
flash point (parallel path)

Ethan Parker get transferred to central city and some how had the Omnitrix stuck to his wrist, he gets saved by the flash meets Iris who found him a place to stay and now tries to get himself integrated into this new world

pkD28 · TV
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18 Chs

Ethan Meets the Green Arrow

It had been a month since Ethan faced the Reverse Flash, and he was proud to say he had emerged victorious. But he knew better than to get complacent. There was still a mole within Team Flash, and until they rooted out the traitor, he kept his distance from them. In the meantime, he had dedicated himself to helping Central City as best as he could. His appearances had become a topic of urban legend among the city's residents—known to some, a myth to others.

Ethan had also been busy in other ways. His app was generating a steady income, and he had set up a small company using his laptop. With the help of Gray Matter and Brainstorm, he created an AI to manage complaints and handle the business operations. It was efficient and allowed him more time to focus on his hero work.

Team Flash, meanwhile, had faced their fair share of meta-humans but had yet to come in contact with the elusive alien running around their city. Despite his reservations, Ethan kept an eye on their activities, always ready to step in if needed.

Feeling restless and confident that Barry and his team could handle Central City's threats, Ethan decided it was time for a change of scenery. He set his sights on Star City, home to the infamous Green Arrow.


Star City was a different beast altogether. It had its own unique set of challenges and villains. Ethan relished the opportunity to make a difference in a new place. For a few weeks, he had fun scaring the hell out of criminals using his alien forms while managing to avoid any direct confrontation with the Green Arrow. But his luck was bound to run out eventually.

One night, as Ethan patrolled the dimly lit streets in his Petrosapien form, Diamondhead, he heard a commotion in a nearby alley. Moving swiftly, he saw a gang of thugs attempting to mug a defenseless woman.

"Not on my watch," he muttered, his voice resonating with the deep, gravelly timbre of Diamondhead while laughing at his unintended pun.

He charged in, crystals protruding from his body as he made short work of the criminals. The thugs, shocked by his appearance, didn't stand a chance. The woman, shaking with fear, managed to mumble a thank you before running off into the night.

Diamond Head turned to leave when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He looked down to see an arrow embedded in his crystalline skin. Turning around, he found himself face-to-face with the Green Arrow.

"Who are you?" Green Arrow demanded, his bow still drawn and another arrow ready to fire.

Diamond Head tried to communicate, but his voice, distorted by his Diamondhead form, made it difficult. "I'm not your enemy."

Green Arrow's eyes narrowed. "Hard to believe when you look like that."

" Racist much" Diamond Head muttered to himself.

Before Diamond Head could respond, Green Arrow let another arrow fly. This time, he deflected it with a crystal shield, but he knew he had to end this quickly. He didn't want to hurt the DC robin hood, but he also couldn't afford to be captured.

With a quick decision, Diamond Head shifted his arm into a massive crystal hammer. "I'm sorry,man" he said, and with a swift motion, he swung the hammer, sending Green Arrow crashing into a wall. The hero slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Ethan took a deep breath, his mind feeling giddy that he had just fought with the green arrow and beat him. He hadn't wanted it to come to this though. "I know his gonna hold a grudge," he whispered before making his escape into the night.


Green Arrow, or Oliver Queen, groaned as he regained consciousness. His head throbbed, and his pride was wounded more than his body. He had been bested by an unknown assailant, and that didn't sit well with him.

Back at his base, he found his team waiting for him. Felicity Smoak, his tech expert, was the first to speak. "What happened out there? You look like you got hit by a truck."

Oliver winced as he sat down. "It wasn't a truck. It was some kind of creature. Looked alien, covered in crystals. Strong, fast, and tough."

John Diggle, his right-hand man, raised an eyebrow. "An alien? In Star City?"

"That's what it looked like," Oliver confirmed. "He said he wasn't an enemy, but I didn't get a chance to find out more before he knocked me out."

Felicity's fingers flew over the keyboard. "I'll start scanning for any unusual activity that might help us track this guy down. If he's telling the truth, we need to find out what he's doing here."

Oliver nodded, his mind racing. He had to know more about this alien and whether he posed a threat to Star City. "Keep me posted, Felicity. In the meantime, I'm going to rest. My head feels like it's been through a blender."


