primus transformed into Echo Echo, multiplying himself and surrounding Slade. The sonic attacks disoriented Slade, giving Oliver and Diggle the chance to move in. They managed to disarm him, but Slade broke free, his strength undiminished.

"Is that all you've got?" Slade taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

Primus's clones regrouped, their voices a chorus of defiance. "We're just getting started."

The battle raged on, the warehouse echoing with the sounds of combat. Despite their best efforts, Slade seemed unstoppable. Primus knew they needed a new strategy.

"Green, I've got an idea," Primus called out, reverting to his human form. "Keep him busy for a minute."

Oliver nodded, his focus unwavering. Primus activated the Omnitrix, cycling through his available forms. He needed something with both power and strategy. A smile crept onto his face as he found the perfect one.

"Brainstorm!" Primus shouted, transforming into the alien with enhanced intellect.

He quickly analyzed the situation, formulating a plan. "Green, Spartan, aim for his weak points. I'll disrupt his neural pathways."

Primus unleashed a surge of electrical energy, targeting Slade's nervous system. The attack momentarily stunned Slade, giving Oliver and Diggle the opening they needed. They moved in, striking with precision and force.

Slade roared in pain, his movements becoming sluggish. "You'll pay for this," he growled, his voice filled with venom.

Primus maintained the electrical assault, pushing Slade effectively taking him down.