
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

(Shiho's POV)

As I sat down Nayeon, I took a quick glance around the room. I noticed that there were only 13 students here including me. That's weird. The other classes have a lot of students except for this class.

"Ms. Nayeon, I would like you to give Sasaki-san a tour around the campus after class hours." Ms. Kuro instructed Nayeon who just nodded in response.

I didn't notice that I was staring at her until she gave me her toothy smile. "Bunny?" I suddenly blurted. Nayeon only smiled wider as I called her bunny.

"Alright class, settle down. Our subject this morning is Elemental Classifications. Can someone tell me the hierarchy of elements?" Ms. Kuro then caught my attention.

Suddenly a girl in front of Nayeon raised her hand. "Yes Ms. Myoui?" she called the said girl. Myoui? As in Myoui Sara's daughter? I thought as I stared at her side profile.

"There are four elements, the first in the hierarchy is Fire, also known as the Element of the Royalties. For the Fire, magic has only been seen from a line of Royalty. The second element is Earth, an element good for offensive and defensive tactics. The third is Water, the only element that can be used for healings. The last is Air, even if it's at the bottom of the hierarchy that doesn't mean that someone who has it is weak." This Myoui girl explained thoroughly. Ms. Kuro then smiled and let her sit down.

"That's right Ms. Myoui, thank you. It is unfortunate to say that since the Destruction of the Earth there were no survivors from the royalties even in the other countries. So, we can conclude that the Fire Magic has been extinct."

I then raised my hand for a question, Ms. Kuro then gestured for me to proceed. "But if it was extinct, why is the Akuma Process like a form of fire magic?" she smiled at my question.

"You're correct Ms. Sasaki, it is still a mystery how and why people undergo the Akuma Process." I was about to ask another thing when the bell suddenly rang indicating that this class was over.

I sat down and sighed deeply while closing my eyes. "Hey, we would like to introduce ourselves to you." A familiar voice said to me. I quickly opened my eyes and was greeted by 8 girls around me.

"I'm Minatozaki Sana, thank you for rescuing me a while ago." I smiled at her introduction.

"Hey new girl, my name is Yoo Jeongyeon." A girl with short hair introduced herself.

"Hirai Momo, I like to eat. Let's eat out sometimes." A girl with bob-cut hair smiled widely at me.

"Yo! Kim Dahyun here!" a girl white as tofu greeted me.

"Son Chaeyoung bro!" A short girl greeted me; she looked like a lion cub with her hair.

"I'm Park Jihyo, the class president." A girl with big round eyes greeted me.

"Hi, Chou Tzuyu." The tall girl smiled widely at me.

"Im Nayeon as I introduced earlier." I was a bit startled at Nayeon's loud voice.

I then looked at the Myoui girl as she was the only one who hadn't introduced herself. Momo who was beside her nudged her side. "Uh, M-Myoui Sharon Mina. It's nice to meet you Shiho." She said while showing her gummy smile. She looks so pretty. All of them are. I thought silently and bowed at them.

"Pleasure to meet all of you!" I then flashed them my toothy smile. I was shocked as Jihyo pinched my cheeks. "You're so cute Shiho!"

"Class settle down please." The next teacher said as he went inside the room.

The girls then hurriedly went to their seats and I looked at Mina. She was also glancing at me and I smiled at her again. Causing her face to redden a bit. Is she blushing? I chuckled silently and returned my attention to the teacher.


(Mina's POV)

Is she THE Sasaki Shiho that I know? Yah, pabo is there anyone else who has her name? I thought. I took a little glance at her and her eyes met my gaze. SHE SMILED AT ME. You'll be the death of me Shi-chan.