
Chapter 1

Her eyes finally submerged from the sleep she had been in for over a century. She opened them and looked around. 

Yes.. she was awake at last. For centuries she'd been waiting. Laying dormant as the world progressed around her. And now it was time to reclaim her rightful throne. 

She sat up from the hard rock that had been her bed. Her back hurt from laying down for so long, and once she stood, her feet were unsteady. 

But she didn't fall. She hadn't fallen back then, and she sure wouldn't do so now. 

Her gown that was once pristine and exquisite was now nothing more than rugs. 

She walked around the cave that she had chosen as her sanctuary. 

How degrading! 

It's was no place for someone of her status! Not even rats were shallow enough to stay in such a fuilthy hole!

But there was no need to worry, she would regain all that was hers. And she would make all those who dared to challenge her pay. 

They would bow down to her. 

Those retched beings had no clue of who they messed with. She narrowed her now dark eyes and smiled. Those petty Angels and Fairies. 

They thought they had won, but soon they would learn. 

It takes more than a silly spell to end her. After all,she was Phoenix. 

She was a goddess.


Angel Nuriel slowly paced the space behind his seat. His wings of snow folded behind him. He stopped, then turned his attention to the group seated in front of him. They were all members of the Council Of Balance. The twelve angels who had been chosen to ensure the continuation of the race. 

And he as their Ruler was obliged to brief them on what was going on. 

He placed his hand on the back of his seat and let his gaze roam from one to the other. Then he cleared his throat locked his fingers together behind his back. 

"I hope you fare well brothers, " he greeted, breaking the silence. 

"We are well, " they all answered in unison. 

"Is there a problem, Sire? " Barin asked. He had brown hair and eyes. And his wings were mostly white except for some brown feathers on the secondary coverts. 

Nuriel knew they were all in fear of what was going on. Normally their meetings were usually to discuss the appropriate actions to take in the ruling of Zalian. The kingdom which he governed. 

But not this time, for what he was to tell them would change everything. 

"Brothers, I believe it is time, " he curtly stated and he could see the confused looks on their faces. 

Then the confusion turned into realisation. 

And the realisation turned into shock and disbelief. 

"Are you certain? " Angel Phalan asked and Nuriels expression hardened. 

"Are you accusing me of deceit, brother? " he asked. They were his allies, the ones he trusted most.But he was still their king. 

"None of us said you were being dishonest, the news just caught us unaware is all, " Angel Kalen intervened. He was always one to make peace. Nuriel nodded before explaining. 

"Lately, for the past few weeks I've been having these.... dreams. I could never see anything clearly but I know it's her, " he stated as he recalled them. They had been waking him up every night. And not in a good way. 

"What does she look like? " Angel Rylan asked and Nuriel narrowed his silver eyes. A sign of his royal blood. 

"I don't know... like I said, they aren't clear. All I can ever see is darkness..."

"Then how do you know it's her? " Angel Barin asked. 

Nuriels jaw clenched " Because I can hear her screams. Her shouts as she begs for mercy! And I can feel her calling out to me! " The others grew silent. 

Nuriel didn't know who had her, but they would pay for daring to hurt her. He had been waiting for her for over three centuries. Three very torturous centuries. He knew that his brothers of the council understood what he was going through. He needed her.His blood boiled to see her, to touch her. She was the one that would finally bring peace back to the land. She carried the key to unlocking the prophecy. 

"Do you know where she is? " Angel Kael asked and Nuriel let out a breath. His dreams had also provided him with a location. Though it was one that even he couldn't explain. 

"Yes. She's in the planet with the yellow sun. She is on earth. "

As expected, everything started mumbling in confusion. 

"Earth? " One asked

"Surely that must be a mistake.. " another commented

"How would she have ended up there? " another asked. 

"Silence! " Nuriel commanded as he planted his fist in the table they were all seated around. They all did as asked but their faces still portrayed what their minds were thinking. 

"I understand your confusion. I am in just as much shock. But I know with absolute certainty that I'm correct. "

Angel Victor, the head of his army sighed. " If that's the case, then how do you plan on getting to her? " he asked .Nuriel sat on his chair at the head of the table. 

"I have enlisted the help of Elva, the kingdoms appointed Portal Maker, " Elva had never made a portal to go that far but Nuriel trusted that she would be able to do it. It was why he had hired her specifically. She had skills in Portal Making unlike any he'd ever witnessed. Both in his kingdom and others. 

"And when are you planning on going to get her? " Rylan asked and Nuriels expression didn't alter. 

"Tonight. " he said. Then they started making plans on what would be done. They might have been shocked at first but he could tell that that was turning into excitement and relief. 

The thirteen of them were the only angels remaining. The only ones who could ensure that the race didn't die with them as the last. But they couldn't bond with any female. 

They all had a chosen one. And until they found the one chosen to be yours, they would never be at peace. 

It was like living with a hole in your soul. Waking up each time and feeling incomplete. But the fact that Nuriel had found his meant that they would all be bonded soon. 

In just a few hours he would find his missing piece.

She was his Doseth. 

She was his mate. 

"It's only a matter of time..... then I shall have her. " he told himself. The fact filling him with eagerness.