
Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

#Nominated in Webnovel Spirity Awards 2020. (Completed) Trigger Warning: Novel contains mature content and explicit scenes only intended for adults. {R-18+, No rape and No misunderstanding} *Nothing can come between my husband and I,not even death.* ~She was sad, hurt, and depressed. She was a mess, a monster who was slowly fading in her dark, lonely world until he came along. Like a twinkle little star, he brightened her horrid world. He was no one but her happy pill~ (Couple 1) "Tell me Wifey, has any man ever made you feel the way I do?" Lei Zhao asked. "Will it hurt if I tell you someone has?" Yan Mei inquired. A cheeky grin appeared on Lei Zhao's lips. "It wouldn't because I am sure no one has done it, especially the way you scream with pleasure under me." -------- Yan Mei, an aloof CEO known as the devil strongly believes love is a scam because she has experienced the joy and sadness of it. Now her heart has turned into a piece of stone encased by steel. Lei Zhao only has time for one thing in his life: work, after the death of his brother, which made him devastated and broken. After a chance encounter with a woman in a red suit at a club, he finds himself drawn to her. Something about the mysterious woman has him determined to make her his and unlock the mystery of the pain that flickers in her eyes. ~But will the devil give him a chance? Even though at times, the devil needs love too.~ ***** (Couple 2) ~She became the monster, parents told their kids to run away from, but she was far from a monster. She was just a lonely girl who wanted a friend who would always be there for her, who would check up on her and ask her how she was~ "This isn't a fairytale or a teen fiction where the bad girl falls for the good boy and tries to change for him, and then they live happily ever after. This is real life, and well, life is fucked up." Ying Sheng said, and she gulped the beer she was holding, loneliness flickering in her eyes. "But I-I won't ask you.. to change or want you to change. I just want you to be my bad girl. You --can tie me up in bed- and fu…ck me until I forget my name." Liam stammered as he turned crimson red. Ying Sheng heaved a sigh, "Cutie, you're supposed to look for a trophy wife who can cook and do chores. Not a monster like me who will destroy your perfect life. Also, we can't be together." Liam's heart nearly stopped in his chest when he heard her. His shoulders hunched, and he took a deep breath. 'Why?" He queried. "Because I love someone else." ~At times you have to choose between the one you love and the one who loves you. Ying Sheng learned this in a hard way.~ Two broken-hearted women, each broken in their own way.....with two determined men, ready to fix their broken pieces at all costs. This is a story of betrayal, love and second chances. Ready to enjoy the journey and learn along? *No evil mother-in-law, step-sister or cheating bestfriend *Not your usual cliche flash marriages novel *Bad girl X Good boy Tags: Flash Marriage #doting husband, #smut, #bad girl, #good boy, #betrayal #second chances #Strong female lead #Spirity-awards 2020 #Supernatural Note: Some chapters may be triggering for others but there is always a warning before reading. ^I'm not the owner of the cover. CREDITS TO THE OWNER. if the owner wants me to take it down just leave a comment. Thank you! Discord server: https://discord.gg/FXdVxp6 Join to chat with author, fellow readers and make friends.

Chichii · Thành thị
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446 Chs

You're the husband

"Sir, the Li family in city S sent us an invitation to their charity gala in honor of Mrs. Li's birthday," Wang Lu's secretary, Qin Zhi, said in a frightened voice.

His boss was always cold and he always had this murderous aura that made Qin Zhi nervous every time he was in front of him. He has never seen his boss laugh since he became his secretary three years ago.

He had heard rumors that his wife left him five years ago, which turned him into this bitter and angry person. Qin Zhi is always sweating every time he is in his presence. He knew that if he committed one mistake, his boss could go ballistic.

"Sir…." He spoke again to get Wang Lu's attention since he hadn't responded.

"Yeah, I heard you," Wang Lu said rubbing his temples. He seemed to be annoyed, snappiness present in his voice. "When is the gala," he asked and his secretary answered him.

"In three days, sir."

Wang Lu frowned. He has hardly attended any of these public gatherings these past few years. He hated these social gatherings where everybody was trying to show off how much money they had. But since his company was working with Li Corps, he had no choice but to attend.

"Sir… are we going? I heard a lot of businessmen would be there. This party could help us a lot," Qin Zhi asked and said nervously, expectant for his boss' answer.

"Hmm. Book our plane tickets and a hotel," Wang Lu answered as he closed his eyes tiredly.

"Alright, Sir." Qin Zhi said as he hurriedly fled the office as if he didn't want to stay in the room any longer.

The moment he left, Feng Mei's smiling face flashed before Wang Lu's eyes.

"Wang Lu, do I look pretty," Feng Mei asked as she stared at him with her pure eyes.

"Hmm... my Meimei is the most beautiful woman in the entire world," he commented as he tickled her on the bed. Her soft laughter sounded in the bedroom as she begged him to stop.

Wang Lu jerked his eyes open as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. For the past few days since his nightmare, he had tried to convince himself that she is the one who had cheated on him. He didn't have to feel guilty for what he did.