Ethan returned to his temporary apartment, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He had managed to evade the Green Arrow, but he knew it was only a matter of time before they crossed paths again. He had to be prepared.

The next day, Ethan decided to lay low for a while. He focused on his business, fine-tuning his AI and ensuring everything was running smoothly. The AI, which he had named "Mr X," was proving to be incredibly efficient at handling the company's operations.

"Mr X, any new complaints or issues?" Ethan asked as he sipped his coffee.

"All current complaints have been resolved, and customer satisfaction ratings are at an all-time high," Mr X replied in its smooth, robotic voice.

"Good," Ethan said, feeling a sense of accomplishment. At least one part of his life was under control.

But the respite was short-lived. That evening, Mr X alerted him to a news broadcast.

"Breaking news: A group of armed men has taken hostages at a downtown bank. The Green Arrow is on the scene, but it appears he may be outnumbered."

Ethan's heart raced in excited. He couldn't sit by and do nothing. "X, keep things running here. I've got to go."

"Understood. Be careful, Sir."

Ethan activated the Omnitrix and selected XLR8. In a flash, he was racing towards the bank, determined to help.


At the bank, chaos reigned. Oliver was pinned down behind a column, exchanging fire with the gunmen. He was running low on arrows and options. Just as he was about to make a desperate move, a blur of blue and black zipped past him.

"What the—" Oliver started but was cut off by the sudden appearance of XLR8, who began disarming the gunmen with lightning-fast precision.

Within moments, the hostages were freed, and the gunmen were incapacitated. XLR8 turned to Oliver, who was still catching his breath.

"We need to talk," Ethan said, his voice clearer in this form.

Oliver lowered his bow slightly, still wary. "Who are you?"

Ethan deactivated the Omnitrix, returning to his human form. "My name is Ethan. I'm not your enemy, Green Arrow. I'm here to help."

Oliver studied him for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, Ethan. Let's talk."


Back at the base, Oliver and Ethan sat down with the rest of Team Arrow. Felicity, Diggle, and Rene Ramirez, also known as Wild Dog, listened as Ethan explained his story.

"So, you're from central city, and you have this device that lets you turn into different aliens?" Rene asked, skepticism evident in his voice.

"That's the gist of it," Ethan replied. "I'm here to help. I've been doing what I can in Central City, but I wanted to expand my efforts."

Felicity's eyes widened with excitement. "That's incredible! I mean, I've heard rumors of alien creatures running around central city but to actually one... it's mind-blowing!"

Oliver nodded, though he remained cautious. "Alright, Ethan. We can use all the help we can get. But I need to know I can trust you."

"You can," Ethan assured him. "I know my methods may seem unorthodox, but I only want to make a difference."

Oliver extended his hand. "Welcome to Star City, Ethan. Let's see what we can do together."

" But please do keep this between us no one else hero or not should know my identity" Ethan said as he knew Oliver and Barry were good friends but didn't know Barry and his team knowing yet because of how cunning and dangerous the man in their team was.


Over the next few weeks, Ethan worked alongside Team Arrow, his various alien forms proving invaluable in their fight against crime. He and Oliver developed a mutual respect, and the team came to rely on Ethan's unique abilities.

One evening, as they were debriefing after a successful mission, Ethan turned to Oliver. "You know, I think I'm starting to like it here."

Oliver smirked. "Just starting?"

Ethan laughed. "Alright, maybe more than just starting. This city has its challenges, but it's also got a lot of heart."

Felicity grinned. "That's what we love about it. And with you on our side, I think we can take on anything."

As the team chatted and relaxed, Ethan felt a sense of belonging he hadn't experienced in a long time. He knew there would always be threats to face and battles to fight, but with allies like these, he was ready for whatever came next.


One night, as Ethan patrolled the streets in his Petrosapien form, he heard a familiar voice in his ear.

"Mr X to Ethan. We've got a situation at the docks. Looks like a weapons shipment is coming in."

"On it," Ethan replied, shifting his course.

Arriving at the docks, Ethan saw a group of heavily armed men unloading crates from a ship. He approached stealthily, intending to take them by surprise.

But as he got closer, he realized he wasn't alone. Green Arrow was already on the scene, engaging the criminals with his usual precision.

Ethan decided to join the fray, using Diamondhead's abilities to create barriers and disarm the men.

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