
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 9

(Shiho's POV)

I found myself lying down on a glass floor. The light from the blue sky above me is blinding. Am I dead? Is this heaven? If it is then its surely beautiful. My gazing was interrupted when a child suddenly hovered over my head.

"Do you now know who you are?" I recognized the child for it was me.

 A younger version of me asking me innocently. I sat up straight and face this 'young me.'

"Hey, what's happening? Why are you here?" 

The young me chuckled, "That's too many questions. I'm just here to remind you what you need to discover." 

Now that's fucking confusing. What do I need to know? Am I missing out on something?

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to find out. Aren't I dead yet?" The young me smiled and shook her head.

"No silly. You're dreaming. If I'm not capable yet of waking you up then I suggest you walk that path and only stop when you see something." 

I turned my head towards the path she was saying and saw it. I looked back at her and discovered myself alone. 

What the fuck? Where did she go?

Unwillingly I found myself walking down the path. It seemed like I was walking for hours when I finally noticed something. I ran towards it and found a chair. Those chairs you see in the movies when they torture someone, yeah that one. It was rusty and blood stains was visible on the feet of it. 

When I arrived in front of it I fucking saw myself again. But this time, my hair has this white streaks on my bangs and on the side. My clothes are a black ragged shirt with visible holes on the shoulder, stomach, basically I looked like a tortured prisoner. My hands and feet are tied into the arm chair and the feet of the chair respectively.

"Finally, you arrived. I waited for 17 years." The latter surprised me by talking and she finally opened her eyes. 

Oh, we have different eyes. Her eyes are glassy blue in color while I have a green eye on my left. 

"What happened to you?" I asked, well myself. 

She then started laughing maniacally and only stopped to look at me from head to toe. "You're still weak. I will tell you when the time is right." 

That got me mad. 

"I am not weak!" She then looked at me blankly 

"If you are, then why did you faint? With a mere air magician pinning you down? Pathetic."

That hurt. Well, it caught me off guard. I didn't answer her and just stared at her madly. "To think I am trapped inside a weakling like you makes me want to kill you already but this fucking restraints are preventing me to do it. Be thankful." She said disgustedly at me. I scoffed at her. 

What does she mean by trapped? Aren't I just dreaming?

"Yes you are dreaming dimwit. But aren't dreams a clash between reality and the unknown?" 

I stared confusingly at her "Did you read my mind?" 

She again laughed at me "You're not only weak but also a stupid girl. I am inside you. I am you and you... are me. In time you will release me here and I shall be free again." 

I shook my head. Of course all of this doesn't make sense. I have so many questions. 

Who am I? Who are my parents? Who is this person in front of me claiming that she's me?

"Confusing isn't it? Next time you come back here, you'll know. For now you have to go back to reality. There are people waiting for you." She smiled at me but it looks fucking twisted. 

Just like how Joker smiles. "I won't return here. This isn't real anyways." She stayed smiling and left me thinking about her last words 

"Don't forget about me for I am you. Living inside you." I then found myself free falling just like those dreams that you just suddenly fall from a building, yeah like that. Fuck right?


"AHHHHH!" I shouted and opened my eyes abruptly causing a head ache to occur. 

First that dream then this.

"SHIHO! YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE!" the person exclaimed and hugged me tightly.

I was surprised because she wasn't alone, there were 8 girls around my bed and with tears on their eyes. 

"Hi? What happened?" I asked them and caressed the person hugging me. Instead of having an explanation they all then gave me a hug, yay group hugs. I let them be and let them cry. It makes me sad seeing them cry though I don't know why.

When they regained their composure Jeongyeon-unnie finally spoke, "After your battle with Ryujin, you passed out. You were sleeping for 3 days Shiho. Damn it, you scared the shit out of us." I stared at them. 

I was out for that long? 

I noticed that Dahyun never left my bed and noticed eye bags under her eyes. 

Did she watch over me? I think all of them did.

"Thank you guys. I am okay now don't worry." I smiled at them and shit it caused me pain. 

"Ow! What the fuck?" I exclaimed. 

"You still have the cut Ryujin gave you, we tried to heal you but we couldn't..." Tzuyu suddenly spoke.

As if on cue Mina went to my other side and scooped water from a basin and held my again bleeding cheek. This caused me to look at her. Her eyes are so beautiful it's like I'm looking into the ocean. I could get used to this. I then noticed her moles and I found it cute. 

Her lips, it looks kissable. I can have a taste can't I? I found my self leaning towards her and I was nearing her when suddenly the girls cleared their throats loudly causing Mina to suddenly get away from me. 

"U-uh you're already h-healed." She said looking everywhere except for my eyes. 

"Thank you Mina-neesan."

3rd person POV

"I think its time to open the tournament Sara." The principal said after sipping on her cup of tea.

 The ruler then nodded her head in approval. "Yes, for the last position needed for the BLANK to be completed." 

The principal then smiled widely. "But in one condition, I want Shiho to participate. I want her to prove herself." The ruler gave out her condition.

The latter smiled "Of course, let us judge if she is worthy for our daughters." 

What? The ruler silently thought. 

"Does Sana like her too?" 

The latter smiled at the ruler "Yes, Shiho is the their child right? So most likely she possesses the Homura and you know that my family line has the Yuki."

 Shit. I didn't think of that. The ruler then chuckled "Then may the best girl wins her heart." 

Mina step up your game, you have a lot of opponents.


Little did they know it isn't just Sana and Mina fighting for her attention. There are also 7 girls who wants to claim her too.


Hi guys! I hope Shiho's dream wasn't that confusing. So in case it is, she saw her younger self there and another version of her with a different personality. Don't worry though, they'll be needed in the future chapters too. Please stay safe and healthy guys!

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