She had betrayed him so he shouldn't waste his time thinking about her but he couldn't. Her laughter, smile, and pure eyes had been haunting him—as if he was prey! He always thinks about her. Wang Lu was in a constant battle with himself between his mind and heart.

His mind was telling him to let go since he has a fiancée now. But alas—his heart wouldn't let go. Deep down he knew that what he did was wrong. Her parents died because of his crazy ex. She had no one, but he had ruthlessly thrown her out. Anger blinded him that time and he hated himself for letting his anger cloud his judgment that night.


Edward Wu stared at his friend as he took a sip of his coffee. Lei Zhao had invited him out for coffee since he apparently needed his advice.

"You really love this woman?"

Lei Zhao turned to look at him and nodded to answer his question.

"Yes, but she had a rough past so she is afraid to fall in love, I guess." Lei Zhao sighed as he gave his disheartened answer.

"Women are complicated. You have to make her feel you love her with your actions, not just by telling her through words." Lei Zhao frowned, slightly not understanding what his friend wanted to convey.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't just hold her and tell her you love her. For someone who has been emotionally bruised, she needs to feel that someone loves her sincerely—genuinely."

After giving his advice, Edward Wu watched the man in front of him. Lei Zhao's gaze glimmered and at the same time, he narrowed his eyes as he heard his friend's statement.

"What do you even know about her? Do you know her favorite food, color, music?"

Lei Zhao took a deep breath, realizing that he had actually no clue about any of her interests. "No, I don't."

Edward Wu gave him a slight smile.

"You need to be patient with her dude, take her out on a date, buy her flowers, chocolates, or gifts. The fact that she opened up to you last night shows that she trusts you."

Lei Zhao nodded in agreement, wanting to take his suggestion into consideration. "I want to take her out on a date tonight. Any ideas?"

Edward Wu flashed him a smiled and nodded, feeling satisfied with Lei Zhao's course of action. "Just leave everything to me. I will send you an address later."

Feeling relieved to have some help, and feeling nervous about the date at the same time, Lei Zhao nodded at his friend, appreciating his help.

"Will you attend Li's family gala? I heard they invited a lot of prominent people," Edward Wu asked as he took another sip of his coffee, waiting for Lei Zhao's reply. Lei Zhao took his cup of coffee then also took a sip before giving Edward Lu his answer.

"It's my aunt's birthday. I have to go. I just have to convince my wife to accompany me," Lei Zhao answered then he sighed as he put his cup of coffee down on the table.


Yan Mei picked up her phone and saw that it was her uncle calling him.

"Hello," she greeted, waiting for the reply of the person on the other end of the call.

"Yan Mei, it's uncle. I wanted to remind you of the Li family's gala. The one I discussed with you the other day."

"Ah…" Yan Mei blinked her eyes a few times as she realized that she had totally forgotten about the ball she promised her uncle to attend. She scratched the back of her head then gave her uncle her reply. "Okay, uncle. I will be there."

"Alright see you there. I hope you would bring your husband. I would love to meet him," he said with a little bit of excitement etched in his voice.

"Okay," Yan Mei answered then she bit her lip with the thought of introducing her husband to her uncle.

"Mmm… Take care," her uncle bid her farewell making the girl on the other end of the call nod even though she knew he couldn't see her.

"Okay," Yan Mei said as she hung up the call.

The moment the call ended, her brows furrowed as she thought of ways to ask Lei Zhao to go on the gala with her. She had to ask him tonight since the gala is to happen in three days.

Shaking this thought for a while, she opened her laptop then focused on her work. An hour later her office phone rang, distracting her from her spontaneity.

"Ah…" Hunching her brows together, she answered the phone as she pinched the bridge of her nose.


"President Yan, you have a visitor." Su Bei's amused voice sounded on the other side of the phone.

"Who," she asked, not really expecting anyone. At the same time, hearing Su Bei's excitement piqued her curiosity!

"He claimed that he is your husband," Su Bei answered as she looked at the man in front of her.

She had to admit… this man is handsome as his unfathomable cynical eyes contrasted exceptionally with his well-built face! Just a look at him is enough to make every woman swoon in delight!

"Erm… Lei Zhao," Yan Mei asked. She wasn't expecting him to visit her at the office.

"Yeah, that is his name. Should I let him in?"

Yan Mei bit her lips nervously. She had left early today for work while he was still sleeping because she was afraid to talk to him this morning. She didn't know how to act around him after she told him about her past last night.

"Yan Mei…"

Su Bei's worried voice sounded at the other side when she didn't hear an answer from her friend.

"Ahh...yes," Yan Mei answered, finally shaken from her thoughts.

"Alright," Su Bei said as she hung up the call. Looking at the man in front of her, Su Bei spoke as she put down the phone. "So, you're the husband."

Lei Zhao raised his brows when he heard her.

"Yeah, I am." Lei Zhao murmured.

"You know if you hurt her, I will skin you alive," Su Bei jokingly threatened as she gave him a sinister smile.

Hey guys! I hope you're all doing well!.

Do you think Wang Lu and Yan Mei would meet at this gala?

Comment below!

Edited by mysticAmy


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