
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

(Nayeon's POV)

As the bell rang loudly it indicated that the first day was over. Finally, I've been waiting for this. I looked towards my right and saw Shiho putting her stuff back in her bag. "Shiho are you ready?" I smiled at her.

She looked up at me, "Hai, I'll finish up in a bit. Can you wait for me outside?"

I nodded at her and went outside. There I saw the other girls waiting for me.

"Nayeon-unnie what took you so long?" Chaeyoung asked me while pouting her cheeks.

Aww, our cub looks cute.

"Sorry, you guys can go ahead. I have to tour Shiho, right?" I smiled at them.

They nodded their heads but Mina was the last one to go. She looked at me blankly and said "Take care of her Unnie." And turned her back at me.

Well, that was weird.

"Nayeon, sorry I took a while." Shiho came from my behind while scratching her neck.

I shook my head disapprovingly and told her it was alright. I then started the tour from the class buildings, it has 4 floors each floor to each year level. The next building we went to was the Magic Arts Building, where we conduct our training and some of the competitions happen here also. Then we visited the cafeteria which was near the front lawn. I noticed Shiho was clearly mesmerized by how big the school was, I went closer to her and pinched her cheeks.

"Yah Shiho, why are you so cute?" I asked her while doing aegyo.

"I should also ask the same to you Nayeon." She smiled back and let me pinch her cheeks more.

MygOdjihYo are you flirting back Shiho-ah!

I let go of her cheeks and proceeded to show her around the dorm area. There are 3 dorm buildings here at Shinra Academy. One for boys and another for girls. The last one was for the BLANK members, to which I and the other girls belong to.

"What's BLANK Nayeon?" Shiho asked me and tilted her head to the side. She's so cute I might die early.

"It's a group of talented students that are being trained to become members of Akuma Prevention Force or APF." I smiled at her while explaining.

"Who are the members now?" she asked me again.

"Well, you're talking to one of them now."

She then turned her head so fast at me that I think I heard some of her bones pop. I chuckled at her reaction.

"Yes, and the other members are your classmates also. You know my friends?" Her eyes widened again and opened her mouth in shock.

I went near her and closed her mouth. "A fly might come inside Shiho." I chuckled at her.

I saw her regain her posture and bowed at me. "Thank you for touring me around Nayeon!" she politely exclaimed.

I gestured for her to stand up straight. "No worries Shiho. I enjoyed it. But can I ask you a favor?" I smiled sheepishly.

She nodded her head vigorously. I smiled at her and leaned my head towards hers. Luckily, we were the same height. "Let me kiss you," I whispered seductively near her ear. I can feel that she tensed up.

I then looked at her eyes searching for permission. She nodded slightly and closed her eyes. I smiled widely and proceeded to kiss... her cheeks.

"I will go inside now Shiho. Thank you. See you tomorrow!" I left her quite dumbfounded and went inside the dorm.

I held my chest and closed my eyes as I leaned back at the door.


"YAH! NAYEON-UNNIE! I SAW WHAT YOU DID! I WON'T LOSE TO YOU! I MET HER FIRST!" Sana shouted at me, disturbing my thoughts.

I scoffed at her and told her "Im Nayeon scores 1 and Minatozaki Sana 0." I then went inside the room that I shared with Mina.


(Mina's POV))

Hmph. I heard what you did Nayeon-unnie. You aren't the first one she met, Sana-unnie.

It's me.

She's mine